Thank you for filling in the application form! The next page is for your supporting organisation.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 28 из 28 Thank you for filling in the application form! The next page is for your supporting organisation. Please note that we can only accept your application if you indicate your supporting organisation and the organisation you are applying for! After completing the form send it addressed with the name of the organisation you have chosen in the form toapplication@grenzenlos. or. at. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPPORTING ORGANISATION
· How did you select the volunteer? (Is the volunteer a member of your organisation, are you going to involve the volunteer in your current activities, did you interview the volunteer by phone or face-to-face... )
· Do you provide the volunteer with theoretical preparation? (Insurance, rights and responsibilities of the volunteer, SO and HO tasks, duties of the tutor of the project... ).