Examination Card №18I. Reading Cooking is easier nowadays, too, because you can buy partly or wholly prepared food packed in cans or in small packages. Mixes for making mashed potatoes, pancakes, cookies, and cakes also save time of housewives. Dishwasher and a garbage disposal help to cleanup the house easily. Americans often eat out in restaurants which range from cheap fast-food places to expensive ones. Carry-out meals are also very popular for working adults with no time to shop and cook. II. Writing
As far as education is concerned, sport is an important part of every child's schooling, as it plays an important role in both their physical and mental development. It teaches children how to work as a part of a team and cooperate with others, while at the same time improvingtheir physical stamina. The only drawback to this is that children who are less able to perform well in sport are likely to feel inadequate in comparison to their more gifted classmates, which may affect their self-confidence. There are seasonal sports like rowing and windsurfing that can only be done in summer or mild weather and water. You have to train your body for these sports in winter. Winter sports like skiing, skating, snowboarding, sledging and so on can be enjoyed at this time and you can get fit for the coming season. Some people love extreme sports because of the adventure and the excitement or just to be noticed. These are the kinds of sports like wall or rock climbing, bungee jumping and so on. In my opinion, sport should be used as much as possible to encourage people to lead a healthier and more peaceful life.