Chapter 16 2 страница'What – what did Talisa say when she was treating the wounded? Pressure! Right, pressure to stop the bleeding! I need to stop the bleeding! But how do I stop the bleeding and - oh gods there's so much blood! ' With trembling hands, Sansa fought through her fear of touching blood and pressed her hands over top of the wound on Lady Nox's stomach. She needed help! She – she needed Jeyne's help! There was just so much blood! But as she spotted her friend, she knew that her friend wouldn't be of any help. Jeyne had managed to get up into a sitting position and was just sitting there, rocking back and forth and muttering to herself and not looking at anything. 'I need to keep pressure, but gods how much pressure! I don't want to hurt the bab – oh gods! The babe! Please, please let it be alright! ' A second set of hands, cold and wet, joined hers. Jerking her head, she found herself staring right into Lady Nox's soft brown eyes. " Sansa…Jeyne and…run. Hide…live. Tell…Alim I – I love…him. " Tears started pouring freely from Sansa's eyes. No! This – this wasn't the way it was supposed to be! This wasn't the way the stories were supposed to end! Lady Nox and Lord Nox were married and about to have a child! They were supposed to live happily ever after! This, this couldn't be the end! She – she wouldn't let this be the end! 'Please, old gods of the North. I – I know I've squandered the gifts you've granted my brothers and sister. But, but please! If – if I have this gift, please let me use it to save Lady Nox! She – she doesn't deserve this! She needs to live! You blessed her! Now please, help me help her! I won't let her die! ' Gasping, Sansa felt as if a river started rushing through her, starting from her shoulders down her arms and into Lady Nox. It was the strangest feeling. She felt, weak, yet Lady Nox's eyes, which had been slowly closing, sprung open and she gasped allowed as she arched her body up into Sansa's hands. " Yes! " Sansa yelled, and then coughed as she was given a painful reminder of the state of her throat. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew that Lady Nox was getting better! 'I don't care how weak I feel! I won't stop until I know Lady Nox is fine a-' Her thoughts were cut off as something hard struck her in the gut. Her hands left Lady Nox as she was lifted off the ground for a moment before coming back down hard. Clutching her gut, Sansa let loose a hacking cough as she gasped for air. Before she could even wonder what had happened, the hard object was back again, slamming into her gut once. Twice. And on the third time she felt the contents of her stomach rush to leave her. " Fucking bitch! You weren't supposed to have any powers like your gods damned heretical siblings! " Sobbing, Sansa clutched at her stomach as she tried to stop the pain spreading through her. Looking up through tear filled eyes, she felt her dreams of knighthood shatter. Ser Corbray was towering over her, his once handsome face twisted in rage as small trails of blood streamed down from both of his ears. " I don't know what the fuck you did! " He screamed, kicking her in the gut again. " But I can hardly even hear myself think now fucking whore! " Closing her eyes, she tried to will the pain away. " Don't you close your fucking eyes! " Ser Corbray screamed at her as he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head back, forcing her to look at him. What little breath she had left in her left as she found the edge of a dagger right under her eye. " Bolton wanted you unmarred and unsoiled. But after this, he's just going to have to settle for unsoiled. Cause I'm going to take my pound of flesh from you little girl in payment for what you did to me! " She tried to scream again, just like before, but even if she had the breath to do so she didn't even know how she did it before. In the end, she could only watch as, as if in slow motion, the dagger moved closer and closer to her face. Closing her eyes in fear as the blades edge ever closer to her eye she felt a wave of shame pass through her as soiled herself the cool steel press against her skin. A loud fleshy whacking sound erupted from in front of her as an angry feminine voice called out, " get off of her you kneeler cunt! " Eyes snapping open, she found Ser Corbray staggering away from her clutching at his face. There was a person standing between Sansa and the knight. A woman. The wildling woman. Osha. And she was wielding some sort of broom or pole or something. " Fucking hells! " Ser Corbray screamed, picking up his sword that'd been on the ground. " Who the fuck are you?! A serving girl? How the hell are you here? The servant quarters should've been dealt with by now! " Getting up onto all fours, Sansa scurried behind Osha's skirt as she tried to hide herself as best she could. " Me? I'm just a free woman that choose to be here. Not that I had much choice, but it was still my choice to be here. " Osha replied calmly as if she wasn't facing down several armed men. " And as for the fucks you sent after us…they're all dead. Honestly, you southerners prance about all fancy in your shinny armor, but you all can't fight a real fight worth shit. " " Is that so? " Ser Corbray replied, still almost yelling despite the close distance between them. " Well, I guess I'll have to belatedly fix those idiots mistakes. Whoever kills this bitch gets first go at the virgin orphan girl. " Osha set her feet apart in a stance that Sansa had seen Arya take whenever her younger sister went to the yard. Hope. Blessed hope blossomed within her as she looked up towards her guardian that was protecting her. But with that hope came an equal feeling of despair as she noticed at least two of the men behind Ser Corbray slowly start to get to their feet as well, daggers in their hands and rage in their eyes. " Stay behind me little lady. " Whimpering, Sansa tried to make herself as small as possible as one of the men that'd managed to get back to his feet let out a cry of rage and charged straight at Sansa and Osha with a dagger raised. But before he could reach them, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and shot straight upwards, crashing into the ceiling hard before falling to the floor faster than an arrow shot from a bow. He hit the ground and she couldn't help but flinch as he landed with a wet sound just like a wet rag that'd been thrown to the ground. " Sansa! " She would've cried with joy as she heard and saw her brother Robb and Jon suddenly appear behind the men. But all she could think about instead was the fact that the man before her had just killed Jayne's father. A grown man. What chance did her brothers have against him? 'No…not brother. My brothers. ' Neither of her brothers appeared to have any weapons. But that didn't seem to matter as the two of them started waving their hands back and forth. And with each movement of their hands a different man would go flying into a wall with a sickening crunch or splat and then stop moving. Within a blink of an eye, the all the men save for Ser Corbray were laying in pools of their own blood on the floor. " Shit! " Ser Corbray yelled, turning his back on Osha, " you two should already be fucking dea-" Sansa didn't even seen Osha move, but the moment Ser Corbray turned his back on them the former wildling woman leapt forward and brought the pole she was wielding down onto the back of the knight's head with a solid thud. Ser Corbray stiffened his feet once in response to the blow and then fell forward and remained motionless on the ground. " Sansa! " Weeping in blessed relief, Sansa lunged towards her brother as Robb rushed past the fallen men and took her up into his arms. " R -Robb, " she struggled to say, her voice still raw from whatever she'd done earlier. " I – I – " " Shh, don't talk sister, " Robb cooed, holding her tight, " we're here now. It'll be alright. " " N – no, " Sansa coughed, shaking her head, " L – lady N – Nox. H – help L – Lady Nox. " Robb's eyes widened as his head whipped around towards Lady Nox. Jon was leaning over her and carefully prodding at the bloodied dress where Sansa had seen the sword enter her. " That's a lot of blood, " Osha said, kneeling on the other side of Lady Nox, Jeyne firmly attached to the former wildlings side. " There's no wound, " Jon called out as he placed a finger under her nose, " she's still breathing. How? " " I – he – healed her. " Sansa rasped. " Thank the gods, " Robb breathed, tightening his hold on her shoulders. " You did good Sansa. I'm proud of you. " Despite everything, Sansa felt her spirits lift at hearing her brother's praise. But then she felt, something. Like she'd just stepped out from Winterfell's warm walls into the coldest of nights during a winter year. " Shit! " Robb cursed, his head whipping about. " That – that came from Arya! " A new fear rushed through Sansa as she turned to look back in the direction of the family quarters. 'That, that was Arya? What – what is going on? What was that? ' " Osha, " Robb said, forcibly making her let go of him and rising to his feet, grabbing a sword as he did. The sword that Ser – no. He was no true knight. The sword the Corbray had used to stab Lady Nox. " There's a guest room right around the corner that should be empty. I need you to talk my sister, Jeyne and Lady Nox there and lock the door behind you and keep them safe! " Osha didn't hesitate. " Aye little lord, I can do that. " Grasping his leggings, Sansa clutched desperately onto her older brother. " R – R – obb…. " " Sansa, " Robb said calmly, forcing her to meet his eyes. Eyes that the two of them shared. " Jon and I need to go and find mother, Arya, Bran and Rickon. They might need our help. I need you to go with Osha and look after Lady Nox. I need you to be brave sister. Please. Jeyne needs you now more than us. And Lady Nox needs you as well. You're a wolf Sansa. Show them. " Swallowing, she forced back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes and gave her brother a nod. " Good, " Robb nodded, before he grabbed hold of Ser Corbray's sword and motioned towards their half-brother, " let's go Jon. " Watching her brothers run away from her and doing nothing was probably one of the hardest things she'd ever done. She wanted them to stay here, with her and make sure she'd be safe. But she couldn't be selfish. They'd already saved her. Now they needed to go and save mother, Arya, Bran and Rickon. " Come little lady, " Osha called out to her as the former wildling carefully began trying to move Lady Nox. " I'm gonna need both of yours help to get the sorcerer's lady to safety. And I don't know about ya, but I ain't in the mood to get on that man's bad side. " Running as fast as he could, Jon was praying to every god he could that whatever the hell was going on hadn't reached the family quarters of Winterfell as he and Robb rushed through the halls of Winterfell. That hope had been squashed the moment the two of them made entered the family quarters and found two Stark guards lying dead on the ground and an unknown man standing beside them looking blankly off into the distance. Jon hadn't hesitated as he used the sword that he'd picked up from the men that'd attacked Sansa, Lady Nox and Jayne and ran the unknown man through the gut. The man didn't even flinch as the blade went through him. Nor did he cry out in pain or even try to fight back. All he did was just stand there while mumbling that he 'wanted to leave'. Not sparing the man a second thought, Jon pushed the now dead man off his blade and rush towards his sibling's rooms. " Go for Arya! " Robb yelled as they neared the rooms, " I'll check on Bran! " Heart thudding in his chest, Jon skidded to a stop in front of Arya's room. Planting his feet, he rushed forward and slammed his shoulder into the hard-wooden door. The wood splintered beneath the force of his shoulder and nearly flung off the hinges as it slammed open. " Arya! " The room beyond was empty. Save for a man that was lying face first on the floor, his blood pouring out from a knife wound in his throat. Kneeling next to the man, Jon pressed his fingers to his throat, trying and failing to find a heartbeat as Nox had taught him. " Arya! " " Jon? " Spinning around, Jon nearly collapsed with relief as his sister seemingly emerged from one of the shadowy corners of her room with her little wolf at her heels. " Thank the gods, " Jon breathed, gathering his little sister in his arms. " Are you hurt? " " No, " Arya replied, her small form shaking in his arms, " I heard…him kill…Thomos and Seamas… He…He said he was looking for me. I – I hid and then…Then when he wasn't looking, I used the dagger a—" " Shh, it's okay, " he said, leaning back and placing a finger on her lips to silence her. " You did what you had too sister. And you did a good job. " " Jon? " Robb's voice came in from the hall, " I got Bran, is Arya alright? " " Yes, " Jon nodded, keeping one arm around Arya as Robb quickly led Bran and his little pup into the Arya's small room. " She took care of him long before we could get here. " Robb spared the dead man only a passing glance before urging Bran forward. " Bran, Arya. We need you two to stay here while Jon and I go and check on mother and Rickon. " " No! " Arya immediately shouted, making Bran whimper slightly. " I'm coming too! " " Arya, " Jon said urgently, taking his sister by the shoulders and making her look at him. " Look at Bran. He needs you here more than we need you out there. Stay with him and protect him little wolf. " Arya did not look pleased in the slightest, but one glance at their clearly frightened brother took whatever fight she had left. " Don't die Jon, " she whimpered, her fear over what was happening finally coming through. " I don't plan on it, " he smiled, kissing the top of her head. " Robb and I will drag the body out. Then barricade the door with whatever you can and don't even think of opening it until you hear from either father, Robb, your mother or myself. Understand? " " Yes, " Arya nodded, a slight bit of confidence showing through her fear. " Good, " Jon nodded, moving over to the corpse and grabbing one of the man's legs, " let's get this body out of here Robb and find Rickon and your lady mother. " " Aye, " Robb nodded, ruffling first Bran's then Arya's hair before moving to help Jon with the body. The moment the two were outside of Arya's room, the door shut, and they could hear several heavy objects being moved in front of it. No doubt courtesy of Arya's force capabilities which were coming close to Jon's own powers. " Mother should be with Rickon, " Robb said as they left the body unceremoniously in the middle of the hall, " let's find them both a-" " Ahhhh! " The scream stopped both brothers' dead in their tracks as they reached recognized who it belonged too. " Mother! " Robb shouted, rushing off towards Rickon's room, which was a short distance away from the others though closer to the Lords chambers due to his brother's still young age. Coming upon the nursery next to the Lord's chambers, Robb didn't hesitate as he lowered his shoulder and plowed his way through the closed door, covering both himself and the room within in a shower of splinters as the door shattered beneath the force of Robb's Force-enhanced charge. Rushing in right behind him Jon nearly ran head long into his brother, who'd stopped just within the entrance to the room. Both boys froze as they took in the sight that greeted them. There were three occupants in the room: two men and Lady Stark. Both men were holding daggers and one of them had a firm grip on the front of Lady Stark's dress. Over the space of a few heartbeats, no one in the room moved as everyone tried to wrap their minds around what was going on. To Jon's utmost shame, the assassin broke free of the stalemate first as he made the first move. A move that would be forever engrained into Jon's mind as the assassin who was holding onto Lady Stark cursed and – and plunged his dagger right into Lady Stark's chest before letting her go and running for the far side of the room away from Jon and Robb. " No! " Robb's agonized scream of rage chilled Jon down to his very bones as he rushed towards his falling mother while the two assassins made a break for the window on the opposite side of the room. " No you don't! " Jon growled, reaching out with his hand and catching both men firmly in the grip of the Force before pulling them both back into the room and slamming them against the nearest wall as hard as he could and letting their bodies fall limply to the floor. " Jon! Help me! " Tearing his gaze away from the two assassins, Jon rushed over to his brother who was cradling his mother's head in his lap and dropped to his knees beside him. The first thing he saw was the dagger, still in Lady Starks chest. It hadn't pierced her heart, at least he thought it hadn't. But it was close. Far too close to where he knew the heart to be. " Jon! " Robb cried, tears openly falling down his face, " please…brother…help her! " Robb had never been one for Force Healing. But neither had Jon. But between the two of them, he was far more adapt at the skill than his brother. Holding his hand out next to the edge of the blade, Jon drew on the Force and reached out with his senses. The daggers edge had touched her heart. And she was bleeding profusely, even if it didn't show on the outside. If they removed the dagger, it would more than likely cut her heart open more and then she would be far beyond his ability to save. If she was even in his ability to save right now. Gritting his teeth, Jon poured everything he had into trying to heal the woman who had almost seemingly made it her life's purpose to make his life miserable just because of his birth. " Damn it! " He cursed, pushing as hard as he could, sweat forming on his face and falling freely as he kept trying to heal her. " Please! Please! Just – just please! " But no matter how hard he pushed; the wound caused by the dagger just wouldn't heal. Not with the dagger still in place. Feeling himself lose strength, Jon pushed himself harder than ever before as he poured everything, he had into trying to heal her. But he just didn't have the skill. And no matter how much raw power he put into it, the wounds and bleeding within Lady Stark just wouldn't close. " Damn it! " Jon cried, his body sagging as his power failed him, " I – gods I can't…I – I'm so…" A feather light touch on his hand drew his eyes up. Lady Stark's clear blue eyes were staring at him. But unlike in the past where her eyes held nothing but contempt for him, now – now they were staring at him in sorrow. " Please…for…give me. For not – for not lo…loving a – a motherless boy. " No. This – this couldn't be happening! Forcing himself upright once more, Jon tried once more, pushing himself further than ever before. But no matter what he did, the results didn't change. And Lady Starks life slowly started to slip away as more and more of her blood left her. " Please, " her hand was gripping his now, her eyes full of pleading, " please…forgive…me. " " No mother! " Robb cried out, " we – we can get Lord Nox! He – he can heal you! Or the Maester – Lady Talisa! Or – or someone! You're not going to die mother! " His brother was right, perhaps the only person in all the world who could heal her now was Lord Nox. But he was fighting down in the great hall. And by the time he got to her, he doubted that Lady Stark would still be drawing breath. Turning his bloodied hand over, he gently gripped Lady Starks hand. It was perhaps the first time he'd ever held her hand. It'd been something he'd ached for ever since he saw her holding the hands of his siblings. But he never wanted it to happen like this! Not like this. " I – I forgive you…Lady Stark. " Despite the pain she must've been in, Lady Stark gave him a smile. A true smile. And the first he'd ever seen directed his way. " R – robb. " She stuttered, blood forming on the corners of her lips. " Be – be strong. For – for your father and – and your sisters an – and brothers. " Sobbing, Robb clutched to his mother tighter. " No mother! You'll be fine! You'll see…we – if Jon and I both try we can –" " Shh, " Lady Stark whispered, her hand leaving Jon's and reaching up to touch Robb's cheek. " Be – be strong my…my young…wolf…" And with those last words, Lady Starks hand went limp as she passed from this life into the next. " Mother! " Robb cried, his voice starting soft before steadily rising until he was screaming. " Mother! No…no…mother! " Feeling like a complete failure, Jon slipped away from his brother and the now dead Lady Stark. Getting back to his feet on wobbling legs, Jon cast a glance towards the two assassins. 'Two assassins. Why send two for – oh no. ' Moving on unsteady feet, Jon slowly made his way towards the crib within the nursery. His heart hammering in his chest as he realized just now that he had not once heard his baby brother nor the young wolf who was permanently attached to his baby brother's side. 'He's – he's just sleeping. That's it. That's why he hasn't made any noise yet! Lady Stark drew their attention away and – and he managed to sleep through it all! ' Peering over the edge of his bothers crib, Jon felt bile rise in his throat. His baby brother and his wolf were laying perfectly still in the bed. Both with their throats slit to the point where he could see bone. Grabbing the blanket that was at the end of the bed, he slowly pulled it up, covering both his brother and the wolf pup. 'Gods…why? ' He thought, turning his back on the heart wrenching sight. What little strength he had left abandoned him as his knees gave way, his back sliding against the crib until he was sitting fully on the ground. " Jon, " Robb's broken voice called out to him, his brother still cradling the head of his dead mother. " Rickon…" He couldn't answer. He just, he couldn't find the words. The only thing he could manage was the slightest shake of his head to try and say what he couldn't. But it was enough as his brother's eyes squeezed shut once more. " Why? " Robb demanded shakily, anger unlike any Jon had ever felt from his brother now rolling off him in droves. " Why…why did this…gods. I – I don't understand. Why? Why did this happen? " But there was no answer to be had. Not from Jon. Not from the dead. And not from the gods. The stillness was broken by the slightest of groans, drawing both brothers' attention to the two crumbled up forms laying on the far side of the room from Jon. The two assassins. One of whom was now trying to move once more. The one that'd driven his dagger in to Lady Starks chest. " You, " Robb hissed, his anger turning to a burning hatred as he set his mother's head down gently. " You – you're fucking dead! " Even if Jon had the strength to stop his brother, he wouldn't have. Instead, he just sat there, leaning against his dead brothers crib as he watched his brother lunge across the room and grabble with the still recovering assassin. Rolling so that he was on top of the man, Robb brought his fist down hard onto the man's face. Then again. And again. And again. Each punch accented with a demand from his brother to know why they'd done this. The assassin had no answer. And even if he did, Jon doubted he'd be able to speak the words given Robb was giving the man no time to answer as his fist came down on the man's face over and over. By the time the Stark men at arms and their Lord father finally arrived, the assassin was well past dead. And Robb was still pounding his fist into the bloody smear on the ground that had once been the man's head, with his brother still demanding to know why from the dead assassin. Sitting beside Nyra's beside gently holding her limp hand, Nox starred off into nothingness through the Force as he and his wife rested in silence. The only noise in the room the sound of his wife's labored breathing accompanied with the occasional hitch as she mourned even in her sleep. The fighting in the great hall of Winterfell hadn't lasted long after Nox had started turning anyone he deemed as a threat into ash. He'd barely managed to kill a few of the bastards before the assassins started throwing down their weapons and pleading for mercy. Under normal circumstances, he would've just simply laughed at their pleas and obliterated them anyway. But what happened the previous evening was anything but ordinary. And between the poison that was still burning through his veins and the need he had to find Nyra, he staggered out of the hall the moment the Lords of he North started binding those that'd had surrendered. It hadn't taken him long to find his wife. His vision still darkened from the poison that'd sapped all his strength, Nox stumbled his way over more than a few corpses as he made his way through Winterfell as he held onto her presence in the Force like a lifeline. He eventually found her along with Sansa Stark, Jayne Poole and the former Wildling woman Osha. The four had barricaded themselves into a storage room a short distance from the great hall. He'd just barely managed to make it to them before hearing Nyra's pained ridden scream coming from within. He didn't even think of his next few actions as he tore down the door, the framing and even part of the wall in order to get to her. The scene that greeted him was one that he knew would plague his dreams for years. Nyra on the ground, screaming as Sansa and Jayne held onto her hands with tear stained faces while the wildling woman held a hand to her stomach. The Force had indeed favored Osha that day, for had it not been for him being poisoned that weakened him to the point where he was forced to use all his power just to keep himself upright, he more than likely would've smeared the woman across the wall. But instead his hand had been stayed long enough for Osha to explain to him that Nyra had been wounded and then healed by Sansa and that the child, their child, was coming. The next few hours passed him by in a blur as Nyra was led to bed so she could give birth. A midwife from Winter Town had been brought into the keep as Maester Luwin, Talisa and anyone else who might've had the knowledge of birthing within Winterfell were currently busy helping the wounded. For several hours, Nyra wailed on the bed as she tried to deliver their child while Nox merely stayed by her side, her hand holding his in a vice-like grip. Eventually, Nyra gave out on last desperate scream as their child left her. But he knew, even without having to see the look on the midwifes face, he knew that it was all for naught. While Sansa had managed to heal Nyra, she could not heal death. And their child, their son, had died the moment that blade had run him through while he was still in Nyra's womb. Even though their child was declared a stillbirth the midwife wrapped their child up in a soft blanket and gave him to Nyra to hold. Had he still the ability to do so he would've wept as Nyra held onto their stillborn son. Tears falling down her face as she mourned his death. But he could not. All he could do was hold onto Nyra as and try to give her what little strength he still had left as the two laid together and mourned for the son that'd been taken from them. Finally feeling Nyra's breathing even out, Nox carefully extracted his hand from her own and got to his feet. He wanted to stay with her. Force knew he wanted too. But he couldn't. Not now. Not yet. He needed answers. Answers that he would not get just laying here. He needed to know how this had come to pass without him having even the slightest inkling of something wrong. He needed to meditate. And he needed to do so now while Nyra was still asleep, for he knew that the moment she awoke that he would not be able to. Standing at the door to his son and heir's room, Ned Stark looked down at the scene presented to him with a heavy heart. His children, Jon included, and Jeyne Poole were all finally resting together in a large pile of blankets and pillows that'd been set on the floor while their respective wolves huddles in close to their chosen partner looking for warmth. It'd been nearly a full day since the attack on Winterfell and it had been without a doubt the longest day in his entire life. Even longer than the day he'd learned of his brother's and father's death at the hands of the Mad King. Ever since finding Cat and Rickon dead and Robb beating the corpse of the one responsible, he'd wanted to do nothing more than to stay with his children. But he wasn't allowed that luxury. As Warden of the North he had a duty. A duty that did not grant him a reprieve even with the death of his wife and youngest son.