Examination Card №15I. Reading Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats. The participants are often put in exotic locations or abnormal situations. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, especially in talent and performance programmes. The participants are specifically selected; carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events and settings are used to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. II. Writing III. Speaking This wonderful piece of technology is made of shiny black plastic and is small enough to fit in my coat pocket. It comes equipped with little headphones which are light and comfortable to wear. One reason I like my personal stereo so much is because it enables me to sit in my room and listen to music while I am doing my homework for school, or when I'm simply relaxing. The sound doesn't disturb my family - in fact, they don't even know when I've got it on! Another advantage that my personal stereo has is that I can take it everywhere with me. It is my constant companion: on the bus, when out for walks or shopping, and even on the way to and from school. As long as I have music to listen to, I never feel bored or lonely. My personal stereo is the perfect possession. It provides entertainment, relaxation and companionship, and I would certainly feel lost without it. I also like to give presents. It can be really hard to find something fun, intelligent, romantic and outright thoughtful for our dearest. I know I struggle with it sometimes and often turn to my mum for advice what kind of present to give. I don't know about anyone else, but my sister often complained of feeling the cold, no matter how warm the flat was, so I gave her a slanket - now she has something warm to snuggle under when relaxing in the daytime or at night. That made it a really thoughtful present. Ideally, if you want your gift to be among top-listed thoughtful gifts think so that the context works more positively — as one of many thoughtful presents — and you can easily turn any object into something meaningful for a person. Besides, giving presents there are also other ways to show our appreciation for those who impact our life in a positive way. We can write a heart felt thank-you note/card; lend a hand when our friend or family member is painting or remodeling the home; cook a meal so they don't have to after a long day at work; tell them what you think they are particularly great at; write notes to leave on a pillow, a computer keyboard, or in a lunch box; give a hand made gift or just give a hug. Yes, it can be that simple but so much valuable for a person. As a modern industrial world is mainly focused on money and careers, I strongly believe that the most valuable gift we can give each other is time! We don't always recall that it is the time that brings people closer together. I recommend to everybody, occasionally step out of daily habits and challenges, and think about who we would like to give the most valuable gift of time.