12. Show on examples all possible variants of automatic change of addresses in formulas at performance of operation of relocation.

Practical work " WORD-PROCESSORS" Control questions:
1. What’s the purpose of word-processor? Studying of the basic functionality of word-processors and the general methodology of
their use in medical information systems. Acquisition of practical skills on use of word-processor
MS Word for creation and integration of text documents, graphic objects, tables.
2. What structural elements are included in the interface of word-processor? included ( menu line – coordinate line – working field – help line – vertical scroll line )
3. What’s the difference between insert and changeovers modes? the key < Ins> is usually used for their switching. In an insert mode the text entered from the keyboard removes to the right the text of the document standing more to the right of the cursor, without destroying it. In a mode of replacement instead of a symbol which is above the cursor (or more to the right of it), the new symbol from the keyboard is entered. The insert mode destroys theexisting text of the document
4. What’s an essence of operations of copying, relocation and removal of a fragment of the text? Fragment allocation makes its an object of the subsequent command. To allocate a fragment - means to " illuminate" it by means of the mouse or the keyboard. The allocated fragment can be as string line, block or linear. The string line fragment consists of sequence
5. What role of the buffer of the intermediate storage? Most often used operations in word-processors - copying, moving, removal of fragments of thetext. These operations can be performed both with the buffer of intermediate storage, andwithout it. In the Lexicon, for example, such operations are performed only through the buffer