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The theme: Inflorescence

Рerformed: Zhunuspaeva A. E

Checked: Korogod N. P


The inflorescence is a system of flower-bearing shoots located on common axis of inflorescence, isolated from the vegetative parts of the plant.

Fig. 1. The structure of the inflorescence: 1 — the axis of inflorescence; 2 — lateral axis; 3 — nodes and 4 internodes; 5 — bracts (bracts) — modified leaves in the inflorescence; 6 — pedicels; 7 — flowers

The father of the modern classification of inflorescences is a German botanist V. Troll (1964).

According to morphological (external) structure of the inflorescence is very varied, therefore there is a need for their classification. For categorization use the following characteristics: types of branching and degree of branching axes of the inflorescence, the sequence of blooming flowers, etc.


The location on the plant inflorescences may be:

1. apical (terminal) — on the tops of main shoots (lupine, sunflower (Fig. 2), cattail);

2. axillary — at the ends of side shoots (the lilac (Fig. 3), birch, poplar);

3. intercalary — consist of alternating sterile (vegetative) and fertile (flowering) sites (rattle, Shandra, most of the Myrtle (Fig. 4)). This type is often referred inflorescence developing on the interstices of the adventitious or axillary buds.

Рис. 2 Рис. 3 Рис. 4


According to the degree of listenest related to the feature of the bracts:

1. Fredonia — the bracts are well developed and fotosintesis, often brightly colored (Ivan-da-Marya (Fig. 5), fuchsia, viola tricolor);

2. bracteate — bracts in the form of scales (Lily of the valley (Fig. 6), lilac, cherry);

3. naked, without bracts (most of the cruciferous plants) (Fig. 7).

Рис. 5 Рис. 6 Рис. 7

The presence of the flower, terminating the main axis:

1. open — the main axis of inflorescence does not end with the flower, i. e., retains the ability to grow;

2. closed — the main axis ends in a flower, i. e. does not grow in length.


The degree of branching:

1. simple inflorescence — lateral axis is not branched and are pedicels (Lily, Timothy, forget-me-not);

2. the complex inflorescence is branched lateral axis (lilac, mugwort, Rowan).

Cabbage, Lily of the valley, cherry have raceme inflorescence. In this inflorescence, the individual flowers are arranged one after another along the well-marked peduncle, extending from the long axis.

The inflorescence is a raceme. Example - Lily of the valley

Simple ear form do not have stalks (i. e. sessile) flowers arranged on a common axis of inflorescence, as plantain. Inflorescences of wheat, barley and rye called a complex spike. In this inflorescence on a common axis sit a few spikelets, each of which is formed by several flowers (rye, for example, two).

Inflorescence a simple spike. Example - plantain The inflorescence is a compound spike. Example - rye


The cob is different from spike thick, typically fleshy rachis.

The ear inflorescence. Example – air


Simple umbrella - the inflorescence in which pedicels emerge from the top of the axis of the inflorescence. This inflorescence are primrose, cherry.

Inflorescence simple umbrella. Example – cherry


Simple inflorescences can be arranged in complex inflorescences. Carrots and parsley are inflorescence-umbrellas, consisting of a few simple umbrellas. Such inflorescence is called a complex umbrella.

Inflorescence a cyme. Example – carrots


Basket is the inflorescence of sunflower, Aster, dandelion, sow Thistle, Thistle and many other plants. In this inflorescence usually of numerous small sessile flowers, situated on oelstrom and enlarged the bed of the inflorescence. Outside it is protected by the green leaves - wrapper.

Inflorescence basket. Example - dandelion



1. cymose — sympodial branching (Fig. 9, 3); apical growth of the main axis ends with the formation of the first flower. The number of flowers is limited to certain blossoms;

2. lateral — monopodial branching (Fig. 9, 2); the first is laid down and dissolved the lower flower. The number of flowers unlimited — indefinite inflorescence.


Meet intermediate types of inflorescence.

Fig. 9. Types of branching: 1 — dichotomous (a — isotope, b — anisotoma); 2 — monopodial; 3 — sympodial.



There is a theory of the origin simonich inflorescences (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. The origin simonich inflorescences.




There is a theory of origin lateral inflorescences (Fig. 13).

Рис. 13

There are blossoms with the elements and simonich, and botanicheskij inflorescences.

Anthodii — inflorescence with crowded flowers resemble individual flowers (head clover (Fig. 14), a basket of milk Thistle (Fig. 15), a complex basket of Echinops (Fig. 16)).

Рис. 14 Рис. 15 Рис. 16

Inflorescences can grow together with the covering sheets (Lipa (Fig. 17), Araceae), flowers (honeysuckle (Fig. 18), pineapple (Fig. 19), monstera), forming a compound fruit. In some plants the main axis of the inflorescence lasts for several years, forming inflorescences (wax ivy).

Рис. 17 Рис. 18 Рис. 19




The biological significance of emergence of inflorescences.

Increase the probability of pollination of flowers as an anemophilic (are wind-pollinated; ) and entomophilous (entomophilous) plants. The insect per unit of time will be visited much more flowers if they are gathered in inflorescences. Inflorescences more conspicuous among the green leaves, rather than single flowers. A drooping inflorescence to easily swing under the influence of air movement, thereby contributing to the dispersion of pollen.

Any damage or failure in the pollination a single flower leads to infertility of the whole plant. In the presence of inflorescences, this risk is minimized.

Increases the total flowering period, hence the probability of pollination.



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