Trends and Convergence in Newspaper PublishingTrends and Convergence in Newspaper Publishing The number of daily newspapers is in decline, and there are very few cities with competing papers. Chain ownership has become common. Conglomeration is fueling hypercommercialism, erosion of the firewall between the business and editorial sides of the newspaper, and the loss of the newspaper’s traditional journalistic mission. Newspaper readership is changing—it is getting older, as young people abandon the paper for the Net or for no news at all. How newspapers respond will define their future. Localism, that is, providing coverage of material otherwise difficult to find on the Internet, has proven successful for many papers. Newspapers have converged with the Internet. Although most people read news online, still unanswered are questions of how to charge for content and how to measure readership. The industry has found new optimism in the success of their mobile—smartphone, tablet, and e-reader— offerings. Where content appears—factors such as what page a story is on, where on the page it appears, and the presence of accompanying photos—offerssignificant insight into the importance a paper places on that content. This relative placement of stories has influence on what readers come to see as the important news of the day. QUESTIONS 1. What are ActaDiurna, corantos, diurnals, and broadsheets? - 100 B. C. ActaDiurna was Rome's first newspaper, actions of the day. - 1620 Corantos was a one page sheet about specific events that were printed in English in Holland in 1620 and imported to England - 1641 diurnals daily accounts of local news printed in 1620s England; forerunners of our daily newspaper - 1625 broadsides – single sheet announcements or accounts of events imported from Eng-land, would be posted. Colonial newspaper 2. What is the significance of Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick, the Boston News-Letter, the New-England Courant, the Pennsylvania Gazette, and the New York Weekly Journal? It appears that if you'd made the government look bad you'd be out of business. The Pennsylvania Gazette was able to show that self from the government due to financial independence from advertising support. After the Revolutionary war, the Bill of Rights and the first amendment was introduced protecting the press from the government. 3. What factors led to the development of the penny press? To yellow journalism? Growing literacy among working people, due to the large amount of people that would read, that attracted advertisers that reduce the price. Yellow journalism was a study in excess – sensational sex, crime, and disaster news; giant headlines; use of illusions; and reliance on cartoons and color. 4. What are the similarities and differences between wire services and feature syndicates? Subscribers who used wire services were limited to their content. Feature syndicates get a choice of material and their content is passed via wire computer or physically in a package. 5. When did newspaper chains begin? Can you characterize them as they exist today? In response to the competition from radio magazine for advertising dollars, newspapers begin consolidating into newspaper change – papers in different cities across the country owned by a single company. Hurston scripts were among the most powerful change in the 1920s. 6. What are the different types of newspapers? National daily newspapers, large metropolitan dailies, suburban and small-town dailies, weeklies and semi weeklies, the ethnic press, the alternative press, and commuter papers. 7. Why is the newspaper an attractive medium for advertisers? Newspapers remained a powerful ad medium because our readers tend to be college-educated, white-collar employed adults – the kinds of folks with a lot of disposable income. 8. How has convergence affected newspapers’ performance? Newspapers have converged with the Internet. They have not figured out a way to be successful. 9. What is the firewall? Why is it important? The second product of collaboration, says critics, is that the quest for profits at all costs is rolling the firewall, the once inviolate barrier between newspaper’s editorial and advertising missions. 10. How do online papers succeed? The industry has found new optimism and the success of their mobile – smart phone, tablet, and a reader – offerings.