


Случайная статья

STANDARDIZATION. Distribution of population according to age and number of the dead in town A and B.. Distribution of city and rural population according to age and number of the dead.. Distribution of persons suffering from traumas in industrial enterpri

Task 5

Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants:

Number of the doctors of all specialties


1990 – 554. 2

1995 – 668. 2

2005 – 834. 1

2010 – 995. 6

Task 6

Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants:

Number of the average medical personnel


1990 – 1692

1995 – 2123

2000 – 2515

2005 – 2790

Task 7

Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants:

Number of hospital beds


1990 – 2226

1995 – 2663

2000 – 3009

2005 – 3324

Task 8

Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants:

Natural growth of the population


2011 – 142. 1

1990 – 17. 8

1995 – 11. 1

2000 – 9. 2

2005 – 8. 8

2010 – 8. 0





Task 1

Distribution of population according to age and number of the dead in town A and B.

Age in years

City A

City B

Number of population Number of the dead Number of the population Number of the dead
0-14years 3. 000 1. 000
15-49years 5. 000 5. 000
50 and above 2. 000 4. 000
Altogether 10. 000 10. 000

For standardization take half the sum of population by age in cities A and B.

Task  2

Distribution of city and rural population according to age and number of the dead.

Age in years

City A

City B

Number of population Number of the dead Number of the population Number of the dead
0-14years 50. 000 100. 000 1. 400
15-49years 100. 000 400. 000 1. 600
50 and above 50. 000 1. 000 300. 000 5. 400
Altogether 200. 000 2. 000 800. 000 8. 400


For standardization take half the sum of city and rural population by ages/

Task 3

Distribution of persons suffering from traumas in industrial enterprises by sex in two periods of time.


1st period

2nd period

Number of workers Number of traumas Number of workers Number of traumas
Male 50. 000

For standardization take half sum of structure in two periods of time

Task 4

Distribution of the examined patients with hypertension by sex in districts A and B


District A

District B

Number of the examined Number of patients Number of the examined Number of patients
Altogether 1. 000 1. 000

For standardization take sum of the examined population by age in districts A and B


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