Chapter Twenty-three 35 страница
[3] tataś ca tad-artham anurahasaṁ nā nā -devatā m arthayamā nā vyartham iva bhramanti sma |
They would pray to various devatā s for attaining Kṛ ṣ ṇ a when alone. They wandered about with no aim.
[4] prā rthanā ceyaṁ —
vrajeś itroḥ sadma vā saḥ paraṁ ś vasuratā nayoḥ |
kṛ ṣ ṇ a eva patir bhū yā n mama janmani janmani ||2|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
They prayed “May we live in the house of Nanda and Yaś odā and may they be our father-in-law and mother-in-law. May Kṛ ṣ ṇ a be our husband birth after birth. ”
[5] tataś ca kadā cit kā lindī m anu parasparaṁ vindamā nā babhū vuḥ |
One day the young girls met together and went to the bank of the Yamunā.
[6] yuktaṁ ca tat, yataḥ —
ekaṁ padam uddeś yaṁ
bhavati samantā d bahū nā ṁ cet |
vividha-bhuvā m api teṣ ā ṁ
milanaṁ ghaṭ ate yathā sa-tī rthā nā m ||3|| [udgī ti]
This was suitable.
Though many students study under one guru, their goal is one and they gather at one place. The girls of various births, being friends, gathered together in one place with the same goal.
[7] militā nā ṁ tā sā ṁ parasparaṁ hā rdam api jā tam | tathā hi—
diś i diś i jā tā ḥ snigdhā vyatimilitā ḥ suṣ ṭ hu bibhrati sneham |
medura-mudira-samū he muhur api yasmā t tathā dṛ ṣ ṭ am ||4|| [ā ryā ]
When they gathered together their sentiments became one.
Though born in various places, they all had affection for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, just as, when thick clouds gather together, there is rain.
[8] tatra jā te cā sauhā rde hā rdam api parasparaṁ vyaktam | yataḥ —
hnutam apy ekā ś rayiṇ ā ṁ
hṛ dayaṁ vyaktiṁ mitho yā ti |
tat tu vyatimilitaṁ ced
vada tarhi syā t pidhā naṁ kim? ||5|| [upagī ti]
Though sometimes they were unfriendly to each other, now they showed great friendship because: though they hid their hearts when among their elders they revealed their hearts to each other. How could they hide their hearts when they met together?
[9] tataś ca parasparaṁ hṛ d-bā ṣ pam udgī rṇ avatī nā ṁ dṛ g-bā ṣ pam api vikī rṇ avatī nā ṁ tā sā ṁ daś ā nta-daś ā -vaś ā ṅ gatayā sambhā vyamā nā nā m anukṣ aṇ aṁ sukhā -kā ṅ kṣ iṇ ī pā rikā ṅ kṣ iṇ ī -veś a-viś eṣ aṁ vindamā nā tatra vṛ ndā gatā |
When they revealed their hearts to each other, tears flowed from their eyes and their bodies fainted. Observing them and desiring their happiness, Vṛ ndā approached them, wearing the cloth of a mendicant.
[10] sā hy evaṁ purā cintitavatī —rā ga eva khalv ā sā ṁ vrajanā garasya tasya samā gamā ya vā g-agocara-ś akti-bhā g avasī yate |
[11] rā gaś ca loka-rī ti-maya-praṇ ayata eva jā garū katayā garī yā n varī vartī ti devatā ntarā rā dhanam eva sā dhayitavyam, na tu tad-ā rā dhanam iti |
Previously Vṛ ndā had thought “All these young girls have attraction to meet Kṛ ṣ ṇ a but they cannot express this. Attraction arises from conventional affection and becomes strong when it awakens. They should worship a devatā, and not worship him. ”
[12] athā gamya ca tat-kṛ tā bhivā dana-sva-kṛ tā bhivadana-vidhau labdha-vidhau sā bhidadhā ti sma—
She was welcomed and blessed them. After the formalities she began to speak:
[13] aham atraiva vane vasantī bhavatī nā ṁ bhā vavatī nā m avasthā ḥ paś yantī dayā -vidī rṇ a-hṛ dayā samā yā tā smi | tad iyaṁ mama siddhā vidyā sva-karṇ ā nubiddhā vidhī yatā m | nā tiprayā sa-bhā vitatā ca bhavatī nā ṁ bhavitā, kintu mā sa-mā tram atra ś ramā bhā saḥ |
[14] sā khalu mantra-mayī yogamā yā mayā dayā vatī sā dhitā stī ti |
“O young girls! I live in this forest. Seeing your attraction for Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, I have come with a heart laden with compassion. I have a method for achieving your goals. Please hear about it carefully. You can accomplish this without great endeavor, but you must practice with a little endeavor for one month. I have mastered that compassionate, magical method endowed with mantras. ”
[15] tad evaṁ tā sā ṁ karṇ a-vivaram anu mantra-varṇ ā n nidhivan nidhā ya tad-vidhim api sa-vidhim abhidhā ya mudā ntar-hitavatī sā ntarhitavatī | tataś ca tā s tad-upadeś a-lagnā ḥ parama-sukha-magnā babhū vuḥ |
Just as one places the nidhi gem in a particular place, Vṛ ndā placed the mantra in the ears of the girls, taught them the method of worship, and feeling satisfied within, disappeared. Attached to her teachings, the girls became absorbed in the highest bliss.
yataḥ —
nityaṁ tā vad analpa-rā ga-mahimā sarvaṁ sahā yī yati
prā pnoty eṣ a tu yogya-kalpam atha ced dhatte sad-ullā sitā m |
tasmiṁ s tā dṛ g abhū d guruḥ svayam asau ś aktiḥ parā vaiṣ ṇ avī
pū jyā mantra-varaś ca vā ñ chita-dharas tā sā m itaḥ kiṁ sukham? ||6|| [ś ā rdū la]
The greatness of profuse rā ga assisted all of them constantly and they had attained a method for fulfilling their desires. Thus they experienced pure bliss. The supreme Vaiṣ ṇ avī -ś akti, most worshipable, was their guru for anurā ga. The best of mantras would fulfill their desires. What other happiness could they desire?
[16] ataevā mū r viś ramya mā rgaś ī rṣ ī ya-ś irṣ ā yā mā ṇ atā -labhya-pratipadam ā rabhya saṁ gatya vratam ā rabdhavatyaḥ | yatrā ruṇ a-kṛ tā ruṇ a-guṇ a-prasaram avasaram anu parasparaṁ gṛ ha-visarataḥ samā kā raṇ ā parā vyatibaddha-karā yamunā -gamana-tat-parā gā na-parā yaṇ ā babhū vuḥ; yatra paraspara-parī hā sa-prā yatayā nijā bhiprā yaṁ vyañ jayā mā suḥ |
The young girls began the vow on the first day of Agrahā yaṇ a month with a saṅ kalpa. Leaving their houses together four daṇ ḍ as before sunrise, they went to the bank of the Yamunā while holding hands and singing. While going, they joked and revealed their intentions.
yathā —
tvā m upayantā sakhi vanamā lī |
sakala-ś ubhā kara-vara-guṇ a-ś ā lī ||dhru ||
yatra vraja-patir ita-rucir ucitā m
vā rtā ṁ cā layitā sukha-sacitā m ||a||
O friend! The form of all auspiciousness, wearing a garland and endowed with the best qualities, will marry you. Nanda, pleased with this, is spreading the joyful news.
ś rutvā tat tava mā tara-pitarau
sukham ayitā rau kṛ ta-dhana-vitarau |
harir api mudam iha hṛ di gopayitā
sakhibhir narmaṇ i yaḥ kopayitā ||b||
On hearing the news, your mother and father become joyful and distribute wealth. Hiding his joy within, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a will make you angry with joking words sent through friends.
gaṇ aka-nidiṣ ṭ a-tare sudinā he
veś aṁ dhā syati sa nijavivā he |
nī la-rucī -cita-gaura-dukū lam
ghana-capalā bhirucā m iva mū lam ||c||
After the match maker decides the auspicious day, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a will don new cloth for his wedding. His dark complexion mixing with the gold color of his cloth is like the cloud with lightning bolts, the basis of all beauty.
antara-vasanaga-kañ cuka-pī taṁ
citra-pracchada-ruci-parivī tam |
mukuṭ a-kirī ṭ a-tirī ṭ a-virā jam
alakā vali-maṇ i-citraka-bhā jam ||d||
He has a yellow vest which sparkles with various colors. He wears a crown, head ornaments and turban and has jewels in his locks of hair. He wears tilaka.
kuṇ ḍ ala-maṇ ḍ ita-gaṇ ḍ a-vibhā gam
tā mbū la-cchavi-jid-adhara-surā gam |
adharā vṛ taye kara-dhṛ ta-celam
graiveyakam anukṛ ta-maṇ i-melam ||e||
Earrings decorate his cheeks. His lips become reddened with betel stains, and he covers his lips with a cloth held in his hand. He has a necklace on his throat.
sā ṅ gada-kaṅ kaṇ a-mudrika-hastam
ā vā paka-dhṛ ti-valayita-ś astam |
hā ravalita-hṛ di dhṛ ta-maṇ i-rā jam
vanamā lā dika-mā lya-samā jam ||f||
He has armlets, bracelets and rings on his fingers and a colored thread on his wrist. On his heart are a necklace and the Kaustubha. He wears many garlands.
maṇ imaya-ś ṛ ṅ khala-lasad-avalagnam
caraṇ a-vibhū ṣ aṇ a-gaṇ a-ruci-magnam |
veṣ e cā sminn etad apū rvam
yat tu na dṛ ṣ ṭ aṁ kvacana ca pū rvam ||g||
He has a shining belt with jewels on his waist and ornaments on his feet. No one has ever seen such remarkable dressing.
aṅ gaṁ bhū ṣ aṇ am api kila sarvam
sarvā bharaṇ aṁ svayam iti garvam |
atha maṇ i-ś akaṭ ā dhiṣ ṭ hitam etam
kalayiṣ yanti suhṛ dbhir upetam ||h||
He is the ornament for all those ornaments and limbs. Such pride is acceptable. The people watched him arrive on a jeweled cart surrounded by friends.
taṁ janyā nā ṁ ś akaṭ a-parī tam
kusumair varṣ iṣ yanti sagī tam |
ś akaṭ a-dhvani-yuta-vā dya-ś atena
mudam ā psyati sa svayam api tena ||i||
They shower him with flowers while he sits on the cart and they sing songs. He is pleased with the sound of the cart and hundreds of instruments.
tad-dhvani-kalanā t tava sakhi cittam
dhṛ tam api yatnā d bhavitā bhittam |
sa yadā gantā dvā ra-sadeś am
sakhi visṛ jeḥ sukha-mū rcchā -veś am ||j||
O friend! On hearing the tumultuous sounds of the marriage your heart will become agitated. O friend! When he arrives at your door, you faint in bliss.
tam upavrajitā sā tava goṣ ṭ hī strī
tatir api gā syati bimboṣ ṭ hī |
upayā naṁ tad-vā dya-vitā nam
gā li-prā yaṁ tad api ca gā nam ||k||
O friend! Your relatives will approach the groom and women with red lips will sing. The instrumentalists will approach the groom and the songs will be loud.
sā rā trika-nirmañ chana-dṛ ṣ ṭ iṁ
kartā ras te sa-kusuma-vṛ ṣ ṭ im |
maṇ ḍ apa-varam upanī te ś yā me
sukha-sammardo bhavitā rā me ||l||
The women will approach, perform ā ratrika and sprinkle flowers. O beautiful girl! When Kṛ ṣ ṇ a comes to the pavilion your happiness will increase.
gopendrā dika-gaṇ a-pū jā m anu
narma-kutū halam udayed varatanu |
pū rvaṁ vidhim api kṛ tvā sadvidhi
ā neṣ yanti tvā m iha sahanidhi ||m||
Beautiful girl! After Nanda and others have been worshipped, there will be much joking. Having followed the preliminary rules, they will bring you to Kṛ ṣ ṇ a along with many gems.
vara-puratas tvā ṁ ś ithilitagā trī m
sthā payitā raḥ priya-rati-pā trī m |
tā tas tava karam atha dadhad abalam
grā hayitā vara-karam anu sajalam ||n||
They will bring you, whose limbs are weak because of love, in front of him. Your father will take your weak hand and join it with Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s hand using water.
tatra ca bhavatī sumukhi sukhena
kim bhaviteti jñ ā tā kena? |
kiṁ bahunā, tava kara-saṁ yamanam
kṛ tam iva paś yā my amunā kamanam ||o||7|| iti | [mā trā samakā ]
Beautiful faced girl! No one will understand your great happiness. What more can I say? I see that he has accepted your attractive hand.
[17] tad evaṁ yamunā ṁ prā pya drutam eva gā naṁ samā pya velā yā ṁ bā lya-cā palyena kalye projjhita-celā eva mithaḥ kṛ ta-melā velā yā ṁ nimajjanti sma | nimajjya ca—kauṣ eyatayā kṣ ā lanā ṁ vinā pi na pariheyam iti tad eva celaṁ paridhā ya sevyā yā devyā ḥ saikatā m arcā m arcitā ṁ vidhā ya mantram anusandhā ya dhā ma samā yā nti sma |
Coming to the Yamunā, quickly finishing their songs, they shed their garments on the bank of the river in the early morning with childish flurry and, coming together, submerged themselves in the water. Because they wore silk, that cloth was not rejected without being washed again. They put on the cloth, made a worshipable deity of Kā tyā yanī out of sand, chanted mantras and returned to their houses.
[18] tad evaṁ tā van mā saṁ yā vad vidhā ya tat-pū raka-dinaṁ vratasyā pi pū rakaṁ jā tam iti paramā nanda-pū raṇ ataḥ sū rajā -pū ram anu dū ranirjanatā -jā ta-nirvrī ḍ atayā kṣ aṇ am akrī ḍ an |
For one month they performed this vow. On the last day, when the vow was to be completed, in great bliss they went to the bank of the Yamunā and played in the water for a few moments without bashfulness, since the place was isolated and far off from habitation.
[19] tad evaṁ pū rva-pū rvaṁ jā nan vraja-rā ja-nandanas tuṣ ṭ a-manā ḥ kumā ra-catuṣ ṭ ayam anuvidhaṁ vidhā ya tatra prasthā ya guptam upta-cittatayā tā ḥ paś yati sma |
Understanding what they were doing for a month, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a took four young boys with him and went there secretly, watching them while offering his heart to them.
[20] ye khalu dā ma-sudā ma-vasudā ma-kiṅ kiṇ i-saṁ jñ ā s tasya prajñ ā haṅ kā ra-citta-manasā ṁ bahiḥ -prakā ś atayā labdha-samajñ ā s tantra-vijñ ā tṛ bhir vijñ ā yante, ta ete hi kumā rā jā ta-catuḥ -pañ ca-varṣ ā ḥ paraspara-savayaskatā -dhṛ ta-harṣ ā ḥ kṛ ṣ ṇ ā d anudinam ā sā dita-prema-varṣ ā ś calanā rambhata eva—kutra yā maḥ? iti pṛ cchanta eva gacchantaḥ kṛ ta-tat-saṅ gam ā gacchanti sma |
The wise understand that Dā ma, Sudā ma, Vasudā ma and Kiṅ kini are the external manifestations of Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s mind, intelligence, citta and ahaṅ kā ra. When they turned five years old they received a shower of prema from Kṛ ṣ ṇ a every day and became joyful in association of others their same age. They went along with him, asking “Where are we going? ”
tad evaṁ —
saṅ ge vidhā ya caturaś caturaḥ kumā rā n
ā gamya tatra kara-vā rita-tat-prahā saḥ |
namrī bhavann alam alakṣ itatā ṁ prapadya
sadyas tad-aṁ ś uka-cayaṁ sa harir jahā ra ||8|| [vasantatilakā ]
Clever Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, taking company of the four boys, arrived at the Yamunā and signaled them to stop laughing with a gesture of his hand. Bending down, while the girls could not see, he stole their clothing.
hṛ tvā sa satvara-kadamba-nagā dhiroha-
pū rvaṁ sa-ḍ imbha-nikaraḥ sphuṭ am ujjahā sa |
ś rutvā prahā sam atha gopa-kumā rikā ṇ ā ṁ
vargaḥ samaṁ sabhayam ū rdhvita-dṛ ṣ ṭ ir ā sī t ||9|| [vasanta]
Taking the clothes he quickly climbed in a kadamba tree and began laughing along with the boys. Hearing the laughing, the young girls all together looked up in fear.
gambhī ra-svara-saṅ gataṁ tad-itarā nudbhā vya-bhavya-ś riyaṁ
hā saṁ taṁ paricitya bā lya-valitā s tā ḥ prekṣ ya cā nyo’nyataḥ |
vastrā ṇ y apy anabhī kṣ ya tatra vidhṛ tā ny uccaṁ tu vakṣ aḥ -sthalaṁ
kṛ tvā nī cam udakta-vaktram udake nyak-cakrire padminī ḥ |10||
[ś ā rdū la-vikrī ḍ itam]
Hearing the deep throated laugh, whose supreme excellence was appreciated by others around him, the girls glanced at each other. Not seeing their clothing where they left it, they submerged their bodies in the water up to their necks, appearing like lotuses.
atalina-nalina-vanā nā ṁ bhramam iha cakrur mukhā ni tā sā ṁ na |
hemante tad-ayogā t kintu nyak-kā ram evā tra ||11|| [ā ryā ]
The faces of the girls could not be mistaken for lotuses, since they derided the forest of lotuses, for no lotuses blossomed in the winter season.
tataś ca,
kṣ aṇ am adhi jala-madhyaṁ tasthur ā namra-netrā ḥ
punar udayati ś ī te’drā kṣ ur etā ḥ kadambam |
api harir adhiś ā khaṁ gupta-mū rtiḥ purā sī t
punar avṛ tim ayā sī c cā tma-lakṣ ā ya tā bhiḥ ||12|| [mā linī ]
The girls remained with downcast eyes for some time in the water. They then glanced at the kadamba tree when the chill became intense. Previously Kṛ ṣ ṇ a hid himself behind the branches, but now he made himself visible.
tā sā ṁ jalastha-vapuṣ ā ṁ vadaneṣ u kṛ ṣ ṇ a-
syā rū ḍ ha-nī paka-taroḥ sahasā dṛ g-antaḥ |
padmeṣ u padmapa-kalā m adadhā d amuṣ min
yā sā ṁ ca nī rabhṛ ti cā takarī tim ā pa ||13|| [vasantatilakā ]
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a’s glance at the faces of the girls with their bodies submerged in water was like a bee within a lotus. The girls gazed at Kṛ ṣ ṇ a just as a cā taka bird gazes at a cloud.
tataś ca—
uccakair jahasur bā lā ś cukruś us tatra bā likā ḥ |
ū cuś cedaṁ tu vaḥ kṛ tyaṁ vrajā dṛ tyaṁ bhaviṣ yati ||14|| [anu]
The young boys laughed loudly and the young girls became angry. The boys said “Stealing your clothes will become respected in Vraja. ”
[21] atha kṛ ṣ ṇ ena muhur api ś ikṣ itā bā lā ḥ procuḥ |
With Kṛ ṣ ṇ a giving them constant instructions, the young boys spoke.
[22] tatra prathamaṁ, yathā —
kṛ tyaṁ vā kim akṛ tyaṁ vā na vidmo vayam aṇ v api |
ś ikṣ ā rthaṁ kintu vaḥ prā ptā vī kṣ yā jñ ā siṣ ma tat punaḥ ||15|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
First they said “We do not know at all whether our action is permissible or not. But we came to teach you, since we have understood our lessons. ”
[23] atha sarvā ḥ salajjaṁ parasparam ī kṣ itvā punar ū cuḥ —
yaḥ kaś cic chikṣ akas tasmā d bhavadbhiḥ suṣ ṭ hu ś ikṣ itam |
abhyasyatha vraje tac ca sva-guror mā na-vṛ ddhaye ||16|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Looking at each other with shame the girls said “You have learned well from some teacher. Please practice teaching in Vraja to gain the respect of your teacher. ”
[24] punas tac-chikṣ itā ḍ imbhā ḥ procuḥ —
kimartho’yam upā lambhas tan na vidmas tu kiñ cana |
bhavatyo jala-cā riṇ yo vayaṁ vṛ kṣ ā gra-gā minaḥ ||17|| [anu]
Again the boys, on being instructed by Kṛ ṣ ṇ a, spoke. “We do not know why you are scolding us. You are aquatic beings and we reside in the trees. ”
[25] tā ū cuḥ —
vikrā ntir luṇ ṭ hatā ṁ yogyā yad vaḥ ś ā khā gragā mitā |
dī natā luṇ ṭ hitā nā ṁ syā d yan naḥ salilagā hitā ||18|| [anu]
The girls said “One should criticize the acts of you thieves sitting on the edges of the tree’s branches. Since our clothes have been stolen we are suffering from being submerged in the water. ”
[26] atha ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ svayam eva sa-kopa-vismayam iva vakti sma—kiṁ luṇ ṭ hitaṁ bhavatī nā m?
Then Kṛ ṣ ṇ a himself spoke with feigned anger and astonishment. “What did we steal from you? ”
[27] tā ū cuḥ —aho bata! katham asmā kam asaṅ khyatayā duḥ saṁ varam ambaraṁ saṁ varaṇ am ā padyate?
The girls said “Ah! We are many. Why are you trying to hide our clothing (ambara) with great difficulty? ”
[28] ś rī -kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—bhavatī nā m ambarā varaṇ atā vidyata eva, tad ambaraṁ vā katham apahā reṇ a saṁ valanam avalambatā m?
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “You are certainly covered by the sky (ambara). Why are you saying that I have stolen the sky? ”
[29] tā ū cuḥ —
ambaram apy ambaratā m ā sā dayituṁ tavā sti sā marthyam |
iha dā modara cauryaṁ kiyad iva ś auryaṁ samarpayatu? ||19|| [ā ryā ]
They said “O Dā modara! You have the power to make cloth (ambara) become sky (ambara). How much bravery will you gain by stealing in this isolated place? ”
[30] atha kṛ ṣ ṇ aḥ sa-smayam ā ha sma—na nagnā etā ḥ pā thasi magnā ḥ | tad idaṁ tu mayā parihasitam eva | dṛ ṣ ṭ aṁ bhavadbhir duṣ ṭ hu-prakṛ tī nā m ā kṛ ti-mā tra-suṣ ṭ hutā -yutā nā m ā sā m anuṣ ṭ hitam; yan madī yā ny eva ś astā ni vastrā ṇ i vihā rataḥ samasta-vyastatayā yatra tatra visrastā ni | tā ny etā daridrā ṇ ā ṁ kanyā ḥ sphuṭ am anyā yatayā paricitya ca vicitya paridadhā nā, mā dṛ ś as tu dṛ ś aḥ sakā ś ā d gopanaṁ kā mayamā nā bā ḍ haṁ jalam evā vagā ḍ hā ḥ | yā ni khalv atisvacchā nā ṁ tigma-cchavi-kanyā -jalā nā m antar apracchannā ny eva lakṣ yante, yā ny eva cā sā ṁ jala-magna-pratyaṅ ga-lagnā ni svarṇ a-savarṇ a-varṇ ā ni varṇ ā iva nirvarṇ yante | tasmā t plavanta eva bhavantaḥ pratyekam etā ḥ kara-gṛ hī ta-karā ḥ samā nayantā m |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a spoke in a gentle voice. “These girls are not naked, but are covered with water. I am laughing at that. You can see that they have bad character and are gentle in behaviour only superficially. These poverty stricken girls are unlawfully eyeing our clothing that we have thrown about while playing. They cover themselves in water while thinking which piece of cloth is most suitable for them, while desiring a private place far from our eyes to put on that cloth. You can clearly see their golden cloth in the clear water of the Yamunā which clings to the various limbs of their bodies, appearing like groups of letters. Go quickly to the water and take the girls out by grabbing their hands. ”
[31] tad etad avadhā rya tī ra-paryantam avatī rya sambhrama-pratī kṣ itā lpa-kā lā n kṛ ṣ ṇ ā jñ ā -pā lā n bā lā n amū ḥ pratyū cuḥ —
Understanding his order, the boys went to the bank and stood waiting for a moment out of respect. The girls addressed the boys.
[32] kathaṁ stambham avalambadhve? niḥ ś aṅ kam eva saṅ krā mata |
“Why are you standing there stunned? Come close without fear. ”
[33] sakhī ḥ prati ca prā vocan—atraivā nī ya pā nī ya-vā sa-sukhaṁ luṇ ṭ hā kā n etā n ā kuṇ ṭ ham ā sā dayata |
The girls spoke to their friends. “O friends! Bring these thieves into the water and dunk them. ”
[34] atha tā n prati ca—
ā hara-vasanā m ā hara- vanitā ṁ yasmā t kriyā ṁ sadā dhī dhve |
kā tyā yanī -prasā dā t tam api vikarṣ ā ma toyā ntaḥ ||20|| [ā ryā ]
They spoke to the boys. “We can pull the person who taught you how to steal women’s belts and clothing into the water by the mercy of Kā tyā yanī, what to speak of pulling you in. ”
[35] atha tad etac chrutavanta eva drutavantaḥ skhalanta iva nī pa-tarv-antam ā sadya sadyas tam eva tarum ā ruruhuḥ |
Hearing this, the boys stumbled back to the kadamba tree and quickly climbed up.
[36] kṛ ṣ ṇ as tu sa-hā saṁ spaṣ ṭ am idam abhyacaṣ ṭ e—aho, ś ubhaṁ yū yamā nā nā m ā sā m ahaṁ yutā bhavatī nā ṁ bhavatu, paś yā mas tatra-bhavatī ṣ u devatā -prabhā vam | yā vad eva tad etam udavā sam urī kṛ tya bhavatyas tiṣ ṭ hanti, tā vad vayam api dhṛ ta-niṣ ṭ hā s taror upariṣ ṭ ā d eva nabho-vā sam urarī kṛ tya tiṣ ṭ hā ma |
Laughing, Kṛ ṣ ṇ a addressed them clearly. “Ah! You are playing in this place like auspicious women. Let your pride remain. I see that the devatā s are merciful to you. As long as you remain living in the water we are determined to stay on the top of this tree, living in the air. ”
[37] atha tatra tad-uttaram urarī -kurvatyaḥ sarvā ḥ saś leṣ am ā tma-hṛ d-gatam udgamayā mā suḥ —
na nā deya-bhayaṁ tasya tarau yasya bhavet sthitiḥ |
pā tra-sā tkṛ ta-gā trā ṇ ā ṁ pṛ cchyā nā deyatā punaḥ ||21|| [anuṣ ṭ ubh]
Understanding his words the girls revealed their minds using puns.
One who remains in a boat (or tree) has no fear of the river. Why ask about the river to persons who have offered their bodies into the river?
[38] tataś ca tan-mukha-tuṣ ā ra-karatas tuṣ ā ra-kara-taraṅ ga-nikarataś ca kampamā nā ḥ sa-narmā nukampam amū r ayam uvā ca—
Smiling, he began to speak compassionately to the girls who were shivering from seeing his face and from the cold waves.
[39] aho, hima-ś ratha-ś lathā ṅ ga-sandhayaḥ parama-durbalā ḥ ! sarvā bhir evā rvā g ā gamyatā m |
“O rare girls! Your joints are becoming loose because of the cold. Please come here. ”
[40] tā s tu bhrū -bhaṅ ga-saṅ gatam ū cuḥ —punaḥ kim artham ā gamayitum arthayase?
Frowning they said “Why are you asking us to come? ”
[41] kṛ ṣ ṇ a uvā ca—vanadevatayā hṛ taṁ mayā tu prasahya tasyā ḥ samā hṛ taṁ vā saḥ samā sā dyatā m |
Kṛ ṣ ṇ a said “Please come and take the cloths which were stolen by a forest spirit and taken from her by me. ”