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THE GARUDA PURANA  12 страница

12. Or he shall perform C& ndr& yana vow nine times [Taking fifteen mouthfuls of food on the full moon and decreasing it daily, taking nothing on the new moon day. This is a C& ndr& yana Vrata. This, he shall perform nine times]. A brahmin associating with any of the four sinners mentioned above, 13. Shall perform the due expiatory rites for the respective sins to ward off the evil results. Or he shall perform bodily mortification and austerity for a year without fail.

14. He shall offer all he possesses. He shall be freed from all sins. Due performance of C& ndr& yana or bodily mortification, 15. Or going to holy places like Gaya is destructive of sin. He shall propitiate Lord Bhava (Siva).

16. After feeding brahmins on the new moon day he shall be freed from all sins.

1. An important river in the Rgveda, flowed between Satadru and Yamuni but, in later times, it was lost.

2. A bridge mentioned in the R& mayana; constructed by R& ma to cross the sea to invade Lanka.

3. According to the legends, Rama worshipped the Siva liAga here. Now-a-days it is a place of pilgrimage situated on the island of Pftmbau.

4- The modern V& ranasi. It was also known as KMI.

In the dark-half of the lunar month one shall observe fast on the fourteenth day.

17-18. And on the next day in the morning he shall take bath in a river and offer water libations with gingelly seeds seven times saying Tamdya (to Yama, Dharmar& j& ya (to Dharmaraja ), Mrtyave (to Mrtyu) Antakdya (to Antaka), Vaivasvattya (to Vaivasvata; K& Laya ( to Kala ) and Saroabh & tak$qydya (to Sarvabhutaksaya). He shall then be freed from all sins.

10. In all Vratas (sacred rites) he shall be quiescent, of controlled mind and shall observe Brahmacarya (celibacy), fast and worship of brahmins and shall lie only on the ground ( not on a cot).

20. He shall observe fast on the sixth day in the bright half of the lunar month and on the seventh day he shall worship God Sun with mental concentration. He shall be freed from all sins.

21. Observing fast on the eleventh day in the bright half of the lunar month and worshipping Jandrdana on the twelfth day he shall be freed from great sins.

22. Austerity, recital of prayers, visit to holy places and worship of gods and brahmins on the occasion of eclipses, etc. are destructive of great sins.

23. Even though a person is guilty of all sins, if he were to die in holy places after due performance of rites, he shall be freed from all sins.

24. A woman can redeem her husband guilty of slaughter of a brahmin, or any other great sin, ingratitude, etc. if she ascends the funeral pyre of her husband.

24. If a woman is chaste and is devotedly attached to her husband, she has no sin whatsoever here in this world or hereafter.

26. As it is said that Sita, celebrated in the three worlds, wife of Rama the son of DaSaratha, subjugated even the lord of R& kgasas.

27. Persons taking a dip in the holy river “Phalgu ” 1 (in Gayd), etc., shall reap the fruit of all good actions. Thus did Lord VifQu speak to me, O sages observing due rites!

1. Thu river flows through the town of Gay&.



Eight nidhis.

Suta said:

1. After hearing from Hari, Brahma described the eight Nidhis. 1 [These nidhis or treasures belong to Kubera. In the Tdntrika system they are described as attendants on Laksm! ].

They are Padma (Lotus), Mah& padma, Makar a, (Crocodile), Kacchapa, (Tortoise), 2. Mukunda, N and a, 2 3 Nila and Saknha 2 These Nidhis are conducive to the flourishing of qualities Sattva, etc. I shall now describe their special characteristics.

3. A man bearing the marks of Padma shall be Sdttvika in quality. He shall be chivalrous. He will gather together gold, 4. Silver, etc., and will be offering the same to gods, ascetics and sacrificial priests. A person having the marks of Mahdpadma will be liberal in giving wealth and other things to the pious.

5. The two nidhis Padma and Mahdpaama are Sdttvika in characteristics. A person having the marks of makara gathers together swords, arrows, javelins, etc.

6. He will be a donor unto well-read persons and friendly with kings. He will be wasting his wealth and his enemies will kill him in battle.

7. Makara and Kacchapa — these two nidhis are supposed to be tdmasika in characteristics. A person having the marks of Kacchapa does not have faith in any person. He neither enjoys his wealth nor gives it to anybody.

8. He will keep his wealth boarded in a deep pit in the ground. He will remain a single person (without any friend).

The nidhi Mukunda is rdjasika in characteristics. A person having the marks thereof collects realms.

9. He enjoys all good things in life and distributes wealth among musicians and courtesans. A person having the marks of Nanda — both tdmasika and rdjasika shall be the vital support o£ his family.

1. Treasures of Kubera, the god of Wealth. Afidhis are said to be nine also.

2. lute. ( SSED, p. 279).

3. Conch.

10. He will be pleased by flattery: He will have many wives. He will lose interest in old friends and contract friendship with others.

11. A person having the marks of the nidhi Nila shall have sattvika splendour. He will gather together garments, grains, etc;

12. He has the manliness and power of three persons.

He will be making mango groves, tanks, etc. The nidhi Safikha indicates selfcentredness. He spends all his wealth in his own enjoyment.

13. His servants and kinsmen eat wretched food and donot wear good garments. The SaAkhin ( one bearing the marks of Saftkha ) is assiduous in nourishing himself. If, ever he gives anything to anybody it shall go in vain.

14. When the markings of different nidkis are present the results are mixed. Lord Hari had thus expounded to Hara and others the characteristics of the nidhis. I am expounding now as Hari had expounded them previously.




Hari said:

1. Priyavrata 1 had ten sons. They were Agnidhra, Agnibahu, Vapusman, Dyutiman, Medha, Medhatithi 2, Bhavya, Sabala, Putra, 2. And Jyoti§m& n. Of these ten, the three, viz., Medha, Agnibahu and Putra indulged in yogic pursuits.

1. One of the two sons of Brahmft and Satariipa, or a son of Manu.

{CDHM p. 244).

2. He is mentioned in the Veda as a sage. ( CDHM p. 207).

3. They never cared ibr the realm. They wer ej& tismaras (i. e. they could know their previous births). The king (Priyavrata) gave seven islands to the seven other sons.

4. The earth is situated like a boat floating on water. It is fifty crores of Yojanas in extent (i. e. 6000000000 kilometres).

5. The seven islands are Jambu, 1 Plaksa, 2 Salmala, 8

Ku£ a, 4 Kraufica, 6 Saka, 6 and Puskara. 7

6. Each of these islands is surrounded by seven oceans;

those of ( 1) Lavaca (salt) (2) Iksu (sugarcane juice), (3)

Sura (wine), (4) Sarpis (ghee), (5) Dadhi (curd), (6)

Dugdha (milk) and (7) Jala (water)

7. The ocean is twice the island in area it encircles. The mountain Meru 8 extending to a hundred thousand Yojanas

(i. e.

one million two hundred thousand kilometres) is in Jambudvipa.

8. Its height is eighty-four thousand Yojanas (one million and eight thousand kilometres). It goes sixteen thousand Yojanas underneath and the upper ridge is thirty-two thousand Yojanas in girth.

9. It is in the form of the pericarp of a lotus. The Varfaparvatas — boundary mountains Himavan, 9 Hemakuta 10 and Nisadha 11 are towards the south of Meru.

10-11. And Nila 12, Sveta 18 andSmgin 14 are in the north O Sankara, there is no division of Yugas (Ages) among the people living in Plaksa and other islands. Agnidhra, the king of Jambudvipa had nine sons:

1. The island having Meru at its centre. It includes Bh& ratavarsa 2. Not identifiable.

3. Not identifiable.

4. Not identifiable.

5. Not identifiable.

6. Not identifiable.

7. Not identifiable. But, for the probable identfication of the islands see S. M. Ali: Geography of the Pur& nas.

8. The modem Pamlr-knot in Central Asia.

9. The Himalayas.

10. Not identifiable.

1 1. Not identifiable.

12. Not identifiable.

13. Not identifiable.

14. Not identifiable. But, for the probable identification of the mountains tee S. MTAli, Op. cit.

12. Nabhi, Kimpurusa, Harivarsa, Ilavrta, Ramya, Hiranvan, Kum, Bhadra$va.

13. And Ketumala the king gave each of his sons a division of the island which later on were known after them. Nabhi married Merudevi and had a son known Rsabha 1.

14. His son was Bharata 2 who performed sacred rites in S& lagrama. Bharata’s son was Sumati and his son was Tejasa.

15. His son was Indradyumna. His son was Paramesthin. His son was Pralihara and his son Pratihartr.

16. His son was Prastara. His son was Vibhu. His son was Prthu. Next was Nakta. Nakta had a son Gaya.

17. Nara was the son of Gaya. His son was Buddhiraf.

He had four sons very intelligent Dhlman, Bhauvana, 18. Tva§jr and Viraja. Rajas was his son. Satajit was Raja’s son and his son was Vigvakjyoti.




Hari said:

1. The Ilavrta-Varsa is situated in the middle. Bhadrasva is in the East. The Hiranvtin-YaT$a is in the South-East.

2. Then Kimpuru$a-Varsa is to the South of Meru.

Bharata is also in the South. Harivarsa is in the South-West.

3. Ketumala-Var$a is in the West and Ramyaka in the North-West. Kuruvarsa is in the North. It is covered with Kalpa trees.

4-5. Except in Bharata Var$a siddhi (achievement) is natural everywhere. The nine islands surrounded by ocean are — Indradvlpa, KaSeruman, Tamravarna, Gabbastiman Nagadvipa, Kafaha, Simhala, 1 Varuna 2 and this the ninth one.

1. According to the legend, R? abha gave his Kingdom to his son Bharata and himself led a life of penance.

2. According to the legend, he was a great devotee of Vi? nu. Intent, on devotion he abdicated his throne ( CDHM \ pp. 46-7).

6. In its Eastern parts are the Kirdtas, the Tavanas 3 are in the West, the Andhras 4 live in the South and the Turi/fkas in the North.

7. Br ahmanas, Kfatriyas, Vaifyas and Madras live in the middle. Mahendra 8, Malava 7, Sahva 8, Suktiman 9, Rksa 10.

8. Vindhya and Pariyatra 11 are the seven Kulaparvatas.

The sacred rivers are Veda-smrti 12, Narmada 18 Varada 14 Surasa 15

Siva, 16

9. Tapi 17, Payo§ni 18, Sarayu 19 Kavcri 20, Gomati 21, Godavari 22, Bhlmarath! 28, Krsnavarna 24, MahanadI, 26.

1. Modern Ceylon.

2. Modern Borneo.

3. Represents Greeks and other Europeans.

4. Modern Andhras, perhaps here they represent the Dravidians.

5. The inhabitants of Central and South-Western Asia.

6. Modern Mahendra mountain in eastern coast of India and allied mountains.

7. Modern Nilgiri Hills in the South India.

8. The Western Ghats on the western sea-coast of India.

9. Not identifiable.

10. It is situated on the bank of Narmada, according to Mallinatha (Raghuvamla, 5. 44). Most probably it represents the modern Satpuramountain in Central India.

11. The modem Vindhya-ranges.

12. Not identifiable.

13. Not identifiable.

14. Modern Narmada.

15. Modem Wardha river in Vidarbha.

16. Not identifiable.

17. Modem Sivan& tha river in Chhattisgarh in Madhya Pradesh.

18. Modem Tapti river in Central India. It falls in the Arabian Sea.

19. Not identifiable.

20. Modem Sarayfi in Uttara Pradesh.

21. Modem Kfiveri.

22. Modem Gomati in Uttara Pradesh.

23. Modem God& vari.

24. Modem Bhim&.

25. Modem 26. Modern Mah& nadi in Central Eastern India.

10. Ketumala 1, Tamraparni 2, Candrabhaga 3, Sarasvatl, Rsikulya 4, Kaveri, Mattagariga 5, Payasvini 8.

11. Vidarbha 7, and Sa tad ru. 8 They are auspicious and they destroy sins. People in the central states drink the waters of these rivers.

12. The races that inhabit the central states are —

Paficalas 9, Kurus 10, Matsyas 11, Yaudheyas 12, Pataccaras 13, Kuntis 14, and Surasenas 15.

13. O Vr$adhvaja (Siva) the people living in the east are Padmas 16, Sutas 17, Magadhas 18, Cedis 19, Kasayas 20, Videhas, 21 and Kosalas 22.

1. Not identifiable.

2. Modern Tambervari in South India.

3. Modern Chenab in the Punjab.

4. Modern Rsikulya in Orissa.

5. Not identifiable.

6. Modern Payasvini, a tributary of the Yamuna.

7. Not identifiable.

8. Modern Sutlaj in the Panjab.

9. Panc& las were the people who inhabited a region which roughly corresponds to the modern Rohilkhanda-division of Uttara Pradesh and also the region south of it. Later on, the region north of the Ganga was called North P& ncala and its capital was Ahicchatra. The one to the South of the Gahga was South Panc& la and its capital was Kampilya.

10. The Kurus inhabited roughly the region around Delhi on the west of the Yamuna, generally covered by the modern province of Haryana. Their two capitals Hastinapura and I ndraprastha are well known.

11. The people who inhabited the modern territory around Alwar Jaipur and Bharatpur.

12. Not identifiable.

13. Not identifiable.

14. Perhaps the people who inhabited the territory north of Cambala.

15. The people who lived in the region around Mathura.

16. Perhaps those who lived around Padma-river in the East- Bengal.

17. Not identifiable.

18. Modern South Bihar.

19. The people inhabiting the central or the eastern Vindhya-ranges.

20. The people inhabiting the region around Ka£ l, modern VarSijasi.

21. Modern North Bihar.

22. The people living around Ayodhyi.

14. People living in the South-East are Kalingas 1, Varigas 2, Pun< Jras 3, Angas 4, Vaidarbhas 5 Mulakas®, and those who stay in the Vindhya ranges.

15. The people living in Dak$ina-patha are those of Pulinda 7, A£ maka 8, and JImuta 9, Naya 10, rastra regions as well as Karnatas 11, Kambojas 12 and Ghatas. 13

16. The people in the South-West are Ambasfhas, 14

Dravi< Jas 15, Latas 16, Kambojas 17, Strlmukhas 18, Sakas 19 and the people of Anarta 20.

17. The people in the West are Strirajyas 21 (governed by women) Saindhavas 22, Mlecchas 23, Atheists 24, Yavanas

2 ^

Mathuras 26 and Naisadhas. 27

1. Modem Orissa.

2. Modern Bengal.

3. Not identifiable.

4. Modem North Bengal.

5. Modern Vidarbha (Berar).

6. Not identifiable.

7. Modern Chhatisgarh in Madhya Pradesh.

8. The region around modern Aurangabad-Hydcrabad.

9. Not identifiable.

10. Not identifiable.

1 1. Modern Mysore.

12. Not identifiable.

13. The people inhabiting the sea-coast.

14. Not identifiable.

15. In modern days, the people believed to be of non- Aryan origin inhabiting the South India are called Dravi< Jas.

The specific reference is perhaps to the modern Tamilnadu.

16. Modern Khandesh area of Mahara? (ra.

17. Not identifiable.

18. Not identifiable.

19. Not identifiable.

20. Modern Eastern Gujrata.

21. Not identifiable.

22. Modern Sindh.

23. Non-Hindus of the Western India.

24. Non-Hindus of the Western India.

25. Non-Hindus of the Western India.

26. The people inhabiting the region West of Mathura. & fira$enas have been mentioned before.

27. Hie region around modern Gwalior.

18. The regions in the North-West are Mancjavyas 1

Tu$aras 2, Mulikas 3, ASvamukhas 4, Khasas 5, Mahakesas 6, and Mahanasas. 7

19. The people occupying the Northern region are Lambakas 8 Stananagas 9, Madras 10, Gandharas 11, Bahlikas 12, and the Mlecchas occupying the Himalayan ranges.

20. The people living in the North East are Trigartas 18

Nllakola 14 Brahmaputras 15, Satarikanas 18, Abhisahas 17 and Kasmlras, 18




Hari said:

1. Medhatithi, the king of Plaksa-dvipa, had seven sons: — They are: — the eldest Santabhava, Si£ ira.

2. Sukhodaya, Nanda, Siva, K§emaka and Dhruva.

They ruled over Plaksa dvipa.

3. The seven mountains are Gomeda, Candra, Narada, Dundubhi, Somaka, Sumanas and Vaibhraja.

1. Not identifiable.

2. The people of Central Asia adjoining North-Western India.

3. Not identifiable.

4. Not identifiable.

5. The region North of Kashmir.

6. Not identifiable.

7. Not identifiable.

8. The modern Lamgan.

9. Not identifiable.

10. The region around modern Peshawar.

1 1. The region around mode> Kandhar.

12. The region arouhd modem Balakh.

13. Not identifiable.

14. Not identifiable.

15. The valley of the Brahmaputra16. Not identifiable.

17. Not identifiable.

18. Modern Kashmir.

4. The seven rivers there are Anutapta, SikhT, VipaSa, Tridiva, Kramu, Amrti and Sukrta.

5. Vapusman, the king of Salmala-dvipa hads even sons.

They are Sveta, Harita, JSmuta, Rohita, 6. Vaidyuta, Manasa and Saprabha. (The divisions over which they ruled are known after their names, Sveta var? a, Haritavarsa etc). The seven mountains are: — Kumuda, Unnata, Drona,

Mahi$a, Balahaka, 7. Kraufica and Kakudman. The seven rivers removing sins are Yoni, Toya, Vitrsna, Candra, Sukla,

Vimocani, 8. And Vidhrti. Jyotisman, the king of Ku£ a-dvlpa, had seven sons. They are: —

9. Udbhida, Venuman, Dvairatha, Lambana, Dhfti, Prabhakara and Kapila. (Here also the divisions ruled over by each is called respectively Udbhidavar$a, Dvairathavarsa, etc. ).

10. The seven mountains are: — Vidruma, Hemaiaila, Dyutiman, Puspavan, Ku^esaya, Hari and Mandaracaia.

11. The seven sacred rivers removing sins are: —

Dhutapapa, Siva, Pavitra, Sanmati, Vidyudabhra, Mahi and K& £ a.

12. The noble-minded king of Kraufica-dvipa, Dyutiman had seven sons. They are: — KuSala, Mandaga, Usna, Plvara, Andhakaraka, 13. Muni and Dundubhi. The seven mountains are Kraufica, Vamana, Andhakaraka, 14. Divavft, MahaSaila, Dundubhi and Puntfarikavan.

The seven rivers in the seven divisions are: — Gauri, Kumudvatl, Sandhya, Ratri, Manojava, 15. Khyati and Purujarlka. The king of Sakadvlpa Bhavya had seven sons.

16. They are Jalada, Kumara, Sukumara, Masivaka, Kusumoda, Samodarki and Mahadruma.

17. The seven rivers are: — Sukumari, Kum& ri, Nalini, Dhenuka, Iksu, Venuka and Gabhastl.

18. The king of Pufkara, Sabala, had two sons Mah& vtra end Dhataki. These are two Var? as (divisions), one to the north of Minasa and the other to the east.

19. Thisdvipa is a high land fifty thousand yojanas high and as much wide too. (It was circular in shape, diameter being fifty thousand yojanas ).

20. The Pu? kara-dvipa is encircled by an ocean of sweet water known as Sv& dudaka. In front of it are seen the people living.

21. The ground has golden colour twice as bright (as the gold here) • It is devoid of all sorts of animals. Beyond that is the mountain Lokaloka, ten thousand yojanas wide. The mountain is pervaded by darkness which is on the side of Andakat& ha.




Hari Said:

1. The height of the earth (from Pat& la) is said to be seventy thousand yojanas (about 840, 000, Kilometres) and the seven nether worlds are each ten thousand yojanas from the other below.

2.. The seven nether worlds are Atala, Vitala, Nitala Gabhastimat, Mahakhya, Sutala and the last Patala.

3. The grounds are respectively black, white, crimson, yellow, (in colour) and stony, rocky, and golden coloured [seven in order]. There Rik? asas and Serpents live.

4. In the terrific Puskaradvipa there are the hells. Their names are: — Raurava, Sukara, Rodha, Tala, Vinaiana, 5. Mah& jv& la, Taptakumbha, Lavana, Vimohita, Rudhira, Vaitaranl, Kpniia, Krmibhojana, 6. Asipatravana, Kr? na, Ninabhak? a, D& ruipa, Puyavaha, P& pa, Vabnijvalodbhava, Aiiva.

7. Sadaxhia, Kr? nasutra, Tama, Avfd, Svabhojana, Aprati? tha, and U? ^avici.

8. Sinners guilty of poisoning, inflicting injuries with weapons and arson are cooked and roasted here. O Rudra, the upper regions BhU(t$ etc. are situated one above the other 9. The Ar? 4a or the cosmic egg is encircled by water, fire, wind and ether. It is then encircled by Makat (the great principle) and Pradh& na ( the m Qla-prakrti ).

10. Lord Naraya^a pervades ten limes the space occupied by the A$4a.



Description of the planets.

Hari said:

!. I shall now expound the measurements and situation of the Sun and other planets. The chariot of the sun is nine thousand yojanas in length.

2-3. O Vr$abhadhvaja (Siva), its shaft is twice that much long. The axle of the wheel is one and a half crores and seven million yojanas long. The wheel is fitted to it. It has three central joints (N& bhi), five spokes ( Ara ) and six nerrns (encircling rims).

4. All these constitute one year (when the wheel takes one round). The second axle oi the sun is forty thousand yojanas long.

5. The five other axles are sixty thousand yojanas long, each. The length of the axle is in proportion to that of the two ends of the yoke.

6. The short axle is fixed to the pole of the circular wheel along with the end of the yoke. The second axle is fixed in the Mdnasa mountain.

7. The seven horses of the Sun are the seven metres (chandas) Giyatri, Brhatl 1 Ufnik, JagatP, Triftup, Amiffuf and Pahkti. 6

1. A metre with nine syllables in a quarter.

2. A metre with twentyeight syllables (total).

3. A metre with twelve syllables in a quarter. 4. A metre with eleven syllables in a quarter.

5. A metre with eight syllables in a quarter.

6. - A metre with five syllables in a quarter.

8. In the month of Caitra Dhdtd y ( Aditya ) Kratusthald, ( Apsaras ) Pulastya (jtfi) Vdsuki (Serpent), Rathakrt (Yak$a) y Grdmarti, Heti ( Rdkfasagana ) and Tumburu ( Gandharva ) reside in the solar zone.

9. In the month of Mddhava ( Vaiidkha ), Aryaman (Sun)

Pulaha (Rfi ), Rathadjas (Yakfa ), Puftjik& sthala (Apsaras), Praheti ( Rdkfasagatia ) Kacchanlra (Serpent) and Ndrada (Gandharva)

(reside in the solar zone).

10. In the month of Jyeffha, Mitra (Sun), ^fn(Sage), Takfaka (Serpent), Paurufeya ( Rdkfasagana ) Menakd (Apsaras), Hdhd (Gandharva) an Rathasvana (Yakfa) reside in the chariot of the sun.

11. In the month of Afddha Varuna (Sun), Vasiffha (Sage) Rambhd Sahajanyd (Apsaras), Kuhu ( Gandharva ), Budha (Bh& skara ), Rathacitra (Yakfa) and Sukra (Rdkfasagana) reside in the solar zone.

12. In the month of Sravana, Indra (Sun), ViSvdvasu (i Gandharva ), Srota (Yakfa ), Eldpatra (Bhdskara ), Ahgiras


Pramlocd (Apsaras) and the serpents reside in the solar zone.

13. In the month of Bhddrapada, Vivasvdn (Sun), Ugrafena (Gandharva ), B hr gu (Sag e), Apdrana (Yak fa ), Anumloca (Apsaras), Saftkhapdla (Serpent) and Vydghra (Rdkfasagana) reside in the solar zone.

14. In the month of Aivayuj (Alvina ), Pdf an (Sun), Suruci (Gandharva), Dhatr (Rdkfasagana), Gautama (Sage), Dhananjaya (Serpent), Sufena ( Yakfa ), and Ghrtdci (Apsaras) reside in the sun.

15. In the month of Kdrttika, VUvdvasu, ( Gandharva ), Bharadvdja (Sage), Parjanya (Sun), Airdoata (Serpent), ViSvaci (Apsaras ), Sendji (Yak fa) and Apah (Rdkfasagana) are rightful residents of the solar zone.

16. The rightful possessors of the M& rgaUrfa month are Arhfu (Sun), Kdfyapa (Sage), Tdrkfya (Yak fa), Mahdpadma (Serpent), Urvaii, (Apsaras) Citrasena (Gandharva) and Vidyut {Rdkfasagana ).

17. In the month of Pau$a Kratu (Sage), Bharga (Sun), Grpdyu (Gandharva), Sph& rja (Rdkfasagana ), Karkofaka '(Serpent), Ariffanemi (Yakfa) and the excellent celestial damsel PUrvacitti (Apsaras) these seven, reside in the solar zone.

18. In the month of Mdgha Tvasfr (Sun), Jamadagni (Sa ge), Kambala (Serpent), Tilottamd, (Apsaras), Brahmdpeta (Rakpasagana ), Rtajit (Yak$a) and Dhrtar& sfra ( Gandharva ) — these seven reside in the solar zone.

19. In the month of Phdlguna, Vifnu (Sun), ASvatara (Serpent), Rambhd (Apsaras) 9 S dry av areas ( Gandharva ), Satyajit ( Yakfa ), ViSvdmitra (Sage) and Yajnapeta ( Rdkjasagana ) reside in the solar zone.

20. O Brahman, in the solar zone the sages (mentioned above), whose power has been enhanced by Visnu’s Sakti, pray to the sun. The Gandharvas sing songs in front.

21. The celestial damsels dance. The demons walk behind the sun. The Serpents bear the yoke. The Yaksas catch hold of the reins.

22. The Vdlakhilyas 1 sit surrounding him. The chariot of the Moon has three wheels. His horses are as white as the Kunda flower.

23. Five horses are yoked to the left and five to the right. The Moon moves about by this. The chariot of the son of the Moon (Budha — Mercury) is evolved out of the substanceswind and fire.

24-25. He has eight tawny-coloured horses as fast as the wind. Gukra’s great chariot has the fender and bottom pole.

It is yoked with horses born of earth. It is adorned with banners. The chariot of the son of earth (Mars) is like heated gold in colour.

26. It has eight horses. It is huge in size.

27-29. The horses are crimson-colourcd like Padmardga gem. They are evolved out of fire. Brhaspati (Jupiter) stays in each Zodiac for a year. His gold-coloured chariot is fitted with eight grey horses. Saturn moves very slowly seated on a chariot fitted with horses of variegated colours evolved out of the ether. The horses of Rdhu are eight. They are beecoloured. The chariot is grey-coloured.

1. They are said to be pigmy in size and 60, 000 in number. According to the legends they were born from the hair of PrajSpati or from Sumati, the wife of Kratu. They move with the sun.

30. They are yoked only once and they move constantly, O Siva. The horses fitted to the chariot of Ketu are eight in number. They are as fast as the wind.

31. Some are smoke-coloured, some straw-coloured, and some as crimson as the lac-juice. The islands, rivers, mountains and the ocean, nay the whole universe (consisting of many worlds) is the body of Lord Visnu.




SUta said:

1. After having expounded the dimensions of the different planets, Lord Kesava explained the essence of Astrology that has fourfold aims, to Rudra, the giver of everything that he is.

Hart said:

2. Krttikd (Alcyone) (A group of six stars) has Firegod as the Presiding Deity. Rohini (Aldebarem) has Brahmd.

Ilvald — otherwise known as Mrgaiiras (Orionis) has the moon as the presiding deity; Ardrd (Betelguese) has Rudra.

3. Punaroasu (Pollux) has Aditi y Tisya (Pusya) (Cameri) has Guru (Jupiter), Aflefa (Hydrae) has Sarpa (Rahu); Maghd (Regulus) has Pitrs (Manes).

4. PUrvaphdlguni (Lenis) has Bhaga (Siva); Uttaraph& lguni (Denebola) has Aryaman; Hasta (Spica) has Savilr (Sun);

Citra (Corvi) has Toast?.

5. Svdti (Arcturus) has Vdyu (wind); Vtiakhd (Libra) has lndra and fire.

6. Anurddhd (Scorpia) has Mitra v^ un )i J yefthd (Antares)has Sakra (lndra); the presiding deity of Mula (Scorpia) is Nirrti as explained by those who know it.

7. P& rvd$& 4hd (Sagittari) has Apafy (water); Uttardsdihd (Sagittari) has ViSvedeoas. Abhijit has Brahmin Sravana (Affair) has Vipyu.

8. Dhaniffhd (Delphini) has Vdsaoa (Indra), as mentioned by scholars: Satabhifak (Aquarii) has Vanina.

9. P dr av abhddrapada (Monkele) has Aja (Brahmd):

Uttar abhddrapada (Pegasi) has Ahirbudhna. Reoati (Piscium) has Pdf an. Aivirti (Arietis ) has Aioinldevas.

10. Bharcafi (Arietis) has Tama. Thus I have mentioned the different presiding deities of the different stars. Brahmdrtt stands in the east on the first and ninth day of the lunar fortnight.

1 1. Maheivari stands in the north on the second and tenth day. Vdrdhi stands in the south on the fifth and thirteenth day.

12. Indrdni stands in the west on the sixth and the fourteenth. Camunda in the north-west on the seventh day and Full moon day.

13. Mahdlakfmi in the north-east on the eighth day and the new moon day. Vaisnavl stands in the south-east on the third and eleventh day.

14. Kaumdri in the south-west on the fourth and twelfth days. No one shall travel in the direction of the Toginis.

15. The following stars are auspicious for undertaking journeys: — Aioini, Reoati, Mrgafiras, Mula, Punarvasu 3 Pity a, Hasta, and Jyefthd.

16-18. For wearing new garments the following stars are auspicious: — Hasta, Citra, Svati, Viidkhd, Anurddhd, U ttardphdlguni, Uttardf& dhd, Uttar abhddrapada, Afvinl, Rohini, Pupa, Dhaniffhd and Punarvasu. The following stars are said to be Adhovaktras ( face turned down): Krttikd, Bharani, Aflefd, Maghd, Mdld 9 Vifdkhd ’, Pdrodfdihdy PUrvaphalguniy and Pdrvabhadrapadd. All activities involving going down the earth such as digging tanks, wells, lakes, 19. Laying foundations of temples, digging treasures, going into mines, digging grass, ploughing can be done during these stars.


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