Distribution of patients and the dead from appendicitis in two hospitals depending on term of hospitalization. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Task 5 Distribution of patients and the dead from appendicitis in two hospitals depending on term of hospitalization.
For standardization take sum of patients by term of hospitalization in hospital No. 1 and No. Task 6 Distribution of workers of long sick and often sick by age in basic and auxiliary sections of industrial enterprise
For standardization take half sum of workers by age in basic and auxiliary sections of industrial enterprise. Task 7 Distribution of population by age and number of births in persons corresponding to age on territories A and B.
For standardization take half sum of population by age on territories A and B. Task 8 Distribution of women in fertility age and number of births in mothers corresponds to age in regions A and B.
For standardization take half-sum of age structure of women in regions A and B.