THE GARUDA PURANA 2 страницаMi (AITM ), p. 806). 9. With rajas 1 clement in profusion, the four-faced Brahma takes a physical body and creates the movable and the immovable. 10. The creator creates himself along with the deities and human beings within the cosmic egg. He protects what is to be protected. 11. In the end, he destroys everything. The annihilator too is Lord himself, O Hara. Taking the form of Brahma, Vi$$u creates the universe. Hari himself maintains it. 12-13. At the end of the Kalpa, 2 in the form of Rudra, he destroys the universe. At the time of creation Brahma takes up the physical form of a boar and by means of curved teeth lifts up the earth, learning that it is submerged in water. O Sankara, listen: I shall briefly describe the process of creation of Gods and others. 14. The creation of mahat 3 (the cosmically great) is the first one. It is a metamorphosis of Brahman. The second creation is called bhfUa sarga, i. e. the creation of the intrinsic essences (tanmatras) of elements. 15. The third one is called vaikarika sarga (modificatory creation) or aindriyaka sarga (the creation of sense-organs). All these three together constitute the prakfta sarga (natural creation) beginning with the cosmic intellect (the cosmic great). 16. The fourth creation is called mukhya sarga (the principal creation). The stationary things are called principal creatures. The fifth creation is that of the sub-human beings tiryakyonayafr) known as tiryaksrotas. 1. Rqja: the second of the three constituent qualities gagas of alt material substances (the other two being sattva and tamos ). Rqjas is the cause of all activities pertaining to the creatures; it predominates in men, as sattva predominates in deities and tamos predominates in demons. SSED p. 462. 2. A fabulous period of time, a day of BrahmA ($P ( A1TM ), p. 1070 fin., p. 1364 fn. 160; LiAga (AITM) p. 15 fin. 22, pp. 86 ff; SED p. 262). 3. The great principle, the intellect (distinguished from mamas) LiAga (AITM) p. 799, SSED p. 429. 17. The creation of super-human gods is the sixth one known as Urdkvasrotas. The creation of human beings is the seventh one known as arvahsrotas. 18. The eighth creation is what is known as amgraha sarga. It is both sdttvika and tamasika. These five constitute the vaikrta sarga. I have already told you about the three that constitute the prdkrta sarga. 19. The ninth creation known as kaumdra is both prdkrta and vaikrta. 1 O Rudra, thus there are four types of creation beginning with gods and ending with stationary things. 20-21-22. While engaged in this creation, the mdnasa (mentally created) sons were born of Brahma. Desirous of creating the fourfold beings — deities, demons, manes 1 and human beings — and also these waters, he engaged himself in the task. When his self became evident then from the loins ofPrajapati who desired to create, came out the demons who increased through tamas. He then cast off that body preponderant with tamas. 23 24. O Saunaka, this discarded body preponderant with tamas became the night. The yak? as and the demons found pleasure in that body. Then from the mouth of Brahma were born the deities who increased in sattva, O Hara. This body with the preponderant sdttvika element was cast off evolving the day. i. In this connection, the following chart will be helpful Pr& kfta-Sarga Manat Bhuta-sarga Vaik& rika-Sarga (Tanmatras) (aindriyika-Sarga) Vaikrta-Sarga Mukhya sarga Tiryaksrotas Odhvasrotas Arv& ksrotas Anugraha-Sarga Prakrta and Vaikfta Kaum& ra. 2. The Pttxs or deceased ancestors. They are of two classes, via., the deceased father, grandfather and great grandfather of any particular person, and the progenitors of mankind generally;, in honour of both these classes rites called ir& ddhas are performed and oblations called piftfas presented; they inhabit a peculiar region, which according to some, it the bkwasot region of the air. Sp ( AiTM ) p. 286, pp. 1615-19; UAga ( AITM) § p. 407; SED p. 626. 25. Hence, the demons are more powerful in the night and the gods during the day. The manes further evolved themselves by taking up the interspaces of Sattoika element. 26. When that body was cast off, the twilight in between day and night was evolved, the human beings evolved themselves by taking up the inter-spaces of rq/aj-element. 27. That body being cast off became the moonlight or the twilight of the dawn (prak-sandhya). Thus his bodies are four, namely, the moonlight, the night, the day and the twilight. 28. By taking up rq/'or-element, hunger, darkness and anger were evolved. Then were created the giants ( r& kfasas ) emaciated with hunger and thirst, consumers of blood, called so on account of rakfana (protection). 29. Takfas were created and known so on account of yakfana (eating). The serpents were created and they were known so on account of movement of hair (kefasarpana). By means of anger, bhutas (the evil spirits) were created. Then the Gandharvas 1 were born. 30. Gandharvas were born singing aloud and then Apsarasas. 1 Brahma created heaven and earth from his chest and the goats from his mouth. 31. Prajapati created cows from his belly and sides. Horses, elephants, buffaloes, camels, sheep etc. were created from his feet. 32. From his hair were produced medicinal herbs and fruit-bearing plants. The cow, goat, ram, horses, mule, donkey33. These are the domestic animals already told; now I describe the wild ones. They are the beasts of prey, the clovcnhoofed, elephants and monkeys. The birds constitute the fifth creation (among lower animals). 1. A class of demi-gods, adept in singing and music. (Also vide LiOga (AITM) p. 796 a CDHMpp. 105-6). 2. The celestial nymphs. (Also refer SP (AITM), p. 2095; Uga (AITM)> p. 79 ® 5 CDHM, pp. 1 9-20). 34. The sixth is the creation of aquatic animals and the seventh that of reptiles. The Rgveda and other texts came out of his eastern and other mouths. 35. The brdhmaoas were born of his mouth. The kjatriyas originated from his arms. The vaiiyas came out of his thighs and the iudras out of his feet. 36. The world of Brahma can be attained by the brdhmanas % that of Sakra (Indra) by Ksatriyas. The goal of vatiyas is the world of the Maruts and that of iUdra is the world of Gandharvas. 37. Again those who are steady in the brahmacarya vrata (celibacy) attain brahmaloka 1 and the householders steadfast in the performance of their ordained duties attain the Prdjdpatyd 1 world. 38. The forest-dwellers (vanaprasthas) attain the world of the seven rpis. The sannydsins go at will to the imperishable region.
CHAPTER FIVE. Creation of Progenitors. Hari said: 1. After mentally creating the order of things here and there at the time of Prajd-sarga, the Lord created the mental sons who were the progenitors of prajd. i. The world of Brahman, the best of all the worlds. Having attained it one becomes free from re-birth. (Vide $P [AITM) p. 9098; GDHMjyp. 179-80. ) 2.. „The world of Praj& patis. 2-3-4-5. The mind-created sons are Dharma, Rudra, Manu, Sanaka, Sanatana, Bhrgu, Sanatkumara, Ruci, Sraddha Marie i, Atri, Aftgiras, pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasi? tha, N& rada and the seven types of manes, namely, Barhifads, Agnifudttas, Kravyddas, Ajyapas, Sukdlins, UpahUtas and Dipyasoi whom three are formless and four having forms. The Lotusbom Lord created Daksa from his right thumb; from his left thumb he created Dak? a’s wife. 6. Dakja begot meritorious daughters on her and gave them in marriage to the sons of Brahm&. Sat! 1 was given to Rudra in marriage. 7. Rudra’s sons were innumerable and very powerful. He gave his daughter Khyati of un-rivalled grace to Bhrgu 2 3. 8. She gave birth to Dhatr and Vidhatr from Bhrgu. She also gave birth to Sri, 8 the wife of Narayana. 9. From her Hari himself begot Bala and Unmada. Ayati and Niyati were the daughters of the high-souled Manu. 4 5 10. They became the wives of Dhatr and Vidhatr of whom two sons were bom — Pr& na and Mrkancju. Markantjeya 4 was the son of Mrkantfu. 11. Sambhuti, the wife of Marici, gave birth to Paurx^amasa. Virajas and Sarvaga were his sons. 12. Ahgiras begot on Smrti many sons and daughters — Sinivali, Kuhu, Raka and Anumati. 13. Anasuya, the wife of Atri, gave birth to the sinless sons — Soma, Durvasas 6 and Dattatreya the yogin. 14-15. Pulastya begot on his wife Priti a son Dattoli, Karma? a, Arthavfra and Sahisnu — these three sons were bom of K$ama, the wife of Prajapati Pulaha. Sumati, the wife of Kratu, gave birth to Balakhilyas 7. 1. The first wife of Siva. His second wife was P& rvatl, the daughter ofHim& laya. 2. The progenitor of the Bhfirgava race to which Paraiur& ma belonged. 3. Lakfmf, goddess of wealth. 4. The progenitor of mankind. 5. The author of the M& rkandeya~Puritoa. б. A well-known sage wi th a fiery temperament. 7. The authors of the Bilakhilya-hymns. 16. Sixty- thousand in number, resplendent like the blazing sun, though they were of the size of a thumb — They became sages of sublimated vitality. 17-18. Vasistha 1 begot on Orja seven sons — Rajas, Gatra, Ordhvabahu, Parana, Anagha, Sutapas and Sukra. They are known as the sinless Sapta-rsis. Dak$a gave his daughter Svaha in marriage to God fire who had assumed body. 19. From him, O Hara, she got three sons, known as Pavaka, pavamana and Suci, who were of exalted virility and habitually consuming water. 20-21-22-23. Svadha who married the manes gave birth to Mena and Vaitararii both of whom became brahmaVadinls (experts in the discussion of Brahman. From Mena, Himacala got a son Mainaka and a daughter 5 Gaurl who was Sati formerly. O Hara, Lord Brahma appointed his son Svayambhuva Manu, who was really Brahma himself, in the task of preserving the subjects. Then the all-pervasive lord Svayambhuva Manu married lady Satarupa who had destroyed her sins by ascetic austerities. Satarupa gave birth to two sons: 24. Priyavrata and Uttanapada, and three daughters — Prasuti, Akuti and Devahuti. Manu gave Akuti in marriage to Ruci. 25. Prasuti to Dak§a and Devahuti to Kardama, Ruci’s children were Daksiga and Yajfta. 26. They had twelve sons, the powerful yamas. Daksa had twenty-four daughters excellent in all respects. 1. The family of the Vasi^has was very illustrious one. The seventh Mandala of the Rgveda is ascribed to them. Vasitfha was also the prie'st of Daiaratha and R& macandra of Ayodhyi. 2. This list of the seven sages varies from the well-known list. 3. It proves that the women were not debarred from the Vedic studies. 4. A famous mountain. Opinions defer regarding its location. (Refer CDHM t p. 94) 5. Well known as Pirvatl, the second wife of Siva. 6. The reference is to the great moral or religious duties of observances. {SSED f p. 455). 27. They were Sraddha ( faith), Lak$mi (wealth), Dhfti, (fortitude), Tu$ti (satisfaction), Pu$ti, (Nouishment), Medha, (Retentiveness), Kriy a (Action), Buddhi (Intelligence), Lajja (bashfulness), Vapuhi (Beauty), Santi (Peace) Rddhi (prosperity) and Klrti (fame) the thirteenth. 28. Dharma married Dak$ayani the daughter of Dak? a. The eleven other daughters were Khyati (praise), Sati (chastity) Sambhuti (production), Smfti (Memory), Priti ( Affection), K$ama (Forgiveness). 29. Sannati (Obeisance), Anasuya (absence of malice) Crja, (Energy) Svaha 1 and Svadha. 2 The great sages Bhfgu, Bhava, Marici, Angiras. 30-31. Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Atri, Vasisfha, Vahni and the manes married respectively Khyati and others. Sraddha gave birth to Kama (Desire), cala (Lak$mi) to Darpa (Pride), Dhrti to Niyama (Restraint). 32. Tu§ti to Santosa (Contentment) and (Pusti gave birth to Lobha (Greatness). Medha gave birth to Sruta (knowledge) and Kriya to three sons: Dancja, (Punishment) Laya (Adherence) and Vinaya (humanity). 33. Buddhi to Bodha (enlightenment) and Lajji to Vinaya (Humility). Vapus gave birth to the son Vyavasaya (Effort) and Santi to Ksema (Welfare). 34. Rddhi gave birth to Sukha (Happiness) and Kirti to Yaias (Renown). These are the sons of Dharma. Kama’s wife was Rati (Love) and their sonHar§a (Joy). 35. Once Dak? a performed a horse-sacrifice to which all his sons-in-law were invited. 36. They were accompanied by their wives. Sati, though not invited, went there, without Rudra, and was disrespected by Dak$a. 37. Sat! cast off her body and was born again as the daughter of Mena and Himavan. She was then known as Gaurl and she married Sambhu. She gave birth to Viniyaka (GaneSa). 1. Generally an exclamation used in offering oblations to the gods. It also means an oblation or offering made to all gods indiscriminately [Refer STED p. 633). 1. Generally an exclamation uttered when offering an oblation to the manes. It also means the food offered to the manes. ( SSED, p. 631 ]. 38. And Kumara, Rudra, the Lord of BhrAgins, (the attendants of Siva) and most powerful bearer of Pindka, ( the famous bow of Siva) being infuriated destroyed the sacrifice and cursed Daksa: “You will be born as a man in the line of Dhruva”. 1 ( son of Uttanapada).
CHAPTER SIX. Description of families. Hari said: 1. Uttanapada’s son born of Suruci was Uttama. Another son of his born of Sunlti was Dhruva who attained a lofty position. 2. Due to the favour of the sage (Narada) and through the propitiation of Lord Janardana, Dhruva’s son was Sli? |i who was very powerful. 3. His son was Pracinabarhis whose son was Ud& radhlh. His son was Divahjaya whose son was Ripu. 4. Ripu’s son was well-known as the glorious C& ksu? a Manu. Glorious Ruru was his son whose son was Anga. 5. Ahga’s son was Vena who was a non-righteous atheist. The tyrant Vena was killed by the sages by means of the kttfa grass. 6. They churned his thigh for the sake of a son whereupon a purely dark-skinned boy was bom. They asked him to sit down. 7. He was then known as Ni? ada and he took up hi abode in the Vindhya mountains. The Brdhmanas again churned Vena’s right hand. 1. Ji son of Utt& nap& da. A great devotee of Vi$pu. The pole-star is known as Dhruva star after him. (Also CDHM t p. 91 ). 8. Therefrom a son bearing the mental image of Lord Vi$$u was born. He became famous as Prthu. He (Vena) attained heaven. 9. In order to resuscitate the subjects, the king (Prthu) milked the Earth. Pfthu’s son was Antardhana whose son was Havirdhana. 10. His son Pr& cinabarhis shone as the sole emperor of the world. He married S& mudri, the daughter of Lavana (the salt-ocean). 11. SamudrI gave birth to ten sons, Praclnabarhisas, who were known as Pracetasas. They were well-acquainted with the science of archery. 12. Performing sacred rites collectively, they practised great penance. They also submerged in water of the ocean for ten thousand years. 13. They attained the status of Prajapati. They married Marina. Dak§a, 1 who had been cursed by Bhava, became her son. 14. He then mentally created four kinds of progeny. They did not flourish, because they were cursed by Lord Hara. 15. Thereupon Dak§a Prajapati desired creation by means of physical intercourse. He married Asikni, the daughter of Virana Prajapati. 16. VairanI (the daughter of Virata) gave birth to thousand sons. At the instigation of Naraua, they set out in search of the extremities of the world but never returned. 17. When the first set of thousand sons was thus lost, Dak? a begot another set of a thousand sons. Riding briddled horses, they too followed the footsteps of their elder brothers, O Hara. 18. This infuriated Dak? a who cursed Narada, “You will be born in the world”. Narada was born as the son of Sage Kafyapa. 19. When formerly his sacrifice was destroyed by Siva, Dak$a cursed Siva furiously, “O Sankara, (those who, will praise and worship you with religious Performances, i. The first father-in-law of Siva. 20. Will perish even in another birth due to your enmity. ” Hence, never should one have the feeling of enmity. From Queen Asikni, Daksa got daughters. 2 1. Sixty beautiful daughters, two of whom were given in marriage to Angiras, two to Kr£ a£ va, ten to Dharma. 22. Fourteen to Kafyapa and twenty-eight to Indu. Suprabha and Bhamini were given to Bahuputra. 23. O Mahadeva, Daksa gave four of his daughters, Manorama, Bhanumatl, Vi$ala, and Bahuda to Aristanemi. 24-25. He gave Supraja and Jaya to KriSagva. Dharma’s ten wives are Arundhati, Vasu, Yami, Lamba, Marudvatl, Sahkalpa, Muhurta, Sadhya and Visva. Now I shall tell those of Kasyapa. 26. Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kala, Anayu, Simhika, Muni, Kadru, Sadhya, Ira, Krodha, Vinata, Surabhi and Khaga. 27. Vi$va (wife of Dharma) gave birth to Vi£ vedevas l, Sadhya to Sadhyas 2. Marutvati to Marutvans 3 and Vasu to Vasus 4 5. 28. O Rudra, Bhanu’s sons were known as Bhanus 6 Muhurta ’s Muhurtas®. Lamba’s son was Ghosa and Yami’s son Nagavithi. 29. Arundhati gave birth to all earthly objects and Sahkalpa gave birth to Sahkalpa present in everyone. 30. The Vasus arc eight in number, namely, Apa, Dhruva, Soma, Dhava, Anila, Anala, Pratyu§a and Prabhasa. 31. Apa’s sons are Vaitunqlij Srama, Sranta and Dhvani. Dhruva’s son was Lord Kala who organised the time-factor in the world. 32-33-34-35. Soma’s son was Varcas instilling vigour in the world. Dhara begot of Manohara the sons Druhina, Hutahavyavaha, §i£ ira, Prana and Ramana. Anila begot of his wife Siva two sons— Pulomaja and Avijfiatagati. Agni’s son, Kumara, born in the Sara (willow) -grove, was otherwise called K& rttikeya, since he was nurtured by the Kfttikds. Sakha, Vi& kha and Naigameya were born after him. 1. Literally “all the deities”. (Vide details in DHM, p. 363). 2. A class of inferior deities. (Vide details in CDHM p. 271} • 3. The clouds. 4. Eight minor deities, attendants upon Indra. (Vide details in DHM p. 342). 5. The rays of light or the suns. 6. Moments. 36. Pratyu$as son was the sage Devala. Prabhasa’s son became famous as Viivakarman, the architect of the gods. 37. Ajaikapat, Ahirbudhnya, Tva$tr and Rudra the powerful were his other sons. Tvastr’s son was ViSvarupa of great penance. 38-39. The eleven Rudras who became Lords of the three world’s are, Hara, Bahurupa, Tryambaka, Aparajita^. Vr? akapi, Sambhu, Kapardin, Raivata, Mrgavyadha, Sarva and Kapalin, O sage. 40. The twelve suns ( dv& dafa Adityas) born to Aditi and Kalyapa are — Vi§nu, Sakra, Aryaman, Dhatr, Tva$tr> Pu$an. 41. Vivasvat, Savitr, Mitra, Vanina, Amkmat and Bhaga— These are the twelve sons known. 42. The twenty-seven wives of Soma (moon) are the twenty-seven constellations. Hiranyakaftpu and Hiranyak$a were the sons of Diti. 43. A daughter was also born by name Siiphika who became the wife of Vipracitti. Hiranyaka$ipu had four sons of great valour. 44. Anuhrada, Hrada, Prahrada (Prahlada) and Samhrada (who was the last one). Among them Prahlada was a great devotee of Vi? nu. 45. Samhrada’s sons were Ayu$mat, Sivi and Ba$kala. Virocana was the son of Prahrada. Bali 1 2 was the son of Virocana. 46. O Siva! Bali had a hundred sons of whom the eldest was Baga. All the sons of Hiranyaksa were very strong. 47. They are Utkura, Sakuni, Bhutasantapana, Mahanaga, Mahabahu and Kalanabha. 48. The following were the sons of Danu — Dvimurdhan Sankara, Ayomukha, Sarhkuiiras, Kapila, Samba ra. 49. Ekacakra of long arms, T& raka the powerful, Svarbh& nu, Vf? aparvan, the great demon Puloman. 50. And the powerful Vipracitti. These are the known sons of Danu. Svarb harm’s daughter was Suprabha. Vj$aparvan l begot Sarmi? tha 2 3. 51. Upadanavl and Haya£ iras who became famous. The two daughters of Vailvanara were Puloma and KalakA. 52. Both of them were the wives of Marici. Sixty-thousand sons were born of them. 53. These sons of Marici were known as Paulomas and Kalakaftjas. The Sons of Simhika and Vipracitti were — 54. Vyamla, Salya the strong, Nabha the powerful Vatapi, Namuci, Ilvala, Khasrmat, 55. Afljaka, Naraka, and Kalanabha. The Nivatakavaca demons were born in Prahrada’s line. 56. Tamra gave birth to six daughters of great vigour, namely, SukI, Syeni, Bhasi, SugrivI, Suci and Grdhrika. 57. SukI gave birth to Sukas (parrots), UlukI to owls, Syeni to hawks, Bhasi to kites and Gfdhri to vultures. 58. SukI gave birth to water-birds, SugrivI to horses, camels and donkeys. Thus I have explained the lineage of Tamra. 59. Vinata had two sons celebrated as Garu< ja and Aru^a 4. Surasa gave birth to a thousand serpents of un-limited strength. 60. Kadru’s sons consisting of a thousand phanins (serpents) of unlimited strength, O Sankara, have the following 5 6 as their leaders — Se$a 8, Vasuki, 7 Tak$aka, 61. Sankha 1, Sveta, Mahapadma, Kambala, ASvatara, Elapatra, Naga, Karkotaka 2 and Dhanafijaya. i. A demon King who struggled hard with the gods for a long time aided by Sukra, the preceptor of the demons. 2., The beloved of Yay& ti. Yayiti married Devay& ni, daughter of Sukra, and SarmifthS, daughter of the king of asuras was told by her father to be her servant as a sort of recompense, for her insulting conduct towards her on a previous occasion. But Yay& ti fell in love with this servant and privately married her. (Refer SSED p. 455). 3. One of the ten Praj& patis. 4. The lame charioteer of Sun-god. 5. A serpent with one thousand hoods, who is the Gauch and canopy of Vifnu. [ CDHM 291-2]. 6. A serpent who was used as a rope around the mountain Mandara for churning the ocean. 7. " X serpent who bit King Par! k; it. [Vide details Pk p. 192; Mbk 62. All these are easily irritable and all of them have curved fangs. Krodha gave birth to highly powerful PiSacas (evil-spirits). 63. Surabhi gave birth to cows and buffaloes. Ira gave birth to trees, creepers, turning plants and all kinds of grassspecies. 64. Khaga gave birth to Yaksas and Raksasas. Muni gave birth to Apsarasas. Arista gave birth to Gandharvas of inordinate strength. 65. There are forty-nine Maruts Ekajyoti, Dvijyoti, Trijyoti, Caturjyoti, 66. Ekaiukra, Dvisukra, Trigukra the powerful, Idrk, Sadrk, Anyadrk, Pratisadrk, 67. Mita, Samita, Sumita the powerful, Rtajit, Satyajit, Senajit having good army, 68. Atimitra, Amitra, Duramitra, Ajita, Rta, Rtadharma, Vihartr, Varuna, Dhruva, 69. Vidharana; this is one group called Durmedhas; Idrsa, Sadrksa, Etadrksa eating little, 70. Etena, Prasadrksa, Surata engaged in penances, Hetumat, Prasava, glorious Surabha, 71. Valorous Nadi, Dhvani, Bhasa, Vimukta, Viksipa, Saha, Dyuti, Vasu, Anadhrsya, Labha, Kama, Jayl, Virat, 72. This is the second group named Udvesana in the seventh layer of atmospheric minds. All these kings, demons and gods are forms of Lord Hari, surrounded by the sun etc. 73. Manu and others worshipped Lord Hari. 1. A serpent who stole the Vedas. (Vide details in PK t p 483-4]. 2. A serpent who was saved by King Nala, yet bit him. (Vide details inPJT, p. 89].
CHAPTER SEVEN. Worship of the sun etc. Rtidra said: 1. Please narrate the details of the worship of Surya (the sun) and others as practised by Svayambhuva Manu and the rest. Brahmd said: O Vyasa, this yields both enjoyment and salvation. Listen to it in brief. 1 Harisaid: 2. I shall explain the worship of the sun etc. that brings about virtue ( dharma ), love ( kdma ) and other (aims in life). 3. Orh obeisance to Surya’s seat. Om obeisance to tjie solar form, Om Hrdm Hrim Sah obeisance to Surya. Om obeisance to Soma(the moon). Om obeisance to Mahgala (Mars). Om obeisance to Budha( Mercury). Om obeisance to Brhaspati (Jupiter). Om obeisance to Sukra (Venus). Om obeisance to Sanaiscara (Saturn). Om obeisance to Rahu. Om obeisance to Ketu. Om obeisance to Tejakanda of fierce refulgence. 4-5. O Siva, the various rites to the sun and others, namely dsana (seat), avdhana (invocation) pddya, (water for washing feet), arghya (offering), dcamana (water for sipping), sndna (bathing), vaslropavita (cloth and sacred thread), gandha, (scent) pu$pa (flowers), dhtipa (incense), dipu (lamp), namas kdra (obeisance), pradak$ind (circumambulation) and visarjana departure (of deity) are to be performed by means of these mantras. 1. Miming in Vefikftteivara edition. 6. OmHrdm obeisance to Siva. Om Hrdm obeisance to the auspicious form of Siva. Om Hrdm obeisance to the heart. Om Hrdm Svaha to the head. Om HrUmv a$at to the tuft. CmHraiHum to the armour. Om Hraum vau$at to the three eyes. Om Hraum vau$at to the three eyes. Om Hrah obeisance to the weapon. Om Hrdm obeisance to Sadyojata. Om Hrim obeisance to Vamadeva. Om Hrdm obeisance to Aghora. Om Hrim obeisance to Tatpurusa. OmHrim obeisance to liana. Om Hraum obeisance to Gauri. Om Hraum obeisance to the preceptors. OmHraum obeisance to Indra. Om Hraum obeisance to Gan^a. Om Hrdm obeisance to Aghora. Om obeisance to Vasudeva’s seat. Om obeisance to Vasudeva’s form. Om Am Om obeisance to Lord Aniruddha. Om obeisance to Narayana. Om to Tat Sad Brahman. Om Hram obeisance to Visnu. Om kfaum obeisance to Lord Narasiihha. Om Bhuli. Om obeisance to Lord Varaha (the boar-incarnation. Om Kam Tam Pam Sam obeisance to Vainateya (Garu< Ja). Om Jam Kham Ram obeisance to Sudariana ( the divine discus). Om Kham Tham Pham §am obeisance to the Gada (the divine club). Om V am Lam mam K$am (obeisance to Paficajanya (the divine conch) Om Gham Dham Bham Ham obeisance to goddess Sri. Om Gam Dam Vam Sam obeisance to Pujfi (nourishment). Om Dham Sam Vam Sam obeisance to the Vanamala (the divine garland). Om Sam Dam Lam obeisance to Srivatsa (the divine mark on the breast). Om Thatn Cam Bham Yam obeisance to Kaustubha 1 3 ( the divine jewel). Om obeisance to the preceptors. Om obeisance to Indra and other dikpalas (guardians of the directions). Om obeisance to Vi? vaksena. 7. Offerings of the scat and other things to Lord Hari should be made, O Siva, by means of these mantras. Now hear the procedure of worship to Sarasvatl 8 a power of Lord Vi$nu. It is very auspicious. 8. Om Hrlm obeisance to Sarasvatl. Om Hrdm obeisance to heart. Om Hrim obeisance to the head. Om Hrdm obeisance to the tuft. Om Hraim obeisance to the armour. Om Hraum obeisance to three eyes. Om Hrah obeisance to weapon. 1. Name of a celebrated jewel obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of Kr«Q or Viftm (Su ED p. 318. ) 2. Each of the ten directions, beginning with the east, has one guardian deity — namely, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirrti, Varuna, Vfiyu, Kubera lia, Brahmft and Ananta. The last two are for upward and downward directions respectively. 3. The goddess of eloquence and learning who is opposed to 3 r! or Lakpni and sometimes considered to be the daughter and also the wife of BrIim&, the proper wife of that god being rather S& vitri or Gftyatrl. She is also identified with Durg&, or even with the wife of Vi? nu and of Menu nnd held to be the daughter of Dak? a. [vide SP p. 350, SBD p. 1189). 9. Goddess Sarasvatl’s powers are: Sraddha (faith), Rddhi (prosperity), Kala (arts), Medha (intellect), Tu$ti (satiation) Pu${i( nourishment), Prabha (light), Mati (intelligence), those beginning with Om Hrim and ending with namafr (obeisance). 10. Om obeisance to Kfetrapdla (the guardian of the field (the body). Om obeisance to the preceptors. Om obeisance to the grand-preceptors. 1 1. Offering of seat etc. to Sarasvatl seated on the divine lotus, and investiture with the sacred thread ( yajilopavita ) of Surya etc., should be performed by their own mantras.
CHAPTER EIGHT. Worship of Vifnu and Vajrandbha mandala. Hari said: 1-2. O Rudra! after the due bath Visnu should be worshipped in the Mandala (mystic diagram) prepared in a Mandapa (consecrated temple or hall) on the ground. This mystic diagram should be drawn with powders of five colours and should consist of sixteen apartments. It is known as Vajra ndbha. The string should be first placed on the fourth and the fifth comers. 3. The well-versed devotee should then extend the strings into those corners too, which are on either side of the original corners. 4. On the alternative corners too this should be done. In the interval juncture of the lines the first centre is to be taken. 5. In all the interstices, there are such eight centres. The thread should be whirled round from the earlier and the middle centres. 6. O Siva,! in the intcrstics the learned Srdkmana should whirl (the thread) about three fourth (in length). By this the hypotenuse of the central thread should be whirled.