Chapter 10
ONE day, thinking it to be a proper time for churning, Nund's wife rose very early, and having awakened all the cowherdesses, gave them an invitation: --they came, and having swept and thoroughly cleaned the house, and plastered it over, began churning. Upon this, Nund's wife also took a large sized new dish, placing it upon a stand, and spreading a seat for herself; with churning staff and string, she sat down, and began to churn for Shree Krishnù, after having arranged fresh, unused vessels for holding the milk. At this time, the sound made by churning in Nund's house was like thunder. In the mean while, Krishnù awoke, and began crying, and calling out for his mother. When no one heeded his calling out, he came himself to Jusodha, and with tears in his eyes, in a state of agitation, sobbing and lisping, began to say, " Mother! how often have I called for you, and you have not come to give me victuals; is your business not finished yet? " Saying this, he became cross. Having taken the churning staff from the large dish, putting both his hands into it, and taking out the butter, he began to throw it about, and besmear his body with it; and kicking about his feet, and laying hold of his dress, he began to cry. Then Nund's wife, being frightened and angry, said, " Son! what have you done? " or " what sort of behaviour is this? Get up, and come along with me, and I will give you food, " Krishnù said, " I will not take any now; why did you not give it me at first, mother? For me to take it now would be a calamity. " At length, with coaxing and kindness, Jusodha kissed him, and took him in her lap, and gave him thick milk, and bread and butter to eat. Huri laughed and ate; Nund's wife, placing a cloth over him in such a way that no one could see him, continued to feed him. In the mean while a cowherdess cane, and said, " You are sitting here, while there all the milk has boiled over the fireplace. " On hearing this, having quickly put down Krishnù from her lap, she ran off, and went and saved the milk; Whilst Krishnù, having broken the vessels, containing the curds and buttermilk, destroyed the churning staves; and having taken a small earthen pot, filled with butter, ran off to the cowherds' children. He found a wooden mortar, placed upside down, upon which he sat, and having seated his companions on four sides, they began to distribute the butter to each other laughing, and to eat it. When Jusodha came back, after having taken off the milk from the fire-place, she saw that the courtyard and hall were greasy with curds and buttermilk. Reflecting, and considering upon this, she came forth with a stick in her hand; and searching about, came to the spot where Shree Krishnù had formed an assembly, and was eating and distributing butter. When she went behind, and placed her hand on him, Huri, seeing his mother, crying and entreating, said to her, " Mother! I do not know who caused the buttermilk to be spilt; let go of me. " Hearing him speak with so much humility, Jusodha, laughing and throwing away the stick, embraced Krishnù with the greatest delight, though pretending to be angry; and having brought him home, began to fasten him to the wooden mortar. Shree Krishnù contrived, that whatever string she fastened him with, should be too short. Jusodha sent for all the strings in the house; but nevertheless, Krishnù was not fastened--At length perceiving that his mother was vexed, he allowed himself to be bound. Nund's wife having fastened him, and having exacted an oath from the cowherdesses, that they would not let him loose, began to occupy herself with domestic matters.