V.Application. VI.Consultation. Attachment 2. HITCTF2021Entry Form. Logo Of Team. Time: October 2021V. Application College teams fill in the application form andstampit with official seal (school seal or department seal), and scan to generate a PDF file sendbackto hitctf2021@126. com. Every Team are supposed to send Table1 and Table2 to the Competition Organizing Committee. E-mail of Competition Organizing Committee: hitctf2021@126. com Table 1: (Name of University) HITCTF2021 registration form. doc; Table 2: (Name of University) HITCTF2021 registration form. pdf. VI. Consultation Teacher ZhaiTel: +86 13313692883 Teacher ZhangTel: +86 13936649090 Teacher ZhanTel: +86 15114504706
Email: hitctf2021@126. com Instant message software: Slack Group Name: hitctf2021Slack Invitation link: https: //join. slack. com/t/hitctf2021/shared_invite/zt-x19s8vc2-j_44U1YAq1YP4GVPXoUMjQ
Attachment 2 HITCTF2021Entry Form
School/Department (Seal): Time: October 2021