THE GARUDA PURANA 10 страница20. In the case of palaces, etc., the Vastu of sixty-four feet is to be worshipped. In the middle, Brahmd occupies four feet and Aryaman, etc., are to have two feet each. 21. In the hypoteunse Sikhi x etc, are the Deities. Along with them the other deities shall have two feet each. 22. Thus it has been explained how the deities come to occupy sixty-four feet. Caraki, Viddri, Puiand 2 and Pdpardk$asi y 23. Shall be worshipped in the north-east and other corners. Hetuka and others are to be adored outside — Hetuka> Tripurtinta, Agni Vetalaka y Tama, 24. Agnijihva, Kalaka, Kardla, and Ekap& daka. In the north-east BhimarUpa (Terrific in appearances) is to be worshipped; in Pdtdla Pretandyaka. later mythology he is referred to more as the preceptor of the deities than as a deity. It is also the name of the planet Jupiter. ( CDHM, pp. 63-4). 1. Fire. 2. A demoness who was killed by Kn$a when he was still a child. 25. And in the sky Gandham& lin. Then Ksetrapalas are to be worshipped. The length divided by the width — that number is considered to be the JMfr' 1 of the Vdstu. 26. Divided by eight, the remainder is called Aya. Multiply it by eight and divide by seven, (ftkfabhdga). 27-28. Consider what remains as Rk$a. Multiply this by four. Then divide by nine. What remains is Vyaya according to Devala 2. If it is multiplied by eight it shall be Pin(la. z Divide it by sixty. 29. What remains is Jiva. The quotient is Marana (death). No one shall build houses behind the Vdstu. They are to be built inside the Vdstu. 30. He shall sleep on his left side. No hesitation in this matter. For persons born in the zodiacal sign of Simha, 4 Kanyd, 5 and Tula 6 the main door is good if made in the north. 31. For the persons born of Vrscika, 7 etc. the door is advised in the east, south and west in order. The door shall have two units of length and one unit of width. There must be eight doors at least in a house. 32. If the bed is slanting to the south, death due to a serpent, issuelessness and impotency may result. 33. If it is slanting to the south-east, imprisonment is the result, if towards north-west, birth of a son and satisfaction; if it is to the north, harassment by the king, if towards west, sickness. 34-35. If the door is in the north then there is fear from king, death of infants, issuelessness, enmity, wealth, loss of wealth, faults, death of son. I shall now say about the eastern doors. Fear from fire, plenty of daughters, wealth and honour, 36. Death of king, sickness, these are the results if the door is in the east. In the north-east, etc., let it be in the east; in the south-east, etc., let it be in the south. 1. The numbers or figures put down for any arithmetical operation such as adding, multiplying, etc. ( SSED, p. 469). 2. There are several men of this name. One was an astronomer. (CDHM p. 85). 3. Sum, total amount in arithmetic. {SSED p. 336. ) 4. Leo. 5. Virgo. 6. Libra. 7. Scorpio. 37. In the south-west, etc. let it be in the west; in the north-west, etc. let it be in the north When divided by eight, these are the results of doors. 38. If Aivattha, x Plak$a, 1 2 3 4 5 Nyagrodha 3 and Udumbara 4 are planted in the east and Sdlmali 5 (Silk cotton tree) in the north-east and they are worshipped, it shall be beneficent to the house and palace.
CHAPTER FORTYSEVEN. Characteristics of Palaces. Suta said: 1-2, I shall now describe the characteristic features of palaces. O Saunaka, listen to it. The plot shall be divided into sixty-four squares with the quarters distinctly marked. The doors are twelve in all. Fortyeight divisions are to be set apart for walls. 3. The Jangha ( calf), i. e. the height of the plinth, shall be equal to the length of the platform above the ground and beyond that it shall be twice that. The Sukanghri, the height of the inner vault, shall be as large as its base. 4. The depressions on either side shall measure a third or a fifth of the chord of the inner vault, rising upto the half of the entire height of the pinnacle. 5. The whole height of the pinnacle shall be divided into four parts. The super-structure is over the third part and the ornamental figure edging the entire height shall be on the fourth part. 1. Ficus religiosa. ( GVDB, p. 29. ) 2. Ficus Lacor. (GVDB, p. 264. ) 3. Ficus bcngalensis. (GVDB, p. 356. ) 4. Ficus raccmosa. (GVDB, p. 5?. ) 5. Salmalia malabarica. Bomba ceiba. (GVDB, p. 397. ) 6-7. Or let the V& stu be divided into sixteen equal parts and in the middle the inner vault be constructed over four parts. Over the remaining twelve parts, the wall shall be raised with the height well-proportioned. 8. The height of the pinnacle is twice the height of the wall. The circular verandah shall be one-fourth of the height of the pinnacle in width. 9-10. The outlets on the four sides shall be equal to a fifth of the vault in breadth. The Mukhaman$apa or frontal edifice (protruding promontory) shall be equal to the inner vault from above. 11. This is the general feature of a palace (or a temple). I shall now mention the dimensions based on the size of the idol. The pedestal shall be as large as the idol. 12. O Saunaka, the sanctum sanctorum shall be twice that all round. The wall shall be of the same size and the calf (the height of the plinth) shall be half of it. 13-14. The pinnacle is twice the calf, O Saunaka; the vault covers the entire space occupied by the pedestal; the depressions and outlets as before. This is called Liiiga-Mana (dimensions in accordance with the size of the idol). I shall now mention Dvara-Mdna (where the dimensions are in accordance with the size of door-frames). 15. Multiply the total length upto the tip of the hand ( of the idol ) by four; and one-eighth of the same shall be the width of the door. If one wishes, it shall be twice that also. 16. Upto the half, the door is as usual and above that it contains holes. A part of the door is taken by the wall. 17. The plinth is equal to its width (width of the door); the pinnacle is twice that; the vault shall be made, as before, as high as the outlet. 18-19. I have described the maniapa-mdna (measurement is accordance with the platform). I shall mention another type. The space occupied by the idols shall be multiplied by twelve which gives the exterior dimensions. The inner rim shall be one fourth in area, all round the temple on the inner side. 20. The sanctum sanctorum shall be twice the area of the rim. The same is the height of the wall and the pinnacle is twice. 21-22. I shall mention the origin and dimensions of temples. There are five types of temples: 1) Vair& ja, 2 )Pufpaka, 3) Kail& sa, 4) M& likd, 5) Trivi$lapa. They are the sources (models) for all other temples. The first one is square in shape; the second is rectangular. 23. The third is circular; the fourth is oval and the fifth is octagonal in shape. All beautiful temples are built on the model of these). They are forty-five in all. 24-27. Temples built on the model of Vair& ja are square in shape and consist of nine sorts, viz., Meru, Mandara, Vimana, Bhadraka, Sarvatobhadra, Rucaka, Nandana, Nandivardhana and Srivatsa. Temples built on the model of Pufpaka and rectangular in shape are nine: — Valabhi f Grharaja i Salagrha, Mandira, Vimana, Brahmamandira, Bhavana, Uttambha and Sibikavesma. 28-30. Temples built on the model of Kailaia, circular in shape, are nine: viz. Valaya, Dundubhi, Padma, Mah& padma, Mukuli, Ufnifi, Sanklna, Kalasaand Guvavrk$a. Temples built on the model of Manika Malika, oval or globular in shape, are nine: — Vr$abha, Hamsa, Garuja, Simha, Bhumukha, Bhudhara, Srijaya and Prthividhara. 31-33. Temples built on the model of Trivisfapa, octagonal in shape, are nine: — viz. Ffl/Va, Cakra, Mn$fika, Babhru, Vakra, Svastikabhatlga, Gada, $rivrk$a and Vijaya. Mantfapas 1 are made in the forms of Triangles, Lotus, Crescent, Quadrilateral and Bi-octagonal. If the maniapa is triangular, the owner shall win a kingdom; if lotus-shaped, wealth; if crescent, longevity; 34. Quadrilateral, birth of a son and the bi-octagonal, women and prosperity. The banner shall be fixed, Garbha-grha or sanctum sanctorum shall be made at the entrance. 35. Manjapas equal in number and befitting the quality shall be made. Bhadra shall be made one-fourth of the maniapa. 36-37. It can have windows or not. In some places the mandapas are made equal to one and a half times or twice the length of the wall. Ornamental cornices shall be made on temples, 38-39. With spaces of unequal length of various shapes in between and lines of different lengths. The temple Mem is the best, a base of four doors bedecked with four mantfapas and a hundred pinnacles or turrets. Cupolas can be constructed over them with three Phadras (arches). 40. In structure, dimensions and shapes they differ variously. There are many with bases and some with no bases. 41-42. Due to the difference in images too, the temples differ. Due to the difference in consecration, structure, special characteristics of the deities, etc., there are varieties of temples. With regard to deities (images) of self-origin (not man-made) there is no rule governing the construction of temples. 43-44. They shall be made according to the dimensions set forth above. They can be square, rectangular, or quadrilateral with long terraces, turrets, etc. In front, small mandapas shall be made for the vehicles of the deities. 45-46. Dance-halls (for religious dances) shall be constructed in the proximity of the main door of the temple. In the temples Dvdrapalas (watch and ward) shall be installed collectively or separately. The rest-houses of those who serve in the temple are to be made a little away from the temple. 47. Covered hedges shall be made containing fruits and flowers and profusely watered. The devotee shall worship the deities to be installed in the temples. Vasudeva is the god of all. Persons who build his temples enjoy everything.
CHAPTER FORTYEIGHT. Installation of idols. Suta said: 1. I shall now succinctly explain the mode of installation of the idols of deities. On an auspicious day, the preceptor shall perform the installation rites. 2-3. Along with five or more fttviks (sacrificial priests) a brahmin belonging to the central region shall be chosen as the main priest in accordance with the injunctions in his branch of Veda or simply by reciting the Pranava. They must»be received with the offerings of P& dya and Arghya, mudrikas, garments, unguents, flowers, sandal pastes, etc. 4. The preceptor shall begin the rite after performing mantra-nv& sa. A mandapa shall be made ten hastas square in front of the temple. 5. Some make mandapas twelve cubits square. It must have sixteen pillars. In the middle there shall be the altar four cubits square. There shall be eight flags fitted to the pillars. 6-7. Sand taken from the confluence of two rivers shall be strewn over the altar. The sacrificial pits shall be made of various shapes — square, segment-shaped (bow-like), circular or in the form of a lotus. Or all of them shall be square. They must be five in all. 8. With the preliminary Santi rite (for peaceful completion of the main task ) and for the achievement of all desires, the priest shall begin the homa (ghee-offering in the fire) at the head of the image. 9-10. Some desire that this be performed in the northeast after scrubbing the floor and applying a coat of cowdung paste. Four main doors shall be made. For festoons, poles of Nyagrodha, Udumbara, ASvattha, Bilva, 1 2 Palafa 2 and Khadira tree branches, five cubits long, shall be fixed and decorated with coloured cloths and flowers. 11. In the four main quarters four pits shall be made each a cubit deep. In the eastern gate the figure of the lion shall be installed; that of Uccaittravas (the divine horse) in the south. 12. That of a bull in the west and that of divine tiger in the north. The installation of lion shall be with the Vedic mantra — Agnimlle 3, etc. 1. Acgle marmelos. (GVDB, p. 274. ) 2. Butca monosperma. ( GVDB, p. 241. ) 3. RV. 1. 1. 1. 13. The installation of the horse in the south, shall be with the mantra — I$e tva, 1 etc., the installation of the bull in the west shall be with the mantra — Agna Ayaki 2, etc. 14. And the installation of the celestial tiger in the north shall be with the mantra — Sanno Devi y etc. The flag in the east is cloud-coloured, that in the south-east is smoke-coloured. 15. That in the south is dark in colour, that in the south-west is dark-blue a greyish flag is to be hoisted in the west; that in the north-west shall be yellow. 16. The flag in the north is red-coloured and that in the north-east is white. In the middle, a flag of various colours shall be hoisted. The flag in the east is called Indra-vidya. 17. The flag in the south-east shall be consecrated with Samsupti mantra. The flag in the south is called Tamo naga. The flag in the west should be worshipped with the mantra — Rak$ohanam. 4 18. In the north the consecration is either with the mantra-Vata 5 etc. or Apydyasva 6 7 etc. In the north-east too is the same. In the middle — Vipmnu kamP 19. Near every one of the gates two pots shall be placed. They shall be covered with two cloths; bedecked with sandalpaste, 20. And many varieties of flowers. They shall be inspired with mantras. The guardian deities of the quarters shall be worshipped in the manner laid down in the Sdstras. 21-22. The efficient devotee shall use these mantras for the invocation of the guardian deities: — Trataram Indram, Agnimi flrdhd; 9 Asmin Vrkje, Itaicaiva Pracarx; Kincedadhdt; A ca tva 10 Abhi tva Deva 11 and Imd Rudrdya. 12 1. VS. 1. 1. 22. 2. RV. 6. 16. 10. 3 RV. 10. 9. 4. or AV. 2. 25. 1. 4. RV. 10. 87. 1. 5. RV. 10. 186. 1. 6. RV. 1. 91. 16 or 17. 7. RV. 1. 154. 1. 8. RV. 6. 47. 11 or VS. 8. 46. 9. RV. 8. 44. 16. 10. RV. 3. 43. 4 (d ca tv& m). 11. “ RV. 1. 24. 3. 12. Imd rudrdya RV, l. l 14. 1 or 7. 46. 1. 23. The various articles for homa with other ancillary objects shall be placed in the north-west. As laid down in sacred scriptures, the preceptor shall cast glances on and purify the white Sahkhas. 24. There is no doubt in this that the sacrificial articles become purified by glances. Heart and other limbs shall be assigned by Pranava with the Vyahrtis. 25. Astra-mantra is also used in all assignments as is in vogue for all rites. Raw rice grains and other materials of sacrifice shall be inspired with Astra mantra. 26. The preceptor shall touch all the articles together with the Ydgaman^apa 1 with the Kuia seat inspired with Astra mantra. The rice-grains shall be scattered all around after the purificatory rite. 27-28. Beginning with the east and ending with northeast, the rice grains shall be scattered. Then the manqlapa shall be smeared with unguents. The preceptor shall assign the mantras to the Arghya- pot as well. With the water in the Arghya pot he shall sprinkle the Ydgamantfapa. 29. The Kalaia (pot) of the deity to be installed shall be known after it and placed in the north-east and in the south the Vardhani (water jar with spout) shall be worshipped with Astra-mantra. 30. Just as Kalasa and water jar so also the planets and V& sto$pati too shall be worshipped. All these shall be placed in their respective seats and the preceptor shall recite Pranava. 31. And worship the Kalafa with the sacred thread round it and covered with an excellent cloth and smeared with all medicinal herbs and unguents. 32. The deity shall be worshipped in the KalaSa along with the Vardhani and the excellent cloth. Afterwards, let him whirl the Kalaia and Vardhani (water pot with a spout). 33. With water dripping from the Vardhani (water-pot with a spout) he shall sprinkle and place it in front. After worshipping again the Vardhani and the Kalafa, he shall worship the deity on the altarground. 34. Removing the Kalaia to the north-west he shall worship Ganeia in the north-east with the mantra Gandndrh tvd 1 „ He shall then worship Vdstupati with the mantra Vdstofpati 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 for suppressing the defects in the plot. To the east of the Kalaia t oblations shall be offered to the Bhdtas (living beings) and Ganadevas. 1. The mandapa prepared for the sacrifice. 1, 58. 45 35. Let him read the Vidyas and perform Alambana (splitting — evidently the twigs). With the mantra YogeyogP, etc. he shall spread the Kuia grass. 36-38. The preceptor in the company of the f Itviks shall place the deity on the pedestal for bath. Vedic mantras shall be sung in chorus ( Brahmagho$a ) and the image shall be placed in the Brahmaratha (chariot) with the Punydha 4 and Jayaman gala mantras. The pedestal shall be brought to the north-east and placed in the mandapa by the preceptor. 39. The image shall be bathed with the mantra Bhad ram kamebhih 6 etc. He shall then put the sacred thread on the image and make the entrance, bowing low from far. 40-41. The collyrium for the eye shall be placed in a bell-metal or copper vessel containing honey and ghee. Reciting Agnirjyoti G mantra, the eyes shall be probed with golden probing twig and collyrium shall be applied. At this time the name of the deity shall be mentioned once by the Sthdpaka (the installer). 42. With the verse Imarh me Gauge 1 cooling operation of the eyes shall be performed and the dust from the Ant-hill shall be applied with the mantra — AgnirmUrdhdP etc. 43-45. With the mantra YayndyajfUP the Kafdya (decoction) of the barks of five trees Bilva, Udumbara, Atvattha, Vafa and Paldia, along with Paflcagavya (the medicinal mixture of five products of cow-milk, butter, curd, cowdung, urine) shall be poured over the image. These medicinal herbs — Sahadevi / Bald, 1 2 Satamiill, Satavari, 3 Kumdri 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, Gud& ci, s Simhi and Vydghri shall be soaked in water and the water shall be poured over the image with the mantra Yd osadhi 1 etc. 46. Thereafter Phala-sndna (bathing with the fruit juice) is to be formed with the mantra — Yah phalini 8 etc. Udvartana (rubbing off) shall be done with the Mantra — Drupad& divcP, etc. 47. After placing gems, cereals and the herb Satapufpikd™ in the KalaSas beginning with the one in north. 48-49. The waters of the four oceans of pure water, curd, milk and ghee shall be assigned in the four quarters and the Kalafas shall be inspired with the mantras Apydyasva etc. Dadhikravno 11 etc. Yd Ofadhih, etc. and Tejosi 12, etc. 50. Then giving the names of the oceans to the Kalafas, the image shall be bathed. After bathing and dressing, incense with Guggulu (gumresin) shall be shown. 51-52. For the final Abhifeka (bathing) different Tirthas (waters from the holy rivers) shall be put in pots separately. 'Whatever holy river there is in the world or whatever sea, the water from those shall be kept in different pots with the Mantra Yd o$adhi, etc. those pots shall be inspired. Whoever takes his bath with that, water is freed from all sins. 53. After performing the Abhifeka with Samudra-mantras, Arghya shall be offered. Sweet scents shall be offered with the Mantra — Gandhadvdrdm 1 etc, and Nyasa shall be performed with Vedic mantras. 1. Perhaps Abution indicum. ( GVDB, p. 428, p. 11. ) 2. Sida cordifolia. {GVDB p. 269. ) 3. Asparagus racemosus. {GVDB, p. 389. ) 4. Aloe barbadensis. (VNp. 134. ) 5. Tinospora cordifolia. ( GVDB, p. 141. ) 6. Solanum xanthocarpum. {GVDB, pp. 68-69. ) 7. & V. 10. 97. 1. 8. RV. 10. 97. 15. 9. AV. 6. 115. 3. 10. Perhaps & zfciptt; ^d-Peucedanum graveolens or Foeniculum vulgare. (GVDB, p. 388. ) 11.?. V. 4. 39. 6. 12. AV. 7-89. 4. 54. Garments shall be offered with the mantras — Tavarh vastra etc., in accordance with the injunctions of the scripture. Then the idol shall be taken to the Mandapa with the Mantra KaoihaUy etc. 55; With the mantra — Sam bhavaya etc., the idol shall be laid on the bed. The Sakala-Nifkalam rite shall be performed with the mantra — Vih'alas-cah$uh. 2 56. Staying in the Supreme Principle (God) mantra nydsa shall be done. As laid down in one’s own branch of Vedas, 57. The deity is then covered with a sheet of cloth and worshipped. The jYaivedyas (food offerings) shall be given at the foot. 58. The Kalafa inspired by Pranava, and covered with two cloths, along with the money (gold coin), shall be offered at the head. 59. Then the preceptor shall stand near the sacrificial pit and ignite fire, with the mantras laid down in his branch or general Vedic mantras. 60. He shall recite the following Mantras and hymns in the east: — Srisukta 3, Pavamana, Vasa f Ddsya 4 Ajina, Vr t sdkapi 5, Mitra and Bahvrca. 61. The Adhvaryu (The priest performing the sacrifice) shall recite in the south the following: — Rudra, Puru$asuktaP, Slokadhyaya ( chapter of verses — prayers, Brahmd and Pilrmaitra. 62. The Chandoga (Vedic School shall recite in the west, Vedavrata y Vamadevya, 7 Jyeffkasama 8, Rathantara 9 and Bheruqdasamans. 1. Gandhadvdrdm (RVkh. 5. 87. 9. ) 2. £ V. 10. 81. 3. 3. RVkh. 5. 87. 4. AV. 6. 71. 3 (d& syan) 5. RV. 10. 86. 2. 6. Ibid. 10. 90. 7. MS. 4. 9. 11; 132. 10. 8. SV. 1. 273. & VS. 10. 10. 63. Atharva (scholar specially well — versed in Atharva Veda) shall recite in the north Atharvaiiras (principal portion in that Veda); Kumbha- sUkta Nilarudra and Maitra. 1 2 3 64-65. The preceptor shall sprinkle the pit first with Astra mantra and then bring fire in a copper- vessel or mudpot, according to his position, and place it in front. He shall ignite the fire with Astra-mantra and envelop it with Kavaca mantra. 66. The preceptor then shall perform the Amrtikarana rite with all mantras and holding the vessel with both of his hands whirl it round the pit. 67-68. Put in it Tejas with the Vaifnava-mantra. With the general mantra or that laid down in his own sacred literature he shall place the Brahma in the south and Pranitd (sacrificial vessels) in the north. He shall then spread the PalaSa twigs along with KuSa 2 grass in different quarters. 69. Brahmd, Vi$nu, Hara and lifina shall be worshipped with common mantras. The fire shall be placed in the D zrbha grass. Whatever is enveloped in Darbha grass, 70-71. Or sprinkled with Darbha water becomes pure even without mantra. Fire enveloped by uncut Kuia grasses with their tips turned towards east, north and west, comes near of its own accord. Persons well-versed in mantras shall do everything for the protection of the fire. 72. Some preceptors maintain that installation of fire shall be after Jdtakarman (the rite consequent to the birth of a child). Wearing Pavitra, the Ajya (ghee) shall be consecrated. 73. The preceptor shall see and inspire with mantras the Mrdjana (waving of lights before the idol). The Ajya should be taken just enough to last till the final Ahuti is made. 74. For each Ahuti five drops are poured into the leaf with which the Akuti is then made. All the rites that one has to perform from the time of Garbh& dhdna (conception) to Goddna (cutting of the forelocks of a child for the first time). 1. VS. 39. 5. 2. Damostachya bipinnata. ( GVDB, p. 111. ) 3. Kuia. (GVDB, p. 201. ) 75. Are to be performed either in accordance with Sdstraic injunction with those mantras, or with Pranava. Thereafter Pdrndhuti (entire ghee poured into the fire) is performed and the devotee gets all his desires fulfilled. 76. A fire thus maintained is conducive to all success in all rites. After performing the worship the fire shall be transferred to the pits. 77. To Indra and other gods one hundred Ahutis each shall be given. At the end of hundred Ahutis the Purndhuti is performed for all gods. 78-80. The Holr shall assign to the Kalaia his own Ahuti. Keeping to one’s side all the deities, mantras, sacrificial fire and himself the Purndhuti shall be given. After extricating himself the preceptor shall offer oblations to the guardians of the quarters, spirits, gods, and to serpents by means of due rites. Gingelly seeds and sacrificial twigs arc the two essential ingreendits. 81. Ghee is an auxiliary. The other articles are to be given after smearing them with ghee. Puru$asQkta is to be used in the east. Rudra in the south. 82. Jyefthasdma? i l > Bhirunda and Tannaydmi to the west. Nilnrudra is a great mantra. Kumhhasukta is an important part of the Atharvaveda. 83. Each of the Devas shall be worshipped with Havana a thousand times at the head. 84-85. Similarly in the middle and at the foot. Then with Purndhuti, on all those spots termed ‘Head’ of the image, the Ahutis shall be offered. The brahmin shall offer Ahutis in honour of the gods either wdth the principal mantras or the mantras of his own scriptural code or with the Gdyatri or with Gdyatri, Vydhrti and Pranava. 86. Having thus performed the rite of Homa f the preceptor shall perform mantra-nydsa: — at the feet with Agnimile mantra 9 at the ankles with I$e tvd mantra • 87. At the calves the assignment is with the mantra Agna dydhi, etc. at the knee-joint Sanno devi mantra, at the thigh Brhadrathdntara and in the belly SvdtiJa mantra. 88. For longevity the assignment is made in the heart Srii ca te 1 2 3 galake, at the chest Tratdram Indram, at the eyes Triyugmaka mantra. 89. At the top of the head Murdha bhuvo 2 mantra. Thereafter, he shall raise the deity by saying “O lord of Brahman! rise’. 90. Then reciting the Vedic Puny aha mantras he shall go round the temple with the mantra Devasya tvd 3 he shall split the Pindikd. 91. And place the images of gods, gems, minerals, medicinal herbs and loha-bijas behind the deity. 92. The image is not to be placed exactly in the centre of the sanctum sanctorum or far removed from it. It shall be placed slightly away from the centre. There is no attendant defect therein. 93. It should be brought a little to the north. “ Orh obeisance, obeisance, be stable, be beneficent to all people. ’ 94. To the six deities he shall make assignments with the mantra — Devasya tvd savitur vah and reciting — “All the principles, Varnas, and Kalds in the god having the world as his progeny. 95. After assigning all the six he shall inspire them with mantras with the Sampatakalafa the installed deity shall be bathed. 96. With lamps, incense and scented sticks he shall worship. After performing Arghya and bowing he shall pray for forgiveness. 97. To the ftiviks dakfind shall be given according to the capacity and articles, such as a vessel, a pair of cloths, umbrella, good rings, etc. 98. The householder shall then perform the fourth Hama, with full concentration. After offering hundred Ahutis, die PUrndhuti shall be offered. 1. Srti ca ts lakjmii ca VS. 31. 22. 2. Murdhd bhuvo RV 10. 88. 6. 3. VS. 1. 21 (Alio DC. pp. 492-4). 99. The preceptor shall then come out and offer oblations to the guardians of the quarters. With flowers in his hands he shall say “Forgive and scatter them. 100-101. At the end of the sacrifice, the householder shall give to deary a a grey cow, chowrie, coronet, ear-rings, umbrella, bracelet, girdle, fan, villages, garments, etc., with all subsidiary things. He shall feed lavishly. By the gods grace he shall be liberated.
CHAPTER FORTYNINE. Four Varnas and dSramas. Brahma said: 1. O Vy. isa, Hari is the creator of the world, etc. He has to be worshipped by Brahma the self-created and others. He has to be duly adored by Brdhmanas and others according to their own duties. Please listen to those duties. 2. Six duties are assigned to the Brdhmana; performing sacrifices for himself, performing them for others, giving gifts, accepting them, studying and teaching others. 3. The common duty of K$atriya and Vai{ya is giving gifts, studying and performing yajnas. The additional duty of a Kyatriya is maintaining law and order and that of a Vai& ya is agriculture. 4. Service of the twice-born is the main duty of Sudras. Maintenance by means of various arts and crafts and paka yajna 1 is also their duty. 5. The special duty of a Brahmacdrin is begging for alms, service to the preceptor, study, sacrificial rites and renunciation. 6. There are two-fold conditions in all diramas. Brahmacdrin becomes Upakurvdna or Nai$thika. This JVaiyfhika is. eager to realise Brahman. 1. A simple or domestic sacrifice. 7. After studying the Vedas if he becomes a householder he is called Upakurvana. The Naitfhika remains a Brahmacdrin till death. 8. O best brahmin! the duties of a house-holder are in brief — the preservation of the sacred fire, hospitality to the guests; performance of sacrifices, giving gifts, and worshipping gods.