STANDARDIZATION. Distribution of population according to age and number of the dead in town A and B.. Distribution of city and rural population according to age and number of the dead.. Distribution of persons suffering from traumas in industrial enterpriTask 5 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the doctors of all specialties
1990 – 554. 2 1995 – 668. 2 2005 – 834. 1 2010 – 995. 6 Task 6 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of the average medical personnel
1990 – 1692 1995 – 2123 2000 – 2515 2005 – 2790 Task 7 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Number of hospital beds
1990 – 2226 1995 – 2663 2000 – 3009 2005 – 3324 Task 8 Calculate the indices of dynamic row for the following variants: Natural growth of the population
2011 – 142. 1 1990 – 17. 8 1995 – 11. 1 2000 – 9. 2 2005 – 8. 8 2010 – 8. 0
Task 1 Distribution of population according to age and number of the dead in town A and B.
For standardization take half the sum of population by age in cities A and B. Task 2 Distribution of city and rural population according to age and number of the dead.
For standardization take half the sum of city and rural population by ages/ Task 3 Distribution of persons suffering from traumas in industrial enterprises by sex in two periods of time.
For standardization take half sum of structure in two periods of time Task 4 Distribution of the examined patients with hypertension by sex in districts A and B
For standardization take sum of the examined population by age in districts A and B