Tutorial 9. THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONALLY-IDENTIFIED COMPETENCIES OF THE FUTURE TEACHER. 1.What are the professionally important personality traits of future teachers?. A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than hisTutorial 9 THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONALLY-IDENTIFIED COMPETENCIES OF THE FUTURE TEACHER 322, MarsovaShakhnaz 1. What are the professionally important personality traits of future teachers? A teacher is a person who knows better how to raise other people's children than his own. (J. Falkenare) A teacher is an important person in everyone's life. All teachers remain in my memory, as teachers will play an important role in life. So, what are the professionally important personality traits of future teachers? A teacher is much more than a profession. A teacher is a state of mind and a desire to pass on your experience to other people. Teacher! This name is purer than light. 2. Analyse the competency model of teacher According to S. S. Kunanbayeva (2013) model. At the Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, a competence model of a foreign language teacher was developed. ü The formation of an intercultural and communicative block of competencies is focused on the development of the student's ability and readiness to take part in an adequate direct and indirect communication with representatives of other cultures. ü A professionally oriented block of competencies reflects the ability to solve various professional tasks based on the use of information on the social and legal foundations of an individual's behavior in civil society. ü A professionally based block of competencies is associated with the teaching of such disciplines on which basic pedagogical competencies are formed, ensuring the ability and willingness to carry out certain professional activities. ü The professionally identifying block reflects the specifics of a specific subject and supra-subject area of professional activity and represents instrumental-technological, creative-research skills and abilities.