Информационно-коммуникационные технологии 2 страница< variant> processor powered the original IBM PC
< question1> The Linux platform < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system. < variant> is based on the original IBM PC < variant> is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. < variant> processor powered the original IBM PC. < variant> is Intel’s chief rival in the PC chip market.
< question1> Intel’s 8088 < variant> processor powered the original IBM PC. < variant> is based on the original IBM PC < variant> is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system. < variant> is Intel’s chief rival in the PC chip market.
< question1> AMD < variant> is Intel’s chief rival in the PC chip market. < variant> is based on the original IBM PC < variant> is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system. < variant> processor powered the original IBM PC.
< question1> ARM < variant> processors are designed and licensed by a British technology company founded by Acorn Computers, Apple Inc., and VLSI Technology < variant> is based on the original IBM PC < variant> is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. < variant> uses a standard PC or Mac to run operating system. < variant> processor powered the original IBM PC.
< question1> A storage medium < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface < variant> is a technologies CD, DVD, and Bluray
< question1> A storage device < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium. < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface < variant> is a technologies CD, DVD, and Bluray
< question1> The term storage technology < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface < variant> is a technologies CD, DVD, and Bluray
< question1> Magnetic storage < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> is a technologies CD, DVD, and Bluray
< question1> Оptical storage < variant> is a technologies CD, DVD, and Bluray < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface
< question1> Solid state storage < variant> is a technology that stores data in erasable, rewritable circuitry, rather than on spinning disks or streaming tape < variant> is the disk tape, CD, DVD, paper, or other substance that contains dat < variant> < variant> is the mechanical apparatus that records and retrieves data from a storage medium < variant> refers to a storage device and the media it uses. < variant> stores data by magnetizing microscopic particles on a disk or tape surface
< question1> Music software < variant> offers many ways to work with music, sound effects, and narration from your desktop, laptop, or handheld computer. < variant> provides a set of tools for creating video productions from raw footage < variant> is designed to help you create, manipulate, and print graphics < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye.
< question1> Video editing software < variant> provides a set of tools for creating video productions from raw footage < variant> is designed to help you create, manipulate, and print graphics < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics
< question1> Graphics software < variant> is designed to help you create, manipulate, and print graphics < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects
< question1> Paint software < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects < variant> is a special type of 3-D graphics software designed for architects and engineers who use computers to create blueprints and product specifications.
< question1> Photo editing software < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects < variant> is a special type of 3-D graphics software designed for architects and engineers who use computers to create blueprints and product specifications.
< question1> Drawing software < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects < variant> is a special type of 3-D graphics software designed for architects and engineers who use computers to create blueprints and product specifications.
< question1> 3-D graphics software < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics < variant> is a special type of 3-D graphics software designed for architects and engineers who use computers to create blueprints and product specifications.
< question1> CAD software < variant> is a special type of 3-D graphics software designed for architects and engineers who use computers to create blueprints and product specifications. < variant> provides a set of electronic pens, brushes, and paints for painting images on the screen. < variant> includes features specially designed to fix poor-quality photos by modifying contrast and brightness, cropping out unwanted objects, and removing red eye. < variant> provides a set of lines, shapes, and colors that can be assembled into diagrams, corporate logos, and schematics < variant> provides a set of tools for creating wireframes that represent three-dimensional objects
< question1> A mapping application < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters, as well as information about each location < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> is designed for analyzing large sets of data to discover relationships and patterns
< question1> Location-based software < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> is designed for analyzing large sets of data to discover relationships and patterns
< question1> Accounting software < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters, as well as information about each location < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> is designed for analyzing large sets of data to discover relationships and patterns
< question1> Statistical software < variant> is designed for analyzing large sets of data to discover relationships and patterns < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters, as well as information about each location < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems.
< question1> Mathematical modeling software < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters, as well as information about each location < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> helps to create programe
< question1> Desktop publishing software < variant> takes word processing to the next level by providing professional tools for producing typeset-quality documents. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses. < variant> is able to access your current location and use it to show you the closest shops, restaurants, and theaters, as well as information about each location < variant> helps a business keep track of the money flowing into and out of various accounts. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems.
< question1> Utility software < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establish communication with a computer < variant> is a collection of programs that typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database modules. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses.
< question1> A device driver < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establish communication with a computer. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> is a collection of programs that typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database modules. < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses.
< question1> An office suite < variant> is a collection of programs that typically include word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database modules. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> is software that helps a peripheral device establish communication with a computer < variant> provides tools for solving a wide range of math, science, and engineering problems. < variant> displays satellite, aerial, or street maps used to locate places and get directions between two addresses.
< question1> Word processing software < variant> has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents, including reports, letters, memos, papers, and book manuscripts. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> provides tools to create electronic spreadsheets. < variant> helps you enter, find, organize, update, and report information stored in a database. < variant> supplies the tools for combining text, photos, clip art, graphs, animations, and sound into a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector
< question1> Spreadsheet software < variant> provides tools to create electronic spreadsheets. < variant> has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents, including reports, letters, memos, papers, and book manuscripts. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> helps you enter, find, organize, update, and report information stored in a database. < variant> supplies the tools for combining text, photos, clip art, graphs, animations, and sound into a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector
< question1> Database software < variant> helps you enter, find, organize, update, and report information stored in a database. < variant> has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents, including reports, letters, memos, papers, and book manuscripts. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> provides tools to create electronic spreadsheets. < variant> supplies the tools for combining text, photos, clip art, graphs, animations, and sound into a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector
< question1> Presentation software < variant> supplies the tools for combining text, photos, clip art, graphs, animations, and sound into a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector. < variant> has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents, including reports, letters, memos, papers, and book manuscripts. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> provides tools to create electronic spreadsheets. < variant> helps you enter, find, organize, update, and report information stored in a database.
< question1> An operating system < variant> is a type of system software that acts as the master controller for all activities that take place within a computer system < variant> supplies the tools for combining text, photos, clip art, graphs, animations, and sound into a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector < variant> has replaced typewriters for producing many types of documents, including reports, letters, memos, papers, and book manuscripts. < variant> is designed to help you monitor and configure settings for your digital gear, its operating system, or application software. < variant> provides tools to create electronic spreadsheets.
< question1> Page layout < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a pag < variant> These elements might include margins, page numbers, header text and footer text < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text < variant> is measured as point size, abbreviated pt. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots < variant> that marks misspelled words in a document
< question1> Paragraph style < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a pag < variant> These elements might include margins, page numbers, header text and footer text < variant> is measured as point size, abbreviated pt. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots < variant> that marks misspelled words in a document
< question1> Font size < variant> is measured as point size, abbreviated pt < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a pag < variant> These elements might include margins, page numbers, header text and footer text < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots < variant> that marks misspelled words in a document
< question1> A grammar checker < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a pag < variant> These elements might include margins, page numbers, header text and footer text < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text < variant> is measured as point size, abbreviated pt. < variant> that marks misspelled words in a document
< question1> A spelling checker < variant> that marks misspelled words in a document < variant> refers to the physical position of each element on a pag < variant> These elements might include margins, page numbers, header text and footer text < variant> includes the alignment of text within the margins and the space between each line of text < variant> is measured as point size, abbreviated pt. < variant> reads through your document and points out potential grammatical trouble spots
< question1> An absolute reference ih the worksheet < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations. < variant> is a number that you want to use in a calculation
< question1> A relative reference ih the worksheet < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations. < variant> is a number that you want to use in a calculation
< question1> This automatic recalculation ih the worksheet < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations. < variant> is a number that you want to use in a calculation
< question1> A formula ih the worksheet < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations. < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> is a number that you want to use in a calculation
< question1> A value ih the worksheet < variant> is a number that you want to use in a calculation < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations.
< question1> A worksheet < variant> is based on a grid of columns and rows. < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations.
< question1> The cell in the grid of the worksheet < variant> can contain a value, label, or formula < variant> never changes when you insert rows, or copy or move formulas. < variant> that is, a reference that can change from B4 to B3 < variant> feature ensures that the results in every cell are accurate for the information currently entered in the worksheet. < variant> works behind the scenes to tell the computer how to use the contents of cells in calculations.
< question1> Power up. < variant> When you turn on the power switch, the power light is illuminated, and power is distributed to the computer circuitry. < variant> The microprocessor begins to execute the bootstrap program that is stored in ROM. < variant> The computer performs diagnostic tests of several crucial system components. < variant> The computer identifies any peripheral devices that are connected and checks their settings. < variant> If necessary, the operating system is copied from the hard disk to RAM.
< question1> Start boot program. < variant> The microprocessor begins to execute the bootstrap program that is stored in ROM. < variant> When you turn on the power switch, the power light is illuminated, and power is distributed to the computer circuitry. < variant> The computer performs diagnostic tests of several crucial system components. < variant> The computer identifies any peripheral devices that are connected and checks their settings. < variant> If necessary, the operating system is copied from the hard disk to RAM
< question1> Power-on self-test. < variant> The computer performs diagnostic tests of several crucial system components. < variant> When you turn on the power switch, the power light is illuminated, and power is distributed to the computer circuitry. < variant> The microprocessor begins to execute the bootstrap program that is stored in ROM. < variant> The computer identifies any peripheral devices that are connected and checks their settings. < variant> If necessary, the operating system is copied from the hard disk to RAM
< question1> Identify peripheral devices. < variant> The computer identifies any peripheral devices that are connected and checks their settings. < variant> When you turn on the power switch, the power light is illuminated, and power is distributed to the computer circuitry. < variant> The microprocessor begins to execute the bootstrap program that is stored in ROM. < variant> The computer performs diagnostic tests of several crucial system components.