| CEF Descriptions
| Exam and Study skills
| Cross Curricular
| I can greet another person.
I can say my name.
I can ask someone’s name.
I can sing and say the alphabet.
I can write my and other names.
I can hear, say, read, and write 1-10.
I can ask and write telephone numbers.
I can identify some classroom objects.
I can name 10 different colours.
I can ask about colours.
I can ask about objects/
I can say my age.
I can ask someone’s age.
I can say numbers 10-20.
| I can identify members of a family.
I can talk about birthdays.
I can give instructions and warnings.
I can talk about presents and who they are from.
I can listen and identify presents and who they are from.
I can write short sentences from notes.
I can read a short illustrated text about families in films.
I can listen, identify situations and match words to pictures.
I can say where people are.
I can read a short picture story in dialogue format.
I can listen and complete sentences.
I can write Y/N questions from notes.
I can understand and respond to questions about how I feel.
I can understand a picture story with captions in connected text and dialogue format.
I can identify objects with This is a...
I can rewrite sentences using contractions.
I can write negative sentences.
| Personal information.
Family information.
Using adjectives.
Present simple of be
I can answer true/false questions.
I can listen and complete sentences.
Adjectives about states and feelings.
I can prepare and write a greetings card.
| Birthday celebrations.
Birthday presents.
| I can identify countries on a world map.
I can match flags to country names.
I can ask questions about people and places using Who? and Where?
I can describe landscapes.
I can use a or an.
I can listen to messages and complete sentences.
I can listen and complete a table with O or P
I can write a short message giving my name and saying where I am from on a postcard.
I can ask and talk about different jobs.
I can use possessive adjectives.
I can listen and answer T/F questions.
I can read a factfile and complete sentences.
I can give and receive presents politely.
I can ask for a translation.
I can count the objects in my bag.
I can say and write regular plurals of words.
I can write words in the correct order to form WH questions.
I can read short letters about where people live, their country and capital.
I can read, listen and give oral answers to WH questions.
I can complete a personal letter.
| I can read and understand short pen-pal messages.
I can use capital letters with country names.
I can write a short message giving my name and saying where I am from on a postcard.
I can listen and answer T/F questions.
I can ask for a translation.
I can complete a picture crossword puzzle.
I can circle the odd word out.
I can act out a story.
| Geography: countries, location and flag
Map reading
Citizenship: jobs
Describing geographical features.
Countries and capitals in the United Kingdom.
Make a poster about home country, cities and geographical features.
| I can talk and number about my possessions.
I can understand shopping dialogue.
I can use numbers from 20-100.
I can ask and talk about prices.
I can use Excuse me, Please and Thank you.
I can listen and write prices.
I can read short texts about collections.
I can listen and match texts to photos.
I can describe objects.
I can use possessive ’s
I can write about my friend and his/her favourite thing.
I can use These and Those.
I can use a few irregular plurals.
I can read a description of a computer game written in connected text and presented in three paragraphs.
I can listen to a dialogue and identify the topic.
I can write a description of a computer game, saying who it is for and giving the price.
| I can read short texts about collections.
I can listen and match texts to photos.
I can act out a story.
I can write a detailed descriptionI of a computer game.
| British currency.
| I can name common household pets.
I can listen and match pets with their owners.
I can name different parts of a pet’s body.
I can read an advertisement describing a lost pet.
I can answer WH comprehension questions.
I can form sentences with have / has got.
I can write a poster describing my pet.
I can read and listen to a telephone conversation.
I can mark sentences true or false.
I can form negative sentences with have / has got.
I can describe and number body parts.
I can complete a telephone conversation.
I can read about a survey of pets in a class in an English school.
I can do a survey. I can make a bar chart.
| I can answer WH comprehension questions.
I can mark sentences true or false.
| Culture: pets in the home.
Maths: reading a bar chart.
| I can name objects and furniture in a classroom.
I can use there is / there are.
I can use prepositions of location.
I can read about the decoration of two bedrooms.
I can listen to a description of a bedroom and choose the correct picture.
I can write a description of my room.
I can read a picture story in dialogue format.
I can name rooms in a house of flat.
I can read about an undersea hotel and answer true/ false questions.
I can work in a group to write an advert for the hotel
| I can listen to a description of a bedroom and choose the correct picture.
I can circle the correct words to demonstrate comprehension.
I can work in a group to write an advert for the hotel
| Art and design: decorating rooms.
| I can name sports and different free time activities.
I can talk and read about things people can and can’t do.
I can write about my abilities and those of a family member.
I can listen and complete a chart with P and O.
I can use the days of the week.
I can ask questions about abilities.
I can listen and complete a timetable.
I can match suggestions to pictures.
I can make suggestions.
I can read about different tourist activities in London.
| I can listen and complete a chart with P and O.
I can find days of the week in a word snake.
I can describe my favourite places in my town and say what you can do there.
I can make a poster about my town.
| Culture: tourist activities in London.
| I can name different kinds of food and drinks.
I can read messages describing what different people eat for lunch.
I can say what I like and don’t like.
I can check comprehension with a partner using true/ false statements.
I can understand a discussion about food likes and dislikes.
I can use don’t and doesn’t to talk about likes and dislikes.
I can read and write sentences including but to contrast two parts.
I can ask and write questions about likes and dislikes.
I can complete a questionnaire about my diet.
| Food Science and Culture: lunch in different parts of the world.
Culture: food in schools
| I can name items and activities connected with summer holidays.
I can listen and identify items in a picture.
I can form imperatives and negative imperatives.
I can name different items of clothing.
I can use unusual plurals like trousers. sunglasses, shorts.
I can listen to a description of clothing items and match them to pictures.
I can match spoken lines to different places in an adventure park.
I can form negatives in all the structures I’ve learned.
I can answer questions with short answers.
I can tell the time in English.
I can write a party invitation.
I can read and write about summer holidays.
| I can listen to a description of clothing items and match them to pictures.
I can write a party invitation.
| Health: safety in the sun