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Classroom Expressions. Beginning the lesson. Introducing Grammar

Classroom Expressions

Beginning the lesson

Everyone stand up, please.

Good morning, everyone / folks / people / guys.

Let's get started.

Let's start out / off by writing.

Let's push on with our text.

Let's get down to work.

Here we go. - Ну, начали

O. K., here we go. - (starting an exercise)

Off we go.

Let's have another go. Let's go again.

What I have in mind today is...

In this lesson we are going to...

Introducing Grammar

Let's do some grammar today (articles/ adjectives/ the poem/ monologue/

two pages of home-reading/ one more song)

Let's get through the routine of (doing smth)

We'll have some of it (text / Passive Voice) done today and some on

Monday. (There's always another time)

Let's begin work on the questions.

I want you (Would you like) to have (to get) the feel (taste) of Indirect


(to give students a little bit of taste of... )

I am going to explain some grammar points today.

This is all for you to familiarize yourselves with Complex Object

That's tricky enough. Students always get confused on this. I understand

your confusion on this. These are easily confused prepositions.

Focus your attention on....

This brings us nicely to the next point. I am glad this point came up. It can

help you with...

(Try to get the students to come to the rale - introduce the rule inductively)

Students can handle it fine.

(I want to have you) try to figure out / work out the rule by yourselves.

Try to figure out the meaning of the word.

Try to figure out (guess) what this is for.

Have you got any questions on this? Don't hesitate to ask questions.

State the rule. (State the idea of the monologue in your own words. )

Examples come up with the rale.

I don't have examples off the top of my head. I can't come up with an

example right now. Help me (supply me) with the word. My English is

coming back. My rules are coming back.

To solidify / consolidate (understanding of the rale) You need to get a hold

of this structure.


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