o It is a star. o It is a cycle. o It is a complete graph ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10 o It is a star o It is a cycle o It is a complete graph · None of these 108. Consider the complement of this graph: · It contains a subgraph which is a cycle with three edges. o It is a cycle with four edges o It is a star with three edges o It is a star with four edges o It is a path with four edges 109. Consider the planar code 00110011 o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 4 nodes o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 5 nodes o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 8 nodes o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 9 nodes · There is no tree which has this planar code 110. Consider the planar code 11001100 o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 4 nodes · It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 5 nodes o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 8 nodes o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 9 nodes o There is no tree which has this planar code 111. Consider the planar code 11001010 · It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 4 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 5 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 8 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 9 edges o There is no tree which has this planar code 112. Consider the planar code 11011010 o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 4 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 5 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 8 edges o It is the planar code of an unlabeled tree with 9 edges · There is no tree which has this planar code 113. How many cut edges does graph K have? o 0 o 1 o 2 · 3 o 4 114. 4 How many leaves does graph K have? o 0 · 1 o 2 o 3 o 4 115. Which is a cut edge of graph K? o ac o ab · cd o cb o dh 116. Which node is a leaf of graph K? o a o b o d · f o g 117. What is the planar code for this graph · 1110101000 o 65434142456 o 1100110010 o 0001010111 o 65424143456 118. What is the planar code for this graph · 1111100000 o 111111000000 o 654213 o 65421312456 o None of these 119. What is the planar code for this graph o 64241434546 o 0010101011 o 642135 · 1101010100 o None of these 120. · 170 o 180 o 190 o 200 o None of these 121. For this graph · 15 o 16 o 17 o 18 o None of these 122. If this graph o 60 million KZT · 70 million KZT o 80 Million KZT o 90 Million KZT o None of these 123. o 442 miles o 289 miles o 263 miles · 261 miles o None of these 124. Which of the following two statements are true? 1) All trees are connected graphs. 2) All trees contain have no cycles. o Both are false o 1) is true; 2) is false o 1) is false; 2) is true · Both are true o The statements contradict each other so at least one of them must be false. 125. Is there a Hamiltonian cycle in a graph with m edges and n nodes, exactly three of which have odd degree? o Yes, always o No, never o Maybe; it depends upon the details of the graph · No such graph exists o This is still an unsolved problem 126. How many bits does it take to store the optimal spanning tree of a graph on 63 nodes using an adjacency matrix? (Remember, we do not need to store the diagonal or the lower rectangle of the matrix, – just the part above the diagonal). o 3969 o 3906 o 15624 · 1953 o None of these 127. How many bits does it take to store the optimal spanning tree of a graph on 63 nodes using the Prьfer Code? o 61 o 62 · 366 o 372 o None of these 128. How many bits does it take to store the optimal spanning tree of a graph on 63 nodes using the Father Code? o 61 o 62 · 372 o 434 o None of these 129. For which graph is this the adjacency matrix: · This is the adjacency matrix for a path of length 3. o This is the adjacency matrix for a cycle of length 4. o This is the adjacency matrix for a star with 3 arms. o This is the adjacency matrix for the complete graph on 4 nodes. o None of these 130. What is the adjacency matrix for this star graph: o o · o o None of these 131. For which graph is this the adjacency matrix: o This is the adjacency matrix for a path of length 3. · This is the adjacency matrix for a cycle of length 4. o This is the adjacency matrix for a star with 3 arms. o This is the adjacency matrix for the complete graph on 4 nodes. o None of these 132. What is the adjacency matrix for this complete graph: o · o o o None of these 133. This soccer ball o 45 o 54 · 60 o 72 o None of these 134. This soccer ball o 45 o 54 o 60 · 90 o None of these 135. This polyhedron o 24 o 18 o 12 · 10 o None of these 136. This polyhedron is o 24 · 32 o 36 o 48 o None of these 137. A planar graph has 8 regions and 9 vertices. How many edges does it have? o 19 o 17 · 15 o 13 o None of the above 138. A planar graph has 21 edges and 14 vertices. How many regions does it have? o 37 o 33 o 7 o 5 · None of the above 139. A planar graph has 9 edges and 5 regions. How many vertices does it have? o 12 o 16 o 7 · 6 o None of the above 140. Use the Tree Shortcut Algorithm to find a Traveling Salesman tour around this minimal spanning tree (bold): o 23 o 24 o 25 · 26 o None of these 141. Starting just above node 0 and moving up and to the right, use the Tree Shortcut Algorithm to find a Traveling Salesman tour around this minimal spanning tree (red): o 36 · 48 o 40 o 38 o None of these 142. What is the third edge built in this graph o BD · BA o AE o CD o None of these 143. Which of the following two statements are true? 1) If a graph has a walk connecting two points it also has a path connecting the same two points. 2) If a graph is connected then it is a tree. o Both are true o Both are false · 1) is true; 2) is false o 2) is true; 1) is false o None of the above 144. Which statement is true? o Every graph with at least two nodes has a node of degree one. o Every graph with at least two nodes has two nodes of degree one. o Every tree with at least three nodes has at least three nodes of degree one. · Every tree with at least two nodes has at least two nodes of degree one. o There exists a tree with exactly one node of degree one. 145. If you delete an edge of a tree what happens? · The resulting graph is always disconnected. o The resulting graph may or may not be disconnected depending on the details of the tree structure. o The remaining graph will always contain a cycle. o One cycle of the tree will be broken. o None of these 146. What is the Prьfer Code of this labeled tree? · 4445 o 44450 o 12345 o 5444 o None of these 147. If the Prьfer code of a tree is 01014, what is the top row (the row of sons)? (Assume that the root is 0. ) o 23501 o 253614 · 235614 o 23516 o None of these 148. What is the Prьfer Code of this labeled tree? o 12540 o 54321 o 054123 o 12543 · None of these 149. If the Prьfer code of a tree is 3333, what is the top row (the row of sons)? (Assume that the root is 0. ) · 12453 o 0124 o 0000 o 01243 o None of these 150. What is the Father Code of this labeled tree? o 4445 · 44450 o 054312 o 5444 o None of these 151. What is the Father Code of this labeled tree? · 33034 o 54321 o 054123 o 12543 o None of these 152. If the Father Code of a tree is 510101, what is the degree of the node 1? (Hint – add the top row and then draw the tree. ) Assume that the root is 0. o 1 o 2 o 3 · 4 o None of these 153. If the Father Code of a tree is 0011220, what is the degree of the node 2? (Hint – add the top row and then draw the tree. ) Assume that the root is 0. o 1 o 2 · 3 o 4 o None of these 154. If the Prьfer code of a tree is 4321, what is the top row (the row of sons)? Assume that the root is 0. o 5432 o 0432 o 04321 · 54321 o None of these 155. If the Prьfer code of a tree is 3020, what is the Father Code? (Find the row of sons, draw the tree and determine its Father Code). Assume that the root is 0. · 30020 o 302 o 1342 o 03020 o None of these 156. What is the Prьfer code of a star on five nodes with the root 0 at the center? o 1234 o 12340 o 0000 o 00000 · None of these 157. What is the Father code of a star on five nodes with the root 0 at the center? o 1234 o 12345 · 0000 o 00000 o None of these 158. If you add an edge to a tree (without adding a vertex) what happens? o The resulting graph remains disconnected. o You may or may not create a cycle depending on the details of the tree structure. · The resulting graph will always contain a cycle. o The resulting graph will still be a tree. o None of these 159. What is the length of the shortest circuit on this lattice of dots o 18 cm o · o 16 cm o None of these 160. What is the length of the shortest circuit on this lattice of dots o 13 cm · 12 cm o o o None of these 161. What is the length of the shortest circuit on this lattice of dots o 46 cm o 45 cm o o · None of these 162. Try to draw a graph with the following degrees for its five nodes: 1, 1, 1, 1, 2? Which statement is true? o Such a graph has two edges and is connected o Such a graph has three edges and is connected o Such a graph has two edges and is not connected · Such a graph has three edges and is not connected o No such graph exists 163. Try to draw a graph with the following degrees for its five nodes: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2? Which statement is true? o The graph is a path with five edges · The graph is a cycle with five edges o The graph is a path with ten edges o The graph is a cycle with ten edges o No such graph exists 164. Try to draw a graph with the following degrees for its five nodes: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1? Which statement is true? o Such a graph has two edges and is connected o Such a graph has three edges and is connected o Such a graph has two edges and is not connected o Such a graph has three edges and is not connected · No such graph exists 165. Try to draw a graph with the following degrees for its five nodes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4? Which statement is true? o Such a graph has six edges o Such a graph has five edges o Such a graph has four edges o Such a graph has three edges · No such graph exists 166. Consider this unlabeled tree: o o · o o 167. Consider this unlabeled tree: o · o o o 168. Consider this unlabeled tree: o o o o · 169. In this tree o 0 o 1 o 2 · 3 o 4 170. In this tree · Node 4 o Node 5 o Node 10 o Node 9 o Node 7 171. In building the minimal spanning tree (thick lines are already built) for this graph o The edge connecting i and g. o The edge connecting i and h. o The edge connecting b and c. · The edge connecting d and e. o None of these – the spanning tree is already finished. 172. One six-sided die is rolled. Let E be the event that an even number {2, 4, 6} is face up. Let O be the event that an odd number is face up {1, 3, 5}. Are these events independent? Are they mutually exclusive? o They are both independent and mutually exclusive. o They are independent and not mutually exclusive. · They are not independent but are mutually exclusive. o They are neither independent nor mutually exclusive. o None of these. 173. One six-sided die is rolled. Let E be the event that an even number {2, 4, 6} is face up. Let L be the event that a larger than average number is face up {4, 5, 6}. Are these events independent? Are they mutually exclusive? o They are both independent and mutually exclusive. o They are independent and not mutually exclusive. o They are not independent but are mutually exclusive. · They are neither independent nor mutually exclusive. o None of these. 174. One six-sided die is rolled. Let E be the event that an even number {2, 4, 6} is face up. Let T be the event that a multiple of three is face up {3, 6}. Are these events independent? Are they mutually exclusive? o They are both independent and mutually exclusive. · They are independent and not mutually exclusive. o They are not independent but are mutually exclusive. o They are neither independent nor mutually exclusive. o None of these.