Theme №4: Correlation analysis. Dynamic row. Method of standardization.Theme №4: Correlation analysis. Dynamic row. Method of standardization. Tasks: ESTIMATION CORRELATION Tasks 1 During medical examinations in persons of different ages, the number of chronic diseases (on 1000 patients in the given age) shows:
Tasks 2 Post-operative complications and duration from the moment of acute cholecystitis
Tasks 3 Level of systolic diastolic pressure (in cm. Hg) in 12 healthy young men at the age of 18 years:
Tasks 4 Results of measurement of growth and weight of the students at the age of 20 years:
Tasks 5 Probability of death due to cranial vascular defect on 10000 women depending on the age:
Tasks 6 Age of the mother and quantity of breast milk
Tasks 7 Height and weight of 11 girls at the age of 5 years
Tasks 8 Death rate due to breast and cervical cancer in 5 districts (in 100000 women):
Task 1 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the urban population
1991 – 107. 9 1996 – 123. 7 2001 – 138. 8 2006 – 155. 1 2011 – 168. 9
Task 2 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the village population
1991 – 108. 4 1996 – 108. 5 2001 – 105. 1 2006 – 100. 5 2011 – 97. 7 Task 3 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the man’s population
1991 – 97. 9 1996 – 106. 3 2001 – 112. 6 2006 – 118. 7 2011 – 124. 5 2005 – 3324 Task 4 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the female population
1991 – 118. 4 1996 – 125. 9 2001 – 131. 3 2006 – 136. 9