Chapter 8
SHREE SHOOKDEO, the sage, said: --The division of the zodiack in which Krishnù was born, came round again--Jusodha, his mother, performed all the four customary ceremonies of congratulation. When Huri was twenty-seven days old, Nund Jee sent an invitation to all Brahmins and inhabitants of Bruj--They came, and were placed upon seats with respect and honour. Afterwards, having given a great many presents to Brahmins, he allowed them to depart; and having arrayed his relations in dresses, which he gave them, entertained them with every sort of delicacy. At this time, Jusodha was assisting in the ceremony of serving the food, Rohnee was waiting upon them, the inhabitants of Bruj were laughing and eating, the cowherdesses were singing songs; all were so delighted with joy, that not one thought about Krishnù; and Krishnù was fast asleep in a cradle under a heavy cart. Shortly afterwards, he awoke hungry; having his toe in his mouth, he began crying, and moving about to look around him. At that time, a demon came flying over. Seeing Krishnù alone, he began to say to himself, " This is some very powerful person that has been born; but to-day I will revenge myself on him for Pootna's death. " Having resolved upon this, he came and sat in the cart, whence his name was Suktasoor. When the cart began to crack, and move about, Shree Krishnù, sobbing, gave such a kick, that the demon died, and the cart fell to pieces. As many pails as there were, containing milk and curds, were all broken, and the contents oozed out; and the buttermilk flowed in a stream, like a river. Hearing the noise of the cart going to pieces, and of the breaking of the earthen pots, all the cowherdesses and cowherds ran to the spot. On arrival, Jusodha taking up Krishnù, and kissing him, pressed him to her bosom. Having beheld this strange occurrence, they all began to say to each other " Bruhmù has done an act of great kindness to-day, by means of which, although the cart has been broken in pieces, the child has escaped. " Having narrated thus much, Shree Shookdeo said, --Raja! when Huri was five months old, Kuns sent Trinawurut, who came to Gokool in the form of a whirlwind. Nund's wife was sitting with Krishnù in her lap in the court-yard, when all at once Krishnù became so heavy, that Jusodha, on account of the weight, was obliged to let him down from her lap. In the meantime, such a violent storm occurred, that day was changed into night, and trees began to fall, torn up by the roots; the roofs of houses to fly about. Upon this Jusodha, being alarmed, tried to lift up Krishnù, but he would not rise. As soon as her hand was off his body, Trinawurut flew off with him in the air, and began to say to himself, " To-day I will most certainly destroy him. " Having taken off Krishnù, the demon was resolving these thoughts in his mind, whilst Jusodha, not knowing where Krishnù was, (lit: not seeing him before her, ) began to cry, and to call out " Krishnù! Krishnù! " Hearing her voice, all the cowherdesses and cowherds came to the spot, and, together with her, ran about in search of Krishnù --They went about groping in the dark by guess--and tripped, and fell down. The cowherdesses roamed over the jungle of Bruj in search of Krishnù, whilst Rohnee and Jusodha were talking to each other about him, Nund continued calling out in a voice of thunder; the cowherdesses and cowherds vociferated lustily. When Shree Krishnù saw that Nund and Jusodha, as well as all the inhabitants of Bruj, were much distressed; having twisted Trinawurut round, and brought him into the court-yard, he dashed him against a stone with such violence, that life left his body. The storm was hushed; it became light again; and all, after having lost their road, reached home. They saw a demon lying dead in the court yard; Shree Krishnù was playing upon his chest. On coming up to him, Jusodha took him in his arms, and clasped him to her bosom, and gave many gifts to Brahmins.