THE GARUDA PURANA 7 страница1. It is in fact a mystical mark put on persons or things, to bless them with good luck. 7. Having worshipped all, O Rudra, Hari shall be invoked. The wise devotee then shall invoke and worship Hari with these mantras destroying all sins. 8. Orh Hrim obeisance to Sridhara, the enchanter of the three worlds, Visnu (Himself). 9. Om obeisance to Sri. Orh Srdm obeisance to the heart. Orh Srim obeisance to the head. Orh Srum obeisance to the tuft. Om. fr< «m obeisance to the Kavaca (coat of mail). Om Sraum obeisance to the three eyes. Orh Srah obeisance to the Astra (weapon). Om obeisance to the couch. Om obeisance to the lotus. Om obeisance to the discus. Om obeisance to the club. Om obeisance to Srivatsa. Om obeisance to the Kaustubha. Om obeisance to the Vanamatd (the garland of wild flowers). Om obeisance to the yellow-robed. Om obeisance to Brahman. Om obeisance to Ndrada. Om obeisance to the preceptor. Om obeisance to Indra. Om obeisance to the Fire-god. Om obeisance to Tama. Om obeisance to Nirrti. Om obeisance to Varuna. Om obeisance to Vdyu (wind god). Om obeisance to Soma (Moon). Om obeisance to Isdna, Om obeisance to Ananta. Om obeisance to Brahman. Om obeisance to Saitva. Om obeisance to Rajas. Om obeisance to Tamas. Om obeisance to Vifvaksena. 10-11. With the following mantras shall be offered the Abhiseka (bathing of the idol), garments, sacred thread, sandal paste, flower, incense, lamp, food oblation, and circular peregination. After completing the same, let him recite the mantra one hundred and eight times. Then dedicate this to the deity. 12-13. Then fora muhUrta (24 minutes) he should meditate in his heart the deity seated in the heart, as bright as the pure crystal, brilliant like a crore of Suns, pleasant in face, gentle, wearing the two earrings shaped like the Makara 1 and coronets, beautiful of limbs, bedecked by a garland of wild flowers, identical with the Supreme Soul. 14. The scholarly devotee shall thus worship and contemplate upon Srldhara. Let him eulogise the great lord with this prayer hymn. 15. Obeisance to Lord Srinivasa 2 3, obeisance to Sripati 2 obeisance to Sridhara with the Sdrfiga ( the bow), obeisance to the donor of prosperity. 16. Obeisance to Srivallabha 4 5 (Lover of Sri), obeisance to the calm deity endowed with splendour. Obeisance to the deity whose abode is in Srlparvata 6 mountain. Obeisance to the giver of renown. 17. Obeisance to the lord of all benefits; obeisance to the refuge (of all); obeisance to the renown-featured; obeisance to Srlkara 6. 18. Obeisance to Swranya (worthy of Refuge). Obeisance to Varenya (the foremost); obeisance again and again unto him. After reciting the hymn let him prostrate and mystically discharge the deity ( Visarjana ). 19. Rudra, I have thus explained the worship of Visnu, the great soul. He who does this with great devotion attains the supreme region. 20. He who reads this chapter which sheds light on the worship of Visnu shakes off all sins and attains Visnu’s supreme region. 1. A crocodile or a shark. 2. A name of Vi? nu. 3. A name of Vi? nu. 4. A name of Vifnu. 5. A hill situated in Karnul district to the south of the river Krfnfi. At present there are numerous Sioa^liAgas here, including the famous M& ilik& rjuna, one of the nine Jyoiirlffigas. It is also known as frfiaila ( CSL, p. 500; SP ( AITM ) p. 2117 \Li1tga ( AITM ) p. 806). 6. A name of Vijnu.
CHAPTER THIRTYONE. Worship ofVisqu. JRudra Said: 1. O! Lord of the Universe! Please explain further the worship of the deity whereby I shall cross the ocean of worldly existence which is very difficult to cross. Hari said: 2. O Vr? abhadhvaja (Siva)! I shall explain to you the adoration of Lord Visnu. O Fortunate Siva! Hear it which is auspicious and which yields worldly pleasure and salvation. 3-4. The devotee shall take bath, perform Sandhya (prayers) and enter the room for sacrifice. After washing the hands and feet and performing Acamana particularly he shall assign the MUlamantra (the root mantra) to his hand. O Rudra! I shall tell you the AlQla Mantra. 5-6. Orh Srirh Hrim obeisance to Sridhara, Vi? jiu (Himself). This mantra is of Vi? nu expressing him as the lord of deities, dispelling all sickness, all defects in planets, all sins and giving enjoyment and salvation. 7. O skilful Siva, the devotee shall then perform the Ahganydsa with these mantras. Orh Hdm obeisance to the heart; Orh Him Svdhd to the head; Orh HUm Va$af to the tuft; Orh Haim Hum to the Kavaca, Orh Haurh Vau$at to the eyes; Orh Hah Phaf to the Astra. 8. Powerful that I am I have explained the mantra to you. The devotee having conquered his soul shall show the Mudrd of the Atman after performing the Nydsa. 9. Then the devotee shall meditate on the supreme lord Vi$gu residing in the hollow of the heart, holding conch and discus and white as the Kunda 1 flower and the moon. 10. After performing the purificatory rite the devotee shall meditate C I am Vi^u — Vi$nu with Srfvatsa and Kaustubha, bedecked with garlands of wild flowers, wearing coronet and diamond necklace and the great Lord. 1. Jasmin urn multiflorum ( GVDB, p. 105). 11. With the Bijas (mystic seeds) Yard Kfath Ram and the names he shall (in imagination) prepare an egg and harden it and then pierce it with Prarywa itself. 12-14. Then, O Vr$abhadhvaja, thinking of the form as mentioned before, the devotee shall perform the Atmapdjd with auspicious fragrant flowers. All the deities of the seat shall be invoked with these mantras. O Sankara! Hear those mantras. O ye deities of the seat of Vi§£ u! Gome. 15. Orh obeisance to Acyuta with all attendents; Orh obeisance to Dhdtr; Orh obeisance to Vidhdtr; Orh obeisance to Gahgd; Orh obeisance to Yamuna. Orh obeisance to the treasure Sahkha; Orh obeisance to the treasure Padma; Orh obeisance to Cart(la; Orh obeisance to Pracanrja; Orh obeisance to the splendour of gate; Orh obeisance to the Adhdra Sakti; Orh obeisance to Kurma; Orh obeisance to Ananta \ Om obeisance to Sri; Orh obeisance to Dharma; Orh obeisance to Jhdna; Om obeisance to Vairagya (non-attachment); Orh obeisance to Aiivarya {pros perity); Orh obeisance to Adharma (evil); Orh obeisance to Ajftdna (ignorance); Orh obeisance to Avairdgya (attachment); Orh obeisance to AnaUvarya (impoverished state ); Orh Sam obeisance to Sattva; Orh Ram obeisance to Rajas; Orh Tam obeisance to Tamas; Om Kam obeisance to Skanda; Orh Nam obeisance to Nila; Om Lam obeisance to Padma; Orh Am obeisance to the solar zone; Orh Sam obeisance to the lunar zone; Orh Vam obeisance to the fiery zone; Orh obeisance to Vimald; Orh obeisance to Vikarfini. Om obeisance to the Power of knowledge; Orh obeisance to Kriyd (Action); Orh obeisance to Rogd (deity of diseases); Orh obeisance to Prahvi (the humble); Orh obeisance to Sati; Orh obeisance to hand; Orh obeisance to Anugrahd ( the blessed one). 16-17. With these mantras and fragrant flowers, the devotee shall worship these deities. After that he shall invoke into the Mandala and worship Vi? nu the great lord, the creator and destroyer, Hari the remover of all sins. 18. Just as in the Atman t so in the lord too, the Ny& sa shall be performed from the beginning and afterwards show of Mudrd and then Arghya etc. shall be given. 19-20. Then in order shall be performed bathing, offering of garment, Acamana, fragrant flowers, incense, light, food offering and circular peregrination. The Japas shall be recited and dedicated to the deity. With their own respective mantras the worship of the Ahgas (parts) shall be performed by the Sddhaka (devotee). 21. O Vr? adhvaja know this to be with the root-mantra alone. Please listen, O Three-eyed Siva, to the mantras being recited by me, 22. Orh Hdm obeisance to the heart. Orh Him obeisance to the head. Orh Hdm obeisance to the tuft. Orh Haim obeisance to the Kavaca; Orh Haum obeisance to the three eyes: Orh Hah obeisance to the Astra; Orh obeisance to Sri; Orh obeisance to the Sahkha; Orh obeisance to Padma, Orh obeisance to Cakra; Orh obeisance to Gada; Orh obeisance to Sriyatsa. Orh obeisance to Kaustubha; Orh obeisance to Vanamala (garland of wild flowers); Orh obeisance to Pitdmbara (the yellow-robed); Orh obeisance to Khadga (sword). Orh obeisance to Musala (Pestle); Orh obeisance to the noose; Orh obeisance to the goad. Orh obeisance to Sdrhga (the bow) Orh obeisance to Sara (arrow); Orh obeisance to Brahman; Orh obeisance to Ndrada; Orh obeisance to all Siddhas (yogins). Orh obeisance to all Bhagavatas (devotees); Orh obeisance to all preceptors: Orh obeisance to all great preceptors; Orh obeisance to Indra, the lord of gods seated in his vehicle and attended by followers; Orh obeisance to Agni (Fire-god) lord of lustres seated in his vehicle and attended by his followers; Om obeisance to Yama, the lord of the dead, seated in his vehicle and attended by his followers. Orh obeisance to Nirrti lord of demons seated in his vehicle and attended by followers; Orh obeisance to Varuna lord of waters seated in his vehicle, attended by his followers; Orh obeisance to Vdyu lord of vital airs seated in his vehicle and attended by his followers; Orh obeisance to Soma 1 lord of the stars, seated in his vehicle and attended by followers; Orh obeisance to liana 2 lord of learning seated in his vehicle and attended by his followers; Orh obeisance to Ananta 2 the lord of serpents seated in his vehicle attended by his followers; Orh obeisance to Brahman the lord of worlds seated in his vehicle, attended by his followers; Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to Vajra; Orh Hurh Phat obeisance to Sakti\ Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to Dan4a (baton); Orh Hum Phaf obeisance to sword; Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to the noose; Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to the banner; Orh Hurh Phat obeisance to Gadd\ Orh Hurh Phat obeisance to the trident; Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to the Cakra; Orh Hurh Phaf obeisance to Padma; Orh Vaum obeisance to Vfyvaksena, 1. The moon. 2. A name of Siva or Rudra, or of one of his manifestations. (Vide CDHM p. 128). 3. Popularly known as Stfan& ga. 23. O Mahadeva! Ahga etc. shall be worshipped with these mantras. After worshipping Vifnu the great soul of the form of Brahman. 24. The supreme Soul shall be sung in praise by this hymn. Obeisance to Vifriu the god of gods; obeisance to PrabhaVifnu (the powerful). 25. Obeisance to Vdsudeva the sustainer; obeisance to the grasping; obeisance to the Pralayatdyin (lying in the waters of deluge). 26. Obeisance to the lord of gods; obeisance to the lord of sacrifices. Obeisance to the lord of sages. Obeisance to the lord of Yak fas. 27. Obeisance to the conqueror of all gods; obeisance to the omnipresent of great soul. Obeisance to the lord of ail, honoured by Brahma, Indra and Rudra. 28. Obeisance to the beneficiary of all worlds; obeisance to the presiding deity of the Universe; Obeisance to the protector of all; doer of all, destroyer of all. 29. Obeisance to the giver of boons; the quiet; the foremost. Obeisance, obeisance, to the refuge, to the self-formed and the giver of Virtue, love and wealth. 30. After singing the hymn, the devotee shall meditate in his heart on the imperishable in the form of Brahman, let him worship Vi? nu with the root mantra, O Sankara. 31. Or, Let him recite the Mula mantra. He shall attain Hari. O Rudra, thus I have narrated the excellent worship of Vi$pu. 32. This is to be kept as a great secret. It gives enjoyment and salvation. The scholar ( who reads this becomes a great devotee of Vi? pu. He who hears or recites to others attains tBe world of Vi? rm.
CHAPTER THmTYTWO. Worship of Pahca-Tattvas. Maheivara said: 1. O! Lord! bearing iafikha> cakra, and gada! Please expound the Panca-Tattv& rcana (the worship of five principles) of worship by knowing which entirely a man attains the supreme region. Hari said: 2. O Sankara of splendid vows! I shall expound the worship of Pafica-Tattvas that is auspicious, divine, esoteric and yields all wishes. 3-4. It is holy and destructive of the bad effects of Kali age. Listen. Vasudeva is the only eternal supreme soul, imperishable, tranquil, permanent, pure, omnipresent and unsullied. Hari himself by means of his M& ya stands fivefold. 5-6. To bless the Universe and destroy the wicked entirely. The five- fold forms are: — Vasudeva 2 3, Sankarsana, 8 Pradyumna 4 5, Aniruddha, 6 and Narayana 6. Visnu alone stands in all these forms. 7. O Vr? adhvaja! Listen to the mantras expressing these. Om Am obeisance to Vasudeva; Om Am obeisance to Sank arcana; Orh Am obeisance to Pradyumna; Orh obeisance to Aniruddha, Orh obeisance to Narayana. 8. Thus I have expounded the mantras expressing the five deities. They remove all sins, destroy all sicknesses. They are holy. 1. Here pafica-faMwu obviously mean the five-fold forms of Vi? nu, namely (i ) VSsudeva, (ii) Sahkar? a$a, (iii) Pradyumna, (iv) Aniruddha and (v) N& r 5 yana. The worship of the five-fold forms of Vi? iiu is the basis of the P& tUar& tra sect of VaifQavism. 2. Kr? na, a son of Vasudeva. 3. Balar& ma, another son of Vasudeva. 4. Son of Kr9$a by Rukmii?!, father of Aniruddha. 5. Son of Pradyumna. Grandson of Kr? oa. 6. A common name for Vi? pu. Literally it means the son of Nora, the primordial man. 9. Now I shall explain the auspicious worship of Paficatattvas, by what all means it shall be performed and with what all mantras, O Sankara. 10-11. The devotee shall first take his bath and then perform Sandhyd. Then going to the chamber of worship let him wash his hands and feet and perform Acamana. He shall then sit in a comfortable position as he wishes; then let him perform the rite of Sosaqa etc. (wiping dry) with the mantras Arb K$raurh Ram. 12. By unhardening the Samans let him prepare an egg and breaking it meditate on the supreme god in the egg. 13-14. In the heart lotus of oneself he shall first meditate on Vasudeva the lord of the universe, wearing the silken yellow robes, resplendent like a thousand suns, and with glittering earring shaped like Makara fish. Afterwards Sankar$ana> he lord of self shall be meditated upon. 15. Thereafter Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Srimdn 1 (prosperous )Narayana shall be meditated upon. Then he should think of the gods Indra and others springing from that Lord of lords. 16. Then Nydsa shall be performed on both the hands. The pervading Abganydsa shall be with the root mantra and Angamantras. 17. Mahadeva of good vows! listen to those mantras. Orb Am obeisance to the heart. Orb Im obeisance to the head. Orb Om obeisance to the tuft. Orb Aim obeisance to the Kavaca, Orb Aum obeisance to the three eyes. Om Ah phat to the Astra. 18. Orb obeisance to Acvuta 2 3 with all his followers; Orb obeisance to Dhdtr; Orb obeisance to Vidhatr; Orb obeisance to Adhdra Sakti; Orb obeisance to Kurma\ Orb obeisance to Adanta; Orb obeisance to the earth; Orb obeisance to Dharma; Orb obeisance to Jnana (knowledge); Orb obeisance to Vairdgya (non-attachment); Orb obeisance to AUvarya (prosperity); Orb obeisance to Adharma (evil ); Orb obeisance to Ajhdna (Ignorance); Orb obeisance to Anaiivarya (impoverished State); Orb obeisance to the solar zone; Orh obeisance to Lunar zone; Orh Mam obeisance to the fiery 1 zone; Orh Vam obeisance toVasudeva the supreme Brahman, the auspicious, the lustre-featured, the pervading and the imperial lord of all deities. Orh obeisance to Pahcajanya. Om obeisance to Sudariana. Orh obeisance to Gadd. Om obeisance to Padma. Orh obeisance to Sri (prosperity); Om obeisance to Kriyd (action, rite); Orh obeisance to Putfi (Nourishment); Orh obeisance to Giti; Orh obeisance to Sakti; Orh obeisance to Priti (satisfaction); Orh obeisance to Indra, Orh obeisance to Agni (Fire-god). Orh obeisance to Tama ( God of Death); Orh obeisance to Nirrti; Orh obeisance to Varuna; Om obeisance to Vayu (Wind-god); Orh obeisance to Soma (Moon); Om obeisance to Iidna; Om obeisance to Atlanta; Om obeisance to Brahman; Om obeisance to Vifvaksena; Om obeisance to Padma. 1. Literally it meansVith Lak? mf. 2. Vi? nu or Kr? fla. 3. The tortoise incarnation of Vi? nu. 19. O Rudra, I have succinctly expounded the Mantras. The worship has to be performed in such zones (mystic diagrams) as Svastika etc. 20. After performing Ahganyasa all Mudr& s shall be shown. The Atman and Vdsudeva the great lord shall be meditated upon. 21. The devotee shall then worship the seat after duly invoking it. O Vrfadhvaja, the worship of Dhdtr and Vidhdtr shall be performed at the doorway. 22. O Sankara, in front of Vdsudeva the devotee shall worship Garutja and in the middle (all his paraphernalia) from Safrkha to Padma shall be worshipped. 23. From east onwards (in the four quarters) Dharma, Jfidna, Vairdgya and Aiivarya shall be worshipped and in the four corner quarters beginning with south-east Adharma and the three others shall be worshipped. 24. The seat is fixed in the middle of the two Manilas. Sahkarjana and others are to be worshipped in the eastern and other petals. 25. In the pericarp Vasudeva the great Lord shall be worshipped. Pdhcajanya and others are to be worshipped as fixed in the north-east, etc. 1. The solar zone. 26. O Sankara! the Saktis of the god of gods arc to be worshipped in the east. Indra and other guardians of quarters are to be worshipped fixed in their respective stations. 27. The N& ga (Serpent) shall be worshipped below and the Brahma high above by the scholarly devotee. O Sankara 1 The order of fixation shall be understood thus by you. 28. After invoking the Lord in the Min^ala and performing his Nydsa and showing the mudrd, O Sankara, Pddya (water for washing feet) shall be given at the foot. 29. Bathing garment offering, Acamana, Namask& ra (bowing down), circular peregrination — all these shall be Qffered at the foot. Then the Japa shall be dedicated. '30. Afterwards remembering Vasudeva let this hymn be recited: Orh obeisance unto Vasudeva, obeisance unto Sankarsana. 31. Obeisance unto Pradyumna the first deity; obeisance to Aniruddha; obeisance to Narayana the lord of men. 32. Obeisance, obeisance, unto the primordial Being, worthy of respect of men, of being glorified, of being honoured; the giver of boons and devoid of beginning and death. 33. Obeisance unto Him the creator and destroyer, the lord of Brahma; obeisance unto Him who can be known through Vedas and who holds Sankha and Cakra. 34. Obeisance unto the Lord of gods who destroys the sin of Afl/f-age, who cuts down the tree of worldly existence and who pierces Mdyd (the ignorance, Illusion). Obeisance, obeisance., 35. Obeisance unto Him of diverse forms, the holy ot holies, having the three Gunas t obeisance, obeisance. Obeisance to Him who awards salvation and who manifests Himself as Brahma, Visrm and Is vara 1. Obeisance, obeisance. 36. Obeisance unto him who is the path to salvation, who is virtue, who is the extinction (of bondage), who gives all desires, who has the form of Parabrakman. 37. O Lord of the Universe, save me deeply immersed in the ocean of worldly existence of terrific nature. Other than you there is no better saviour. 1. Siva. 2. The Supreme Being, God. 38. I have sought refuge under you the omnipresent: release me from darkness by giving me the lamp of knowledge. 39. O Nilalohita (Siva)! for the destruction of all pain, the lord of gods shall be praised by means of this hymn and similar hymns from the Vedas. 40. The devotee shall meditate within his heart on Viwii accompanied by the Five Tattvas. Then the Visarjana shall be performed. Thus I have ex-pounded the worship. 41. By reciting this, O Sankara, the hymn shall award him all desires. He shall be having the satisfaction of having done his duty. 42. He who reads this worship entitled Paficatattv& r earn, he who hears this and he who repeats this shall attain the region of Vi$nu.
CHAPTER THIRTYTHREE. Worship of Sudariana. Rudra said: 1. O Lord holding Safikha, Cakra and Gada 9 please ^expound to me the worship of Sudariana, by performing which jthe evil effects of planets, and illness are destroyed. Hari said: 2. O Vftadhvaja, listen to the worship of Cakra Sudariana. The devotee shall first take his bath and then worship Hari. 3. The NySsa is done by means of the MUla mantra. Listen to it. It is Orh Sahasrdrarfi (having thousand spokes) Hurh Phaf obeisance (with the Pranaoa in the beginning). 4. This piercing Mantra is said to be the destroyer of all wicked persons. The devotee shall meditate in the lotus of his heart Sudariana the hinings. 5-6. Then after invoking the gentle deity wearing Sahkha % Cakra, Gadd and Padma and coronet in the mystic diagram by means already mentioned, O Hara, let him worship Him with the offerings of fragrant flowers, etc. After worship the mantra is to be recited one hundred and eight times. 7. He who performs the excellent worship of the Cakra thus, shall be free from all sickness and shall attain the world of Vi? 9 u. 8. Thereafter let him recite the following hymn destructive of all diseases. Obeisance unto Sudariana lustrous like a thousand suns. 9. Lighted by a series of flames and having a thousand spokes and eyes (obeisance unto Him) who destroys a'l the wicked, and suppresses all sins. 10. Obeisance unto Sucakra, Vicakra and piercer of all mantras. Obeisance unto the originator of the world, the sustaincr of the world and the destroyer of the world. 11. Obeisance unto the destroyer of all wicked demons for the protection of the world. Obeisance, obeisance unto Him who is fierce and gentle and terrific in form. 12. Obeisance unto Him who is in the form of the eye of the world and who dispels the fear of worldly existence. Obeisance unto Him who breaks asunder the cage of obeisance, obeisance unto the benefactor. 13 Obeisance unto Him who is in the form of a planet and surpasses all the other planets. Obeisance to the lard of planets. Obeisance, obeisance unto Him who is Time (Supreme) and Death and the terrific. 14. Obeisance to the blesser of devotees. Obeisance, obeisance to the protector of devotees. Obeisance unto Him who is in the form of Viftiu, who is tranquil, and who bears all weapons. 15. Again and again obeisance unto the weapon of ViTOu; unto the Cakra obeisance. This hymn, highly meritorious of the Cakra that I explained to you shall be re& d with great devotion. 16. He who does so attains the world of Vifpu. 1 7. O Rudra! he who reads the scheme of the worship of the Cakra, with all the sense-organs under his control shall burn all sins to ashes and become competent to ascend to the world ofVisiiu.
CHAPTER THERTYFOUR. Worship of Hayagriva. Rudra said: 1. O Hr$ike$a 2 (Visnu) bearing the club! Please expound again the worship of the lord. The more you speak in detai} about the worship the more I delight in hearing it. I am never satiated. Hart said: 2. I shall narrate the worship of Lord Hayagriva whereby the lord of the universe Vi$nu, is propitiated. Listen to it. 3. O Mahadeva, I shall explain the holy MUla mantra expressing Hayagriva. O Sankara listen to that first. 4. Oih haum Kfraum Sirase Namo haum. This mantra of nine syllables gives all learning. 5. O Mahadeva, Vfsadhvaja, listen to its limbs. Orh Kfrdm obeisance to the heart. Orh Hrim Svdhd to the head (Sirafi is said to be attached with Svdhd). K$rUm Vasal is also likewise. 6. O Vnadhvaja, the lord’s tuft is to be known as accompanied by Ohkdra. Orh Kfraim to the Kavaca. Hum is described as Kavaca. 7. Orh Kfaurh Vaufat to the three eyes. This is described as the lord’s eye. Orh Hah Phaf to the Astra. This is described as the lord’s weapon. 8. I shall explain the procedure of worship. Please listen to me as I narrate. First the devotee shall take his bath. 1. Vifnu (CDHM, p. 120). 2. Literally, the lord or conqueror of the five sense-organs. Then after performing Acamana he shall go to the chamber of Sacrifice. 9-10. After entering let him perform the mystical rite of Sosana (wiping dry). After creating the egg with the Btja mantras — Tath Kfaurfi Rath Lam — and hardening it, let him split it with Ofikdra itself. Let him meditate on Hayagrlva within his self in the middle of the egg. 11-13. [Hayagrlva who is) as white as conch, moon and the flower Kunda, shining like the lotus stalk and silver, bearing Safikha y Cakra, Gadd and Padma in his four hands; Hayagrlva wearing a crown, earrings and garland of wild flowers; he is crimson-coloured in his cheeks and wears yellow robes; after meditating on the all-pervasive noble soul accompanied by all deities let him perform the Nydsa with the Anga mantras and the Miila mantra. 14. Then O Sankara, let him show the Mudrds of Safikha % Padma, etc. Thereafter let him meditate upon and worship Visnu by means of the Mula mantra. 15. Let him then, O Rudra, invoke those deities who preside over the seats l Om O ye deities of the seat Hayagrlva^ come. ” 16. After invoking let him worship them in the Svastikat mandala. O Vfsadhvaja, the worship of Dhdtr and Vidhdtr shall be performed in the doorway. 17. “Obeisance to Acyuta with the entire attendants, ” saying so in the middle the worship shall be performed. Then the worship of Gafigd. 18. Yamund, Mahddevi and the two Nidhis Saftkha and Padma and Garu^a are to be worshipped in front. In the middle Sakti is to be worshipped. 19. The Sakti is called Adhdra Sakti. Then let him worship Kama. Afterwards let him worship Atlanta and the earth. Then Dharma and Jfi& na. 20. Let him worship Vairdgya and Aifvarya in the corners south-east, etc. Adharma % Ajndna, Avairdgya and AnaiSvarya are to be worshipped in the east. 21. Let him worship in the middle place Sattva, Rajas and Tamos. Let him worship Nanda, Nala and Raima only in the middle. 22. The worship of the masalas of Sun, Moon and Fire shall be performed in the middle place. O Rudra, it is so narrated. 23. The Saktis and the following Vimald, Utkarfini JMnd % Kriyd, yogd, Prahvi, Satyd, ttdnd and Anugrahd. 24. The first eight Saktis are to be worshipped in the petals beginning with that in the east and Anugraha in the pericarp by men who wish for lasting good. 25. The devotee shall worship the seat with these mantras keeping the names in the dative case, prefixing Pranava and ending with “Namah. ” 26. The worship of the seat shall be auspicious by duly offering bath, fragrant pastes, flowers, incense, light and the food offerings. 27. This is the scheme as adumbrated and is to be followed. Then he shall invoke Lord Hayagriva, lord of gods. 28. O Sankara, the deity shall be meditated upon as entering through the left nostril. The MUla mantra is to be employed while he arrives. 29. The invocation of the god of gods SaAkhin (holding SaAkha) shall then be performed. After invoking, the devotee shall cautiously perform the Nydsa in the Manjala. 30-31. After performing the Nydsa let him think of the god seated there, Hayagriva, the great god, bowed to by gods and demons, accompanied by the guardians of the quarters 'Indra and others, the imperishable Vi$riu Himself. After the contemplation he shall show the auspicious Mudrds, Saflkha, Cakra, etc. 32-33. Pdiya, Arghya, Acamaniya (water for Acamana) shall be offered to Vi$yu. Then the devotee shall bathe the lord Padmandbha free from illness. After fixing the lord duly, O Vftadhvaja, he shall offer the garments, then Acamana and the auspicious sacred thread. 34. Then be shall meditate on the great Lord in the moviola, O Rudra. After meditation he shall again give pddya and other things to the deity, O Safikara. 35. He shall give it to Bhairava-deva with the MUla mantra. Orh K$& m obeisance to the heart. With this he shall worship the heart. 36. Orh K$im obeisance to the head, then the worship of the head. Orh KsUm obeisance to the tuft. With this let him worship the tuft. 37. Orh K$aim obeisance to the Kavaca; let him worship the Kavaca. Orh Kfaum obeisance to the eye. With this let him worship the eye. 38. OmKfah obeisance to the weapon. With this let him worship the weapon. (Thus let him worship) the heart, head, tuft and Kavaca. 39. In the places beginning with the east let him worship these. O Rudra, let him worship the Astra in the corners and the eye in the middle. 40. Let him worship the great goddeis Laksmi, the auspicious giver of prosperity. He shall worship Sahkha, Padma Cakra and Gada beginning with the east. 41. O Rudra, let him worship the sword, pestle, noose, goad and the bow with the arrow from the east with these mantras with their own name. s 42-43. O Rudra, from the east itself let him worship S rivatsa > Kaustubha, garland, and the auspicious yellow garment.