Chapter 9
SHREE SHOOKDEO JEE said, --Raja! one day Basoodeo Jee having sent for Gurug, the sage, who was a great astrologer, and the family priest of the members of the family of Judoo, said to him " Go to Gokool, and give my son a name. Rohnee has been pregnant, and had a son--What is his age, how powerful is he, what is his name? And Nund Jee has had a son, and sent for you. " On hearing this Gurug, the sage, being highly pleased, departed, and came near Gokool. Some one went and told Nund Jee, that Gurug, the sage, the family priest of the Judoos, was coming. On hearing it, Nund Jee delighted, and accompanied by the cowherds' children, took with him presents, and went out to meet him; and having spread carpets of silk for him to walk upon, brought him to his house amidst musical rejoicings. Having performed poojah, placing him upon a seat, and taking the water, with which his feet had been washed, the wife and husband, joining their hands, began to say, " O great king! great is our good fortune, that you have been so compassionate as to come and purify our house by giving us a sight of you. Through your majesty, two sons have been born; one Rohnee's; the other, ours: be so kind as to give them names. " Gurug, the sage, said, " Thus to give them names would not be proper; because, if it shall be spread abroad, that Gurug, the sage, has gone to Gokool to give names to children, and Kuns shall hear of it, he will think that some one has conveyed Dewukee's son to the house of his friend, Basoodeo; and, therefore, the family priest has gone there. Thinking thus he will have me apprehended, and there is no knowing what violence he may do to you. For this reason, do not make the matter at all public, but give the names silently (or have the names given silently, ) in your own house. " Nund said, " Gurug Jee! you have spoken truly. " Saying this, he took him into his own house, and placed him upon a seat. Then Gurug, the sage, having enquired from Nund Jee the lunar day and time of birth of both, having determined the fortunate moment, and resolved upon what their names should be, said, " Nund Jee! the son of Rohnee, the wife of Basoodeo, shall have the following names, Sunkurkun, Kewuteerummun, Buldao, Bulram, Kalindeebhedun, Huldhur, and Bulbeer. And with respect to your son, in the form of Krishnù, his names shall be numberless; but as he was once born in the house of Basoodeo, he has been named Basoodeo. And it is my opinion, that whenever these two children of yours shall be born in the four ages, they shall be born together. " Nund Jee said, " Explain their good qualities. " --Gurug the sage replied, " They are deities; it is impossible to understand their state; but I know this much, that, having killed Kuns, they will remove the burdens of the world. " Having thus spoken, Gurug, the sage, departed in silence, and went, and told all the news to Basoodeo. After this, both the children began to increase in stature daily in Gokool, and give pleasure to Nund and Jusodha, by playing childish tricks; wearing blue and yellow dresses, with short curls floating loose on their foreheads, with amulets, knotted strings and necklaces on their necks, and toys in their hands, they played about; crawling about the court-yard on their knees, they fell down and lisped out their words--Rohnee and Jusodha followed them about, lest the children, frightened at any one, should trip and fall. When having laid hold of the young calves' tails, they got up, and afterwards fell down, Jusodha and Rohnee taking them up, and pressing them to their bosoms with the greatest affection, suckled them, and coaxed them in every possible way. When Shree Krishnù grew bigger, he one day took the cowherds' children with him to Bruj to steal butter. They searched for it in empty houses, and Krishnù allowed them to steal whatever they found. They carried away the milk pails, which were set apart and covered up, belonging to all whom they found asleep in their houses. Wherever they found it suspended on strings, placing a board upon a stool, a wooden mortar upon the board, and making one of their companions stand upon the mortar, and getting upon his back, they took down the butter, ate some of it, stole some, and spilt some about: in this manner, they constantly committed theft in the houses of the cowherdesses. One day, they all took counsel together, and allowed Krishnù to come into the house. Having entered the house, as he was on the point of stealing the butter and curds, they laid hold of him, and said, " You have been in the habit of coming night and morning; where will you escape now, you butter thief? " Having thus spoken, when all the cowherdesses in a body, taking Krishnù with them, were going to make a complaint to Jusodha regarding him, Krishnù practised this deception upon them, he made each mother take hold of her own child by the hand, and ran off himself, and again joined the sons of the cowherds. When the cowherdesses came to Nund's wife, they fell at her feet, and said, " If you will not be offended, we will inform you, what acts of tyranny Krishnù has committed--milk, curds, butter, buttermilk do not escape from his hand; in Bruj he commits such thefts, and roams about, thieving, morning and evening. Wherever he finds them laid bye, and covered up, he fearlessly takes them away, eats some, and allows his companions to steal. If any one points out the mark of curds on his mouth, he perversely says, that the same person placed it there. In this manner, he used to come constantly, and commit thefts; to-day, we have caught him, and brought him to show to you. " Jusodha replied, " Friends! whose child have you laid hold of, and brought to me; since yesterday, my Krishnù has not gone out of the house? Is this the way you speak truth? " Hearing this, and perceiving that they had hold of their own children, they laughed and were ashamed of themselves. Upon this, Jusodha sent for Krishnù, and said to him, " Son! do not go to any one's house; whatever you wish to eat, eat at home. " Having heard this, Krishnù said, lisping, " Do not, mother, place any reliance on what they say. These false cowherdesses have spoken falsely, and have come roaring in pursuit of me. Sometimes, they make me lay hold of the milk-pails and calves; sometimes they make me perform the drudgery of the house; and having placed me at the door to watch, they go about their business, and then come and tell you stories. " Hearing this, the cowherdesses looking at Krishnù, and smiling, went away. One day after this, Krishnù and Bulram were playing with some companions in a court-yard, when Krishnù ate some dirt: --one of his companions went and told Jusodha, who came running towards him in a passion, with a stick in her hand. Seeing his mother coming towards him in a very angry humour, wiping his mouth, he was frightened, and remained standing in the same spot. She, on coming up, asked him, " Why have you been eating mud? " Krishnù replied with fear and trembling, " Mother! who has told you this? " She said, " One of your companions has told me. " Upon this, Mohun, being enraged, said to the companion, " When did I eat mud? " He replied in alarm, " Brother! I do not understand what you say--what answer shall I give? " When Krishnù began to explain to his companion, Jusodha went and laid hold of him. Upon this, Krishnù began to say, " Be not angry, mother! do human creatures ever eat mud? " She said, " I will not listen to your thoughtless speeches; if you really speak the truth, show me your mouth. " When Shree Krishnù opened his mouth, the three worlds were seen inside it. Jusodha was then convinced, and she began to say to herself, " I am a great fool in looking upon the lord of the three worlds as my son. " Having proceeded thus far in the narrative, Shree Shookdeo said to the Raja Pureechit, --Raja! when Nund's wife thought thus, Huri dissipated the delusion; and, Jusodha, having pressed Mohun to her bosom with affection, brought him home.