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THE GARUDA PURANA  13 страница

20-2 1. Other activities such as the study of Mathematics, Astrology etc. can fclso be undertaken. The following stars are said to be Pdrfvamukha (face sideways) Reoati y Afvtnl, Citrd, Svdti, Hasta, Punarvasu, Anurddhd t Mrgaiiras and Jyefthd.

22. Taming of elephants, camels, horses, bullocks and buffaloes, sowing of seeds, paying visits, making of wheels, chariots and machines, floating of boats, 23-24, Can be done during these stars. The following nine stars are said to be Ordhvamukha • — Rohini, Ardrd, Pu$ya, Dhaniffhd, Uttar aphdlguni, Uttarfyadhd, Uttarabhddrapada, Satabhi$ak and Sravana. During these stars a king can be crowned, and silk clothes can be worn.

25. All activities involving going up and all noble actions can be pursued. The following days of the lunar fortnight are inauspicious: fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, 26. Twelfth, fourteenth, new moon and full moon. The following days are auspicious: — first day of the dark fortnight, second day of either fortnight if it is on Wednesday.

27. Third day on Tuesday; fourth day on Saturday; fifth day on Thursday, sixth day on Tuesday and Friday.

28. Seventh day on Wednesday; eighth day on Tuesday and Sunday; ninth day on Monday; tenth day an Thursday.

29. Eleventh day on Thursday and Friday; twelfth day on Wednesday; thirteenth day on Friday and Tuesday; fourteenth day on Saturday.

30. Full Moon and new Moon on Thursday are good.

The sun burns the twelfth day of the lunar fortnight [DvddaH falling on a Sunday is burnt ( dagdha ) ]. The moon bums the eleventh day.

3 1. Mars burns the tenth day \Da§ami on Tuesday ]; Budha (Mercury) (Wednesday) burns the ninth day; Jupiter (Thurs day) burns the eighth day; Bhargava (Friday) burns the seventh day.

32-33. The Sun’s son (Saturn) burns the sixth day. During these burnt days, one shall not travel. The undertaking of long journeys shall be avoided on the first, eighth, ninth and the fourteenth days of the lunar fortnight and on Wednesdays. The sixth day when the tagna (Ascendent)is Mesa (Aries) or Karkafaka (Cancer); the eighth day with the lagna Kanyd (Virgo) or Mithuna (Gemini).

34, The fourth day when the Lagna is Vr$a (Taurus) or Kumbha (Aquaris); the twelfth day when the lagna is Makara (Capricorn) or Tuld (Libra); the tenth day, when the lagna is Vricika (Scorpio) or Sirhha (Leo) and the fourteenth day when the lagna is Dhanu$ (Sagittarius) or Mina ( Pisces).

Hari said:

35-37. Times are also dagdha (burnt) and hence inauspicious for undertaking journeys. The following conjunctions are Autpdtika (harmful). They may cause death, sickness, etc.: that of the Sun (Sunday) with Viidkhd 9 Anuradhd or Jyetfhd; that of the Moon (Monday) with PUrvdfddha, Uttard$d< }hd or Havana; that of Mars( Tuesday) with

$atabhi$ak> Dhanisfhd, or Purvabhadrapada; that of Mercury (Wednesday) with Revati, Aivini or Bharani; that of Jupiter (Thursday) with Rohini Mrgaiiras or Ardrd; that of Venus (Friday) with Pu$ya, Attend or Maghd and that of Saturn with Uttardphdlguni, Hosta or Chitrd.

38-39. The following conjunctions are A mrtayogas (Nectarlike) and hence conducive to the fulfilment of tasks undertaken: —

The sun in Mala, the moon in Sravana, Mars in Uttar abhadrapada, Mercury in Krttika; Jupiter in Punarvasu; Venus in Purvdphdlguni, and Svdti in Saturn.

40. Add together the letters in the names of husband and wife. Divide by three. If two is the remainder, wife is harmed; if one or zero, husband is harmed.

41-43. There are certain yogas (conjunctions) bringing death. All auspicious activities shall be avoided then. In Vi^kambha — five hours; in Sula — seven hours; in Ganda — six hours; in Atiganda — six hours; in Vydghdta and Vajra nine hours. In Vyatipdla, Parigha and Vaidhrta the whole day.

44-45. The following are Siddha yogas — auspicious conjunctions when all evils are destroyed — the Sun and Hasta Jupiter and Pu$ya 9 Anuradhd and Mercury, Rohini and Saturn, Mrgaiiras and Moon, Revati and Venus, Aivini and Mars.

46-47. The following are Vi$ayogas — poisonous conjunctions. Bharani with Venus; Cilrd with Moon, Uttardfddhd with Mars, Dhanifthd with Mercury, Satabhi$ak with Jupiter; Rohini with Venus and Revati with Saturn.

48-49. The stars auspicious for the performance of postnatal religious rites are: — Pu? ya t Punarvasu, Revati, Citrd 9 $rava$d, DhaniffSd, Hasta, AJvini, Mrgaiiras and £ atabhi$ak. The following stars are very inauspicious for journey and if journey is undertaken at that time it will result in death: Vifdkhd, Uttaraphdlguni, Uttar& f& tfhd, Uttarabhddrapada, Maghd> Ardra 9

Bharani, Attend and Krttikd.




Hari said:

1. The date (duration of the period of special influence)

of the Sun is for six years; that of the Moon fifteen years; that of the Mars eight years; that of Mercury seventeen years.

2. That of Saturn ten years; that of the Jupiter nineteen years; that of Rahu twelve years and that of Venus twentyone years.

3. The date of Sun yields misery and heart-burn and destroys kings. Moon’s date yields prosperity, happiness and sumptuous food.

4. The date of Mars is miserable. It may cause deposition from the kingdom, etc. The date of Mercury gives women of divine charms and flourishing kingdom with ample treasury.

5. The da$a of saturn destroys kingdom and yields misery to kinsmen. The date of Jupiter provides happiness, virtue and flourishing kingdom.

6. The date of Rahu causes destruction of kingdoms and produces sickness and misery. The date of Venus provides elephants, horses, flourishing kingdom and women.

7. AIe$a Rdii is the house of Mars; Vrfa that of Venus; Mithuna that of Mercury; Karkafaka that of Moon.

8. Sirfiha is the house of sun. Kanyd that of Mercury; Tii/^ that of Venus; Vficika that of Mars;

9. Dhanus that of Jupiter; Makara and Kumbha both of Saturn and Mina that of Jupiter. Thus I have explained the houses of the? planets.

10. If in the month of Afatfha there are two full moons and two pdrvdfddh& s, it is called Dvirdfddha (having two Ajddhas). Visnu sleeps in Cancer then.

11-13. Auspicious stars for wearing ornaments are Advint, Reuatt, Citrd and Dkaniffhi. At the time of starting on a journey the following animals seen on the right are auspicious: — deer, serpent, monkey, cat, dog, boar, birds, mungoose, and mouse.

Seeing a Brahmin girl, dead body, conch, bugle, earth, bamboo, woman, and a pot full of water, at the time of starting on a journey is auspicious. A jackal, a camel, a mule, etc. when seen on the left side while proceeding on a journey are auspicious.

14. Seeing cotton, medicine, oil, burning embers, snakes, a woman with dishevelled hair, a garland of red flowers and a nude person is inauspicious.

15. I shall explain the implication of Hikkd (the sound of hiccough when heard). If it is heard from the east it produces great results from the south-east — sorrow and anxiety; from the south — loss.

16. From the south-west — sorrow and anxiety; fiom the west — sumptuous feast: from the north-west — money; from the north — quarrel.

17. From the north-east — death. Draw the solar circle and inscribe in it the picture of the sun in the form of a man.

18-20. Find out the asterism on which the Sun presides (at the time of the birth of a child). Write the names of the three stars beginning with that star on the head. The next three stars shall be assigned to the mouth; assign one star to each of the shoulders, arms, and palms. Assign five stars to the heart; one to the navel; one to the genital; one to each of the knees The remaining six stars to the feet.

21-23 If the star at the time of birth is one of those assigned to the feet, the child dies young; if it is one of those assigned to the knees — foreign travel; one at the genital — adulterer; one at the navel — he will be satisfied with what little he gets; one at the heart — he shall be a great lord; one at the palms — a thief; one at the arms he falls from high position;

one at the shoulders — very wealthy; one in the mouth — gets sumptuous feast; one at the head — he gets silkclothes.


CHAPTER SIXTYONE, Astrology, Hart said:

1. When the moon is on the ascendency after the seventh day in the bright half it is always favourable. Similarly the second, fifth and ninth days are also auspicious.

2. Being honoured by the world like Jupiter it is considered (also like him). There are twelve Avasthas (stages) of the moon. Hear them.

3-6. I shrill explain them as they are situatedin sets of three stars beginning with Ahrini [2J Nak$atras for each4z/& rtA< I. ] The results are: — Pravdsa (exile), Punarnasta (repeated loss), Mrtyu (death), Java (success), Hdsa (being laughed at), Kridd (sexual sport) Pramoda (happiness), Vifada (sorrow), Bhoga (enjoyment), ^^ (fever and debility), Kampa (trembling), Svastha (being at ease). If the moon is in Janma Rah ( the sign of zodiac at the time of birth) it gives satisfaction; in the second, absense of mental satisfaction.

7. In the third — royal honour, in the fourth — quarrels with others; in the fifth — acquisition of wife.

8. In the sixth — acquisition of wealth and grains; in the seventh — enjoyment of sexual pleasure and praise of others; in the eighth — risk of life, in the ninth — accumulation of wealth.

9. In the tenth — successful fulfilment of activities; in the eleventh — sure success; in the twelfth — death is certain.

10. Making a journey to the east during the seven stars from Kjrttika is fruitful; journey to the south can be made during the seven stars from Magha making journey to the west during the six stars from Anuradha is good.

1 1 And journey to the north during the seven stars from Dhanis^ha is good. The stars ASvini, Revati, Citra, and Dhani$jha are auspicious for wearing ornaments.

12. For the performance of marriage, journey, installation of idols, etc. the auspicious stars are Mfgaiiras, A£ vinf, Citrd, Pu$ya, Mula and Hasta.

13. Venus and Moon are auspicious when they are in the Janma Ras! or in the second house; Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the third house are good.

14. Mars, Saturn, Moon, Sun and Mercury in the fourth house are good; Venus and Jupiter in the fifth house aspected by Moon and Ketu are good.

15. Saturn, Sun and Mars in the sixth; Jupiter and Moon in the seventh; Mercury and Venus in the eighth are good.

Jupiter in the ninth is good 16. Sun, Saturn and Moon in the tenth; All the planets in the eleventh; Mercury and Venus in twelfth are beneficent.

17-18. The sadstaka (being in the sixth and eighth mutually) is conducive to pleasure such as: — Simha with Makara, Kanya with Mesa, Tula with Mina, Kumbha with Karkafaka, Dhanus with V? sabha, Mithuna with VrScika.




Hari said: —

1. At sunrise every day the sun is in his own Raii. Then he begins his transit to the other RdSis (signs of zodiac). He covers six RdSis in the day-time and six in the night.

2. In Mina-lagna and Mesa-lagrta he spends five gkatikds each (5+24= 120 minutes 2 Hrs. ) In Vrfa lagna and Kum bha-lagna he spends four ghatikaseach (96 mts). In Makar a-lagna and Mithuna-lagna he spends three ghafikds each

(1 Hr. — 12 mts. ); In Dhanur-lagna and Karkatuka-lagna he spends five ghafik& f each (2 Hrs. )

3. In Simha and VrScika-lagnas he spends six ghafikds each (2 Hrs. 24 mts. ) and in Kanyd-lagna and Tuld-lagna he spends seven ghafikas each (2 Hi's. 48 mts. ) Thus I explained the time spent in lagnas.

4. Me? a and Mina lagnas have six ghafikds; other lagnas have six or four ghafikas. Each and every lagna is circumscriBed by its own ghafikas. [The second part is not clear. ]

5. A woman born in Me$a4agna becomes barren; in Vrja-lagna very passionate; in Mithuna-lagna — fortunate; in Karakafa-lagna — a prostitute.

6. In Siihha-lagna — she will have very few children, in Kanyd-lagna — very beautiful and comely; in Tula-lagna — beauty and prosperity; in Vrfcika-lagna — harsh of speech.

7. In Dhanur-lagna — endowed with good luck; in Makaralagna — -she will marry a baseborn; in Kumbha-lagna — very few children; and in Mina-lagna — detachment from the world.

8. The Rdf is Tuld, Karkafaka, Me$a and Makara are called Cara rdfis (moving).

9. The Rdfis — Sirhha, Vrfa, Kumbha and Vrfcika are Sthira; Kanyd, Dhanus, Mina and Mithuna are of both characteristics.

10. Undertaking a journey and other activities involving motion are to be in the Cara Rdf is. Entering a house and other affairs involving stabilisation are to be in Sthira Rafis.

11. Installation of idols, marriage " and other activities involving motion and stabilization are to be in Dvisvabhdva Rdf is.

The first, sixth and the eleventh days of lunar fortnight are called Nandd.

12. The second, seventh and the twelfth are called Bhadrd\ the eighth, third and the thirteenth are called Jayd. 13. The fourth, ninth and the fourteenth are called Riktd> they are to be avoided; the fifth, the tenth and the full moon are called Pdrnd and they are auspicious.

14. Mercury is called Cara (moving); Jupiter— Kfipra (quick); Sukra— Mfdu (soft); Sun —Dhruva (fixed); Saturn—

Ddruna (terrific); Mars— Ugra (fierce); Moon — Sama (having equanimity).

15. Journey should be undertaken when Cara and Kfipra planets are ascendant. Entry of house, etc. when Mrdu and Dhruva planets are ascendant; war should be undertaken when Ddrurta and Ugra planets are ascendant, if victory is wished for.

1 6. The anointing of a kin g and activities with fire should be performed on Monday. House-building activities can be started in the ascendancy of Soma and Tula 17. When Mars is ascendant, leading an army, war, practising of weapons can be undertaken; activities involving practice for yogic or mantra-siddhis and journeys can be undertaken when Mercury is ascendant.

18. When Jupiter is ascendant, study, worship of gods, wearing of garments and ornaments can be undertaken; marriage, riding an elephant, contract with women can be undertaken when Venus is ascendant.

19. An installation of idols, entry to a house, binding elephants, etc., are auspicious when Saturn is ascendant.




Han said:

1. I shall now describe in brief the prominent characteristic features of men and women, O Sankara. If the palms are soft like the inner portion of a lotus and do not perspire.

2. If the fingers are close together; if the nails are copper-coloured, if the ankles are well shaped and free from protruding nerves: if the feet are plump and shaped like the back of a toitoise — the man is bound to become a king.

3. Rough and yellow-coloured nails, face lifted up with protruding nerves, feet shaped like winnowing sieves, toes dry and flcshless.

4. All these indicate sorrow and poverty. There is no doubt about it. The calf resembling the trunk of an elephant with sparsely grown hairs — is an excellent sign.

5. To those who are destined to become great men or kings each pore has a hair growing out of it. To those who are destined to become great scholars and Vedic interpreters, two hairs grow out of each pore.

6. To those who are destined to become poor three hairs grow out of each pore. A sickly person has knee caps devoid of flesh. A man with a small penis is destined to be rich but without issues.

7. A man with a stout penis shall be poor. A man having a single scrotum will be miserable. A ipan having scrotums of different sizes shall become lecherous. If the scrotums are of equal size he shall be a king.

8. A man having srrotums hanging lose will not live long. A man having badly shaped scrotum shall be poor.

Men become happy if the scrotums are pale coloured and dirty in appearance.

9. The man passing urine with a loud noise shall suffer from poverty. Men destined to become kings pass urine steadily without noise. Those destined to enjoy pleasures have even bellies. Pot-bellied persons are penurious.

10. A man destined to be poor has serpentine belly.

Lines indicate the age of men. A man in whose forehead three straight parallel lines are seen, 11. Shall be happy with children and will live upto sixty years. Two lines indicate life-expectation upto forty years.

12. A single line extending upto the ears indicates a short life, say upto twenty years. Three lines extending upto the ears indicate a life expectation upto a hundred years.

13. A man having two such lines (extending upto ears) shall live upto seventy years. If the three lines are partly distinct and partly indistinct he shall live upto sixty years.

14. If the number of lines decreases, twenty years shall be reduced from the previous. If the lines are broken in the middle premature death is the result.

15. If the figure of a trident or a broad-edged spear appears on the forehead the man shall be endowed with children and wealth and shall live upto hundred years.

16. If the line of longevity comes upto the centre of the middle finger and index finger the man lives upto hundred years.

1 7. The first line from the thumb is the line of knowledge.

The middle line goes upto the root (bottom) of the palm.

Beyond that is the line of longevity.

18. If that line extends upto the little finger, broken or unbroken, he shall live a hundred years.

19. O Rudra, the line on the palm indicates the longevity as also the enjoyment of pleasures. There is no doubt.

20. Based on the little finger if the line of life reaches upto the middle finger the man shall live upto sixty years.




Hari said:

1. The girl whose locks are curly, face circular in shape and the navel curling to the right makes the family flourish.

2. She whose complexion is golden and whose hands resemble red lotus is one in a thousand women famous for chastity.

3. The woman with uneven hair and rotund eyes shall be unhappy everywhere and becomes widowed soon.

4. A girl with a face like the full moon and shining like the rising sun, having wide eyes and lips red like the Bimba fruit shall always be happy.

5. If a woman has many linear marks over her body she will suffer much; a few lines like that indicate poverty; red linear marks indicate happiness in life and black lines denote slavery.

6. A real wife is like a minister for the personal affairs of her husband; a friend in executing his tasks; in affectionate dealings she is like his mother and in his bed she is like a courtesan to him. Such a wife is auspicious.

7. The woman having lines in her palm resembling a goad, a circle or a wheel marries a king and gives birth to a son.

8. If the sides of a woman or her breasts contain plenty of hair and if her lips are high the husband dies soon.

9. If the lines on the palm of a woman resemble a fort wall or the entrance, she is destined to become a queen even if she is torn of a poor family.

10. If a woman has brown hairs curling upwards over her body, she is destined to become a slave even if she is born a princess.

11. If the little finger and the thumb of a woman placed on the ground do not rest there, she is destined to be a widow and a woman of ill-repute.

12. A woman, who shakes the ground as she treads, kills her husband quickly and lives like a mleccha woman.

13. Smooth oily eyes indicate happy married life; oily teeth denote pleasure of food; oily skin indicates sexual pleasure and oily foot denotes possession of conveyances.

14. If the feet are beautiful and raised up with coppercoloured nails; if the soles have the lines resembling fish, goad and lotus, wheel and ploughshare.

15. And they do not perspire, the woman leads a happy life. The calves shall be free from hair, the thighs shall resemble the elephant’s trunk.

16. The vagina shall be broad like the leaf of an Aivattha tree, the navel shall be deep curling to the right, the three curls of hair curling to the right, the chest and breasts shall be free from hair. These are all auspicious signs.





1. I shall now describe the aqppicious characteristics of men and women as narrated by Samudra 1 (the sage who originally propounded this) by knowing which one can understand the past and future without difficulty.

2. If the feet rarely perspire, have the soles as soft as the inner surface of a lotus, the toes adjoin one another, nails are copper-coloured, have sufficient warmth, are free from protmd ing nerves, 1. A legendary personality said to be the originator of sdmudnka sistrm (palmistry).

3. The instep is arched like the back of a tortoise, the ankles are concealed, and the heels are fine, the man is destined to be a king. If the feet are flat and spreading like a winnowing fan, harsh of surface, uneven, have many protruding nerves, 4. Dry, the nails are greyish and the toes are detached too much, the man is destined to be poor. If the feet have the ridges lifted up, the man is destined to be a wanderer; if the feet arc reddish brown, 5. The man brings about split in the family; if they are dart-like the man may slay even a brahmin. If both the calves are of equal length and have soft sparsely grown hair, 6. The thighs are like the trunk of an elephant and the knees are fleshy and even, the man is destined to be a king.

7. If the calves are like those of a fox and there is only a single hair growing from each pore the man is destined to be poor. If there are two hairs growing from each pore the man is destined to be a king or a great scholar and very prosperous.

8. If there are three or more hairs growing from each pore the man is destined to be poor, miserable and despised.

Persons with curly hair are likely to die in exile.

9. If the knee has no flesh at all he will be lucky; if there is a little of flesh and that is depressed he is loved by women; if the knee is deformed, the man becomes poor and if it is plump and fleshy he will win a kingdom.

10. Great men say that a man with a short penis lives long and becomes rich; the man with a stout penis has no son and will be devoid of wealth.

11. If the penis is slanting to the left the man shall be devoid of sons and wealthy; if it is a bit curved he shall have sons; if it is depressed below, he will be poor.

12. If the penis is small, the man will not beget sons; if it has protruding nerves he shall be happy; if the bulb of the penis is stout, he will be blessed with sons, etc.

13. If the scrotum is well-hidden he becomes a king; if it is long and curved he is devoid of wealth; a man with a short penis will be strong and spirited in fight.

14. A man with a single scrotum is weak; if the two scrotums are unequal in size, he will be running after girls; if the scrotums are of equal size, he shall be a king; if the scrotums hang loose, he will live hundred years.

15. If the scrotums are lifted up the man shall be longlived; if they are rough the man becomes a lord; if they are grey the man is poor; if they are dirty in appearance, the man enjoys happiness.

16. If the urine comes out noisily and silently by turns, the man becomes poor; if the urine comes out evenly, or in two.

three, four, five or six spurts 17. Or if the urine comes out curling to the right, the man becomes a king; If the urine comes out in scattered drops, he is poor; if it comes out in a single continous flow, it indicates happiness.

18. Persons passing urine in a single flow will enjoy women, persons having high, equal and oily scrotum will possess good women and riches; persons with scrotum depressed in the middle will beget daughters, 19. If the semen is very dry the man is destined to be poor and miserable; if the semen is fragrant like flowers, the man becomes a king; if the semen has the smell of honey the man will have plenty of wealth.

20. If the semen has the smell of fish the man begets sons; if the semen has no smell the man begets daughters; if the semen has the smell of meat the man will enjoy sexual pleasure: if the semen smells of ichor the man becomes a performer of sacrifices.

21. If the semen emits a salty smell the man is destined to be poor. A man who finishes coitus quickly, enjoys longevity; a man of prolonged coitus is short-lived; a man with stout buttocks is destined to be poor.

22. A man with fleshy buttocks is ever happy; a person with a lion’s buttocks is destined to be a king. Similarly, if the hips are leonine the man becomes a king; a man with monkeylike hips is destined to be poor.

23. Persons with serpentine, pan-like or pot-like bellies are destined to be poor. Persons with broad sides are rich and those with depressed sides reddish in hue are poor.

24. Persons having arm-pits of equal size enjoy various objects of life; those with too depressed armpits are destined to be poor; those of elevated arm-pits become kings and those of unequal armpits are crooked in character.

25. Persons having fishlike bellies are destined to be wealthy; those with large and capacious navel are destined to be happy; if the navel is depressed the man will lead a miserable life.

26. If the navel is within a curly wrinkle, the man will suffer much; if the wrinkle is curling to the left, the man will achieve something; if to the right he will be intelligent.

27. If the wrinkle is long and spreads on either side, the man shall be longlived; if it is above the ground, the man is destined to be wealthy; if it goes downwards, the man will possess cows; if it has the shape of the pericarp of a lotus he shall become a king.

28. A man with a single wrinkle lives for hundred years;

with two wrinkles enjoys prosperity; with three wrinkles he becomes a king or a preceptor; if the wrinkles are straight he enjoys happiness.

29. If the wrinkles are awry he will have illicit union with women of base character. If the sides are fleshy, soft and of equal size with curly locks of hair turning right, the man is destined to be a king.

30. If otherwise, he will be a slave to others, devoid of wealth and happiness. If the nipples are not protruding up, men become lucky.

31. If they are uneven or long or yellow in hue, they are destined to be poor. If the chest is stout and fleshy, of even height and unmoving.

32. He is destined to be a king; if full of hard hair and protruding nerves, the man is destined to be base. If both the sides of the chest are equal, stout and firm, the man becomes rich.

33. If of unequal size, he becomes poor and is doomed to die by means of a weapon. If the clavicle is rugged or interwoven by bones, the man is destined to be poor.

34. If it is raised up, the man will enjoy life; if it is depressed the man becomes poor; if it is thick he becomes rich.

If the neck is thin and flat the man is poor; if the throat is dry and netVes protrude, the man becomes happy.

35. If a man is buffalo-necked, he is destined to be a warrior; if he has the neck of a deer, lie masters sacred literature. A man with a conch-like neck becomes a king and he with a long neck becomes a glutton.

36. A back devoid of hair and not stooping indicates auspiciousness; otherwise it is inauspicious. The armpit shaped like the leaf of the ASvattha (Holy fig) tree emitting swest smell and having hair like those of a deer is an excellent sign.

37-38. Otherwise it indicates poverty. Plump, curling a little, and well joined hands are good. Well-rounded thick and long coming upto the knees indicate royalty. In poor people the hands are short and covered with hair. Good hands resemble the trunk of an elephant.

39. Fingers having ventilators are auspicious. Those of an intelligent person are short; those of servants are flat. 40. If the fingers are stout, the man is bound to be poor; if the fingers are very lean the man is sure to be humble. Persons with hands resembling those of a monkey are poor; with hands like those of a tiger are strong.

41. tf the palm is depressed the ancestral property is doomed to be destroyed. If the wrists are well hidden and well knit, emitting sweet smell, the man is destined to be, 42. A king; persons destined to be poor have wrists that are noisy on being twisted. Persons destined to be rich have wrists depressed and well covered (with flesh).

43. If they are streched the man pays taxes always; if the wrists are unequal they are not good indications. If the palms and hands have the colour of the lac (red), the man is bound to be a lord.

44. If they are yellow, he is sure to be an adulterer; if they are rough he will be poor. If the nails resemble husks, the man is sure to be impotent, if the nails are split, he is bound to be crooked.

45. With nails of stunted growth, he is sure to be indigent; if the nails are pale the man is bound to be fond of verbal disputes. If the thumb has lines in the form of a barley grain and is copper-coloured he is destined to be a king.


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