What are your hobbies?. How would you describe your personality?. Which challenges do you think you will encounter during your stay abroad?. Do you have any special needs (medical conditions, disabilities, impairmentsetc.What are your hobbies? How would you describe your personality? Knowledge and skills you can share during your volunteeringexperience: Knowledge and skills you hope to gain during your volunteeringexperience: Which challenges do you think you will encounter during your stay abroad?
Do you have any special needs (medical conditions, disabilities, impairmentsetc. )? Yes___ No___ Do you have any kind of allergy? Yes___ No___ Do you need to take any kind of medicine? Yes___ No___ Are you a vegetarian? Yes___ No___ Is there any food you do not eat? Yes___ No___ if you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please give further description and if applicable describe the necessary assistance/support you will need when living in Vienna Language abilities
please tick here to show you understand and accept the above declaration.
Your motivation – Which organisation are you interested in? In case you are interested in more than one hosting organisation coordinated by Grenzenlos, please send a separateapplication form for each of the projects.
Please describe below carefully your motivation for this specific project or attach a motivation letter Is there anything else you would like to tell?
please tick here to show you understand and accept the above declaration.