Text removal
In the modern word-processors it is possible to delete the character, a word, a line, a textfragment (line or block).
The deleted fragment of the text is located in the buffer of the intermediate storage just as in relocation operation. If necessary it can be restored if new record of the next operation of copying, moving, deleting are not performed. The new fragment of the text replaces the previous.
6. For what an Undo operation is necessary? the undo operation is provided. For implementation of this operation the word-processor fixes consequence of actions on change of the text in the form of serial steps. The user can return the document to a state which some steps were back by special command (Undo) i. e. to " be rolled away". Depth of possible undo depends on the environment, capacity of the used computer and other reasons. Along with an undo command there is a canceling undo command (Redo).
7. What role of windows in the organization of operation with the text? Special commands give the chance to arrange windows of documents, to create new and to pass from one window to another. Here distinguish two modes: full screen and not full screen. In a full screen mode again opened window is current (active) and covers remaining opened windows.
8. For what purposes the selection of fragments of the text is performed? These operations include selection of a fragment of the text, its relocation, copying or removal which have been considered in prior section of head. It is possible to print, perform search and change of characters, apply for font selection and a row of other operations over selected text fragment.
9. What’s the content of minimal set of typical operations? The minimal set of typical operations includes the operations produced over the document
§ Creation of the new document - assignment to the document of a unique name and a set of all text of the document on the keypad;
§ Loading a previously created document in a random access memory;
§ Document saving - copying of the document from a random access memory texternal;
§ Document deletion - removal of the created or loaded document from the screen;
§ Document printout - creation of a solid (paper) copy of the document.
10. What’s the purpose of a finding and changeover modes? These operations include selection of a fragment of the text, its relocation, copying or removal which have been considered in prior section of head. It is possible to print, perform search and change of characters, apply for font selection and a row of other operations over selected text fragment.
11. How spell check of words is performing? The spell check and syntax mode is fulfilled by special programs which can be independent or built in at text processor. These programs considerably differ by the possibilities. Most powerful of them check not only spelling, but also declination, conjugation, a punctuation and even style. The specified mode is used for control of one word, page or whole document.
12. For what purpose and how the dictionary of synonyms is used? The dictionary of synonyms helps to avoid iterations and makes elegant your presentation style. The usage is extremely simple. Direct the cursor on a word interesting you and enter a commandof review of the dictionary of synonyms. The text editor produces some synonyms on the screen. Select what is pleasant more to you, and it will be automatically transferred to the document.
13. What’s the essence of check mode of syntax and style? check of errors of a punctuation and output of sentences on their elimination this mode
provides detection of some errors of style, in particular, wrong use uppercase and lowercase letters, same word appearance for some times successively, absence of a gap between words, absence of the second quote and etc. All described errors come to light on the basis of comparing of the developed text with key rules stored in memory. We note that the set of such rules used within the limits of a word-processor is essentially restricted.
14. How the document formatting is produced and for what purpose? a document file is atext or binary file format fpr storing documents on a storage median especially for use by computers there currently exist of document file formats
15. In what cases page headers are used? usage of page headers, etc. Numbersof pages are put down in page headers.
16. Tell about the possibilities of a word processor automation technology work. The autotext (thesaurus) is the effective tool for templates and normal documents development. The autotext forms on a basis of the special dictionary (glossary) which is including often used words, phrases and pictures which are interpose into the document as required. Any of specifiedelements of the autotext can be saved under a certain name with its own style.
17. What’s the advantage of templates usage? Standards are used for unification of structure and appearance of documents. Templates are standardization tools of the documents created within the limits of word-processors. Templates allow to make and store the general-purpose forms of documents of various type: letters, service records, powers of attorney, payment orders.