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Home Assignment. Closing. Timetable

Home Assignment

Could/ would you, please... I'd like to have you do ex. 10. Please, write ex. 10.

Please, finish the exercise for homework. Do exercise six for homework, please. You really have to do this as it's important. How many pages can you physically do? You might also take a look at ex. 4 (less necessary) You really should look at ex. 4. (though you don't have to) " to be to" is not much used in Amer. English. " You are to be here" is a little rude.

" ought" is like demanding, like talking down to people, - suggests a feeling of guilt

" must" is used by mothers

Please, review the vocabulary and remember to bring the books next time. For the next few sessions Fd like to... What I'd like to do in the next few classes is...


Tell me when you are finished/ done.

During the last 10 minutes of class....

Just do it (this quick little tiling) and we can about go home.

Let's wind up now. (stop doing) Let's wind up the game/ exercise....

to wind up one's speech

(How does the story wind up? )

Let's save it for the next time.

Why don't we close the book for today, unless you want to do more?

Shall we say that's all for our grammar today?

Shall we call it quits for home-reading today?

Let's (shall we) call it a day and go home?

We are finished. We can finish. It's time to stop now. Мауbе we should end

on that?

This is the end of the lesson. That's all for today/ the day.

See you tomorrow, people.

Pack your things and go home. Pack away very quietly and...

School's done for the day.


We are timetabled to have four hours of French a week

timetabled classes


timetabler - the person who works to produce a timetable

the timetable is overloaded, we can't fit in/ squeeze in....

teacher's load; an overloaded teacher


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