Chapter 12
SHREE SHOOKDEO, the sage, said, --Raja! when those two trees fell, hearing the sound, and being alarmed, the wife of Nund came to the spot where Krishnù had been tied to the wooden mortar; and all the cowherdesses and cowherds came also after her. When she did not find Krishnù there, being agitated in mind, Jusodha went about calling out, and repeating the name of Mohun--" Where has he gone, that was tied down? Has any one seen my boy Kunhya any where? " In the meantime, (or at this time, ) a woman of Bruj, having come before Jusodha, said, " Two trees have fallen down, and there Krishnù has escaped. " Having heard this, they all advanced and saw that two trees had indeed fallen down, uprooted, and Krishnù was sitting between them, tied to the wooden mortar, and contracted in size. Going up to him, Nund's wife, loosing him from the wooden mortar, and weeping, clasped Krishnù to her bosom; and all the cowherdesses, supposing that he was alarmed, began to snap their fingers, and clap their hands to make Krishnù laugh. Upon this, Nund and Oopnund began to say to each other, " How have these trees, which have been growing up for ages, fallen down, uprooted; this strange occurrence cannot be understood, nor is the secret of it comprehensible. " Having heard this, a young boy explained the circumstances of the trees falling, exactly as they had occured; but no one could understand them. One said, " How can these children understand such a secret as this? " Another said, " Perhaps it may be so, for who can comprehend the state of Huri? " Thus making remarks of various kinds, and taking Shree Krishnù with them, they all came with delight to Gokool: then Nund Jee gave many presents, and performed many charitable acts. After the lapse of some days, Krishnù 's birth-day came round: Jusodha sent an invitation to all their relations; and having given an entertainment, tied the anniversary birth-day knot. When they all sat down to eat, Nund Rae said, " Brethren! how can we possibly remain in Gokool? Every day, many acts of injustice are committed; let us go somewhere, where we can have grass and water" --Oopnund said, " If you go and live at Brindabun, you will live there with delight. " Having heard this speech, Nund Jee entertaining them all, and giving them seats after distributing pawn, sent for an astrologer, and enquired the proper division of time of (48) forty-eight minutes for the journey. He, considering, said, " To-morrow is a very good day for a journey in that direction; the spirits, attendant on good and bad luck, are on the left; the unlucky quarter is behind us, and the moon before us: you may start off early in the morning without any anxiety. " Having heard this, all the cowherdesses and cowherds went to their homes, but early in the morning they all assembled together, having packed up all their goods and chattels on carts. Nund Jee also accompanied them, with all his relations; and proceeding on their journey, and crossing the river, they arrived in the evening. Having propitiated the goddess Toolsee, they occupied Brindabun; and all began to live there with ease and pleasure. When Shree Krishnù was five years old, he said to his mother, " I will go out to graze the calves; tell Buldao not to leave me alone in the jungle. " She replied, " Son! there are many servants of yours, whose business it is to take the calves out to graze; do not you go, who are the protection of my eye-lids, and dearer to me than my eyes. " Krishnù said, " If I am allowed to go into the jungle to amuse myself, I will eat my food; if not, I will not. " On hearing this, Jusodha having called the cowherds' children, and entrusted Krishnù and Bulram to them, said, " Do not go far to graze the calves, and bring them both home together before evening. Do not leave them by themselves in the jungle; remain with them; you are their guardians. " Saying this, and giving them food, she made over Ram and Krishnù to them. They having gone to the banks of the Jumna, began to graze the calves and to play with the cowherds' children. At this time, Buchasoor, who had been sent by Kuns, came there under a disguised form: on seeing him, the frightened calves ran off in all directions. Upon this, Shree Krishnù remarked to Buldeo with a wink, " Brother! this is some demon that has come here. " Afterwards, when in the act of feeding he approached near to accomplish his treacherous design (lit: to arrange his ambuscade, ) Shree Krishnù having seized him by the hind leg, and twisted him round his head, dashed him down with such violence, that life left his body. Having heard of the death of Buchasoor, Kuns sent Bukasoor, who having come to Brindabun, and arranged his snare, went and sat on the bank of the Jumna, in the appearance of a hill--On beholding him, the cowherds began, through fear, to say to Krishnù, " Brother! this is some demon, who has come in the form of a crane; how shall we escape from him? " On the one hand, the cowherds were speaking thus to Krishnù; on the other, the demon was revolving in his mind, " That he would certainly destroy Krishnù on that day. " In the meantime, when Shree Krishnù went near him, he raised him up with his bill, and shut his mouth. The cowherds' children being perplexed, looking round on all sides and crying, began to call out, and say, " Alas! alas! Huldhur too is not here, what shall we go and tell Jusodha? " Seeing that they were greatly distressed, Shree Krishnù became so hot, that the crane could not retain him in his mouth. When the crane vomited him out, Krishnù having seized his beak, and pressed it under his feet, tore it in pieces; and collecting the calves, he returned home with his companions, laughing and playing.