Chapter 16 1 страницаHumming a lively tune to herself, Sansa Stark stealthily made her way down the halls of her home with her best friend Jayne Poole at her side. Their destination, the great hall to spy for on the happily married Lord and Lady Nox. And then perhaps on to the kitchens to see if they had any more lemon cakes left over. " Sansa, " Jeyne giggled as the two made their way out of the family wing and down towards the great hall, " this is so much fun! But if your mother finds out she will be so mad at us! " A few months ago, such a thought would've made Sansa completely abandon what she'd been doing and correct her actions. But now she was finding the thought of being caught just made the act even more fun! She blamed her sister and Lady Nyra - now Lady Nox - for the bad influence. But none the less, she had been sneaking out from her room every now and then ever since Lady Nox put the idea into her head that you won't really know what people think about you until they think you are no longer in the room. She hadn't caught anyone speaking about her yet. But she was desperate to know what the people of Winterfell thought about her. Really thought about her. They always praised her to her face, saying that she was the perfect lady. Especially her mother and Septa Mordane. But she knew that many were, well, disappointed that she had not joined her brothers and sister during their sessions with Lord Nox. But they just didn't understand! The Seven said that such powers were an abomination! Well, maybe not directly. But many viewed the powers the sorcerer could wield as an affront to the Seven. Yet still, he was such a nice man. And handsome too! Oh, how she truly envied Lady Nox today! The past week had been like a dream to Sansa. All the visiting Lords and Ladies, plus the knights of the Vale! Shining examples of knightly honor and chivalry! And they lived up too it! Lord Royce and his sons were all so courteous. Ser Corbray was a knight straight out of the tales. And his squire Mychel Redfort was so cute! He'd danced with Sansa multiple times during the week, and had told her that if she ever came south to a tourney, a real tourney, that he would do his utmost to win so that he might crown her the 'Queen of Love and Beauty'. Oh, it was such a wonderful thought! But if the past week had been a dream, then today had been a heaven crafted by the Seven and the Old Gods themselves! The weather was perfect! Not a cloud in the sky and not too cold either. Lord Nox looked so handsome with his beard closely trimmed and his hair done back. Sansa only wished that he hadn't been cursed early in life so that she might've been able to see his eyes today instead of that black cloth he always wore. And Lady Nox, by the gods she was beautiful! Her white dress, her hair done in a braid over her shoulder and the cloak. And the cloak Sansa had spent hours sewing for her just looked fantastic on her! She just wished that the ceremony had lasted longer than it did. But even still, what happened at the end, for Lady Nox to be blessed by the gods so…she could only pray and wish that she would be so fortunate on her own wedding day! And, well…she hadn't told anyone but for just a moment Sansa could've sworn that she saw the god that had blessed Lady Nox! It looked like a normal woman who was wearing a strange headpiece! The moment she saw the being she immediately thought that it was the Maiden come to bless the ceremony, but that wasn't right. This was the North, not the south. And none of the depictions Septa Mordane had shown her of the Maiden aspect of the Seven were anything like the being Sansa saw. " It sounds like the celebration is still going on, " Jeyne whispered to her as the two drew closer to the great hall. She was right. Sansa could still hear, well, something going on. It sounded like a celebration, but she couldn't hear the music anymore. Perhaps…perhaps this was time for the bedding that Septa Mordane had told them about? The thought of the bedding, of what it entailed, brought a blush to Sansa's face and she tugged on Jayne's sleeve. " It's probably the bedding, " she said, making Jeyne's eyes widen in realization of what might be coming their way, " we should head back and stay out of-" Sansa and Jeyne jumped as a door slammed hard against a wall down the hall from them. Then there was the sound of someone running towards them. " Come on, " Sansa whispered urgently, " we don't want to get ca-" Her words died in her throat as Lady Nox came running around the corner. She, gods, she looked scared. But why? Why would she fear her own wedding celebration? Maybe the bedding? Sansa could understand being afraid of that. She been terrified when the Septa had told her about the tradition. But it was tradition and expected of the bride to be ca- " Sansa! Jeyne! " Lady Nox yelled, running towards them, her dress hiked up in her hands. " What are you two doing here? We need to get you both somewhere safe so you can hide! Now! " " Safe? " Sansa questioned, looking at Jayne who looked just as confused as she felt. Why would they need to hide? " Why do we need-" " This isn't the time for questions Sansa! " Lady Nox yelled, shocking Sansa as the older woman stopped close to them and rested a hand against the wall so she could catch her breath. " We – it isn't safe. Betrayed. Need. Can't…must get you-" " Well well, we were wondering where our blushing bride had run off too. And now here she is with two pretty little flowers as well. " Lady Nox immediately turned and reached down to the top of her exposed boot. Sansa's eyes widened as her breath caught in her throat as Lady Nox pulled out a dagger the length of her hand and then turned away from Sansa and Jeyne, placing the two of them behind her. " Back. The. Fuck. Off. " Sansa wasn't sure what surprised, or scared, her more. The fact that Lady Nox had just cursed. Or the fact that there were six men standing just down the hall with daggers in their hands. She recognized three of them as knights of the Vale in service to Ser Corbray, one of them had even danced with her earlier tonight. But the other three, they were dirty and covered in rags! Most assuredly not the type of men that chivalrous knights of the South would ever want to be in the company of! 'Why would the knights be with these men? Why did Lady Nox pull a dagger? ' Sansa wondered as she looked back and forth between Lady Nox and the men down the hall. 'I recognize some of these men as men from the Vale. But the others…they look dirty but that isn't a reason for Lady Nox to pull a dagger on them! ' The men all laughed as one stepped forward. A man she recognized but couldn't name. Though she knew that he spent a lot of time in the company of Ser Corbray. " Well well, the heathen-whore has teeth it seems! " The foul words and his tone shocked Sansa. This - this wasn't right! Men of the Vale, knights, didn't call a noble lady a 'whore'! Much less a 'heathen-whore'! " I can't tell you how painful it was to sit through that godless ceremony tonight. The only thing that got me through it was the thought of me and my boys here tearing you out of that dress and fucking every single one of your holes over the corpse off your husband. " Gasping, Sansa involuntarily took a step back as she tried to figure out just what was happening. 'No! This isn't how anointed knights and their men act! This, this isn't right! Something's wrong! The knights in the tale's mother and Septa Mordane tell never speak like this! ' " Over my dead…body. " Lady Nox growled, the arm the didn't have the dagger ushering Sansa further behind her. The man in the lead leaned slightly and his smile grew. A hideous look that Sansa never wanted to see again. " That can be arranged. But as fun as it will be claiming you, I see that you brought us to a bigger prize. Two young flowers, just ripe enough for the plucking. Our night is looking better and better eh boys? " Sansa felt a wave of bile rising in her throat. She…she didn't understand. Septa Mordane and mother had both told her about birthing children even though she hadn't had her moonblood yet. But they…these were knights and their men were talking about, well, that. But why? That was only supposed to happen between a husband and wife. They, they couldn't be taking about doing that with…her and Jeyne…could they? " The moment your cocks jump out of your pants, " Lady Nox growled, brandishing her dagger towards the men, " I'll cut them off. " " Hahaha! Amusing! " The lead man laughed with all the others joining in, " how about you drop that little knife and just get on your knees where you belong eh? Maybe if you be a good little whore for us, we won't treat you too bad! Get em boys! " Sansa wasn't quite sure just what happened next, but one moment the Vale men were a fair distance away, and then the next they were right on top of them! Lady Nox told them to run, but Sansa couldn't move. She just, this wasn't the way it was supposed to be! She couldn't understand why this was happening! This couldn't be happening. Lady Nox slashed her dagger at the men, but the led man who'd been taking just sidestepped the blade and grabbed her arm before spinning her around and wrapping his arm around her neck! By the time Sansa could find the will to move, it was too late as two of the grime covered men grabbed her by the shoulders and – and they started touching her! " No no little lady, " one of the men holding her laughed in her ear as she tried to struggle out of his grip, his breath was completely terrible! " Don't do anythin stupid ya hear? Ya wouldn't want somethin bad to happen to that little babe now would ya? " Gasping, Sansa realized that the led man had pulled out his own dagger and – and was holding it against Lady Nox's belly! Right were her babe was! No! These were knights and men of the Vale! They – they were pure knightly chivalry! They – they couldn't be doing this! " What the hell is going on here? " Sansa sagged in the arms of the man holding her as she nearly wept with relief as Ser Corbray pushed his way through the crowed of men. Thankfully, his sword was already in hand, no doubt ready to defend their honor and... Strange. it was covered in something red. Blood. His sword was covered in…blood. Why – why did he have blood on his sword? Was he already fighting somewhere else before this? " Ser Corbray, " the led man said, clearly nervous but keeping a firm hold on Lady Nox, " we – umm – " " Be quiet you idiot, " Ser Corbrary growled, " you three were supposed to capture the sorcerer's whore. And as for you three…the only reason why you are not rotting in the cells is because you were supposed to be out causing as much havoc as you can to distract the guards. Why are you all still standing here with your dicks in your hands messing with these two girls when you should be out doing what you were supposed to do? " Sansa's relief disappeared as quickly as it came. Why? Why wasn't Ser Corbray fighting against them? Why? He was a true knight! A handsome knight and a Lord! Why was he just standing there when they were saying such awful things? " Well, " the first man said, giving Lady Nox a shake, " we were chasing the whore there and well, she led us to these two little flowers and we we're just about to pull lots to see which one gets the honor of being the first to pluck their flowers. " She had a brief twinge of hope when Ser Corbray looked at her and Jayne. But that hope disappeared as his look soured as if he'd just seen something particularly offending. " That one there is Sansa Stark, " he said, pointing his bloody sword towards her and making her shrink back into the smelly man that was holding her as the point of the sword passed far too close to her for her liking. " She's needs to remain unharmed and unsoiled. " " Damn, " the lead man groaned, as did several others, though the one holding her didn't lessen his hold on her at all. " What about the other one then? " Ser Corbray's eyes shifted to Jeyne. " Jayne Poole. Considering I just orphaned her, she has no value. Do with her as you will. But make it quick or save her for later. We have a lot of cleaning up to do still. But separate the Stark bitch. Roose will be wanting to make sure nothing happens to his future good-daughter. " " WHAT? " Jayne screamed, it took Sansa a bit to realize just what was going on, but the blood on Corbray's sword, combined with what he'd just said about Jeyne…'Gods…. no…' " That's right lass, " Corbray smiled, an unkind smile that made Sansa wonder just why she ever thought the man was handsome. " Your father, well…he was pathetic. Barely even put up any resistance. Though if you want to say goodbye to a part of him, I believe there might be a bit of his hair left on the edge of Lady Forlon here. " The men all laughed, then laughed even harder as Jeyne let loose a wail of pain. 'Her…her father is…dead? No, no no! This can't be! What – what about my father? He – he can't…they accepted guest rights! This – this is an affront to the gods! All the gods! They can't be doing this! This can't be happening. Father. Mother. Robb. Arya. Bran. Rickon…Jon…no! This – this can't be real! ' A new hand grabbed a hold of her arm, roughly pulling her out of the arms of the smelly man. " I'll be taking Sansa here to meet her future good family, " Ser Corbray said, his hold on her arm causing pain to race through her. " Do what you want with the sorcerer's whore and the orphan girl. But they're not to leave here alive. " The men's cheers and Jeyne's screams filled the hall as Ser Corbray pulled on her arm, forcing her feet to move as he began to lead her away. 'No! ' Sansa wanted to scream as she watched in horror as the men began to pull roughly at Lady Nox's beautiful snow-white dress and Jeyne's night dress. 'No! This isn't happening! ' The man holding Lady Nox suddenly let out a pain scream as the older woman stomped down hard onto the man's toes with the heel of her shoe. The act loosened his hold on her, and Lady Nox threw her elbow back into the led man's neck. Letting out a pained coughing noise, the led man took a step back from Lady Nox. But he didn't get far as Lady Nox had somehow managed to grab hold of her dagger again in the struggle and – and she turned and buried the dagger into the led man's throat! " Run! " A hard tug on her arm, and Sansa found herself involuntarily all but running towards Lady Nox. The older woman managed to turn just in time to catch Sansa in her arms, but with how fast she'd been moving she ended up spinning the both around as if they were in some form of dance. " You need to run! " Lady Nox yelled right into her ear once the two had stopped moving and Lady Nox moved her back to arm's length as the other men started to descend upon the two of them. " Find some guards an-" Nyra jolted and Sansa felt something warm hit her arm. Looking down at her hand, she saw something red. And warm. Blood. But not her blood. She could hardly breathe as she looked towards Lady Nox, wanting to ask where the blood had came from. But Lady Nox was just…standing there. And – and there was something coming out of her front and – and her white dress was turning red for some reason. Looking past her, she saw Ser Corbray standing just behind Lady Nox. His sword in hand and – and the blade was in Lady Nox's stomach! " Not as good as killing that Dornish Kingsguard fuck, " Ser Corbray sneered jerking his arm back, and like a puppet with its strings cut, Lady Nox fell to the floor clutching at the steadily growing red spreading across her dress. " But killing a heathen whore and her unborn hellspawn with a single thrust is certainly satisfying. " " Damn milord, why did you have to do that? I wanted a turn with her. " " She's still alive, if only barely. And even if not, she's still warm! How picky are you? " Feeling something grab her arm, she looked away from Lady Nox and found the cold eyes of Ser Corbray staring down at her. Her arm held tightly in his once more. " I'm taking this one to meet her future, " he said, pulling on her arm, " do what you want with these two. Just don't take long. " She could hear Jeyne scream. The men were, they were surrounding her. One had grabbed the front of her dress and was trying to tear it. No. No. This wasn't right! This wasn't like the stories at all! This – this wasn't supposed to happen! This shouldn't be happening! Twisting her arm, she tried to get free of Ser Corbray to help her friend, but the man's grip was like iron! " Stop struggling you little bitch! " The knight yelled, jerking her arm and throwing and making her loose her balance so that she fell to her hands and knees. Whimpering at the pain in her hands, Sansa turned her head and saw something that made her blood run cold. Jeyne was – was on the ground! And – and the some of the men were using their daggers to cut off her sleeping dress while one stood above her and started fiddling with his trousers! And Lady Nox, gods, another man was cutting away at her dress too! She had to do something an – Cold, a cold unlike any she had ever felt in her entire life descended upon her. Descended upon all of them as the men from the Vale all stopped whatever they were doing and began looking around clearly confused. " What in da hells? " The man who was standing above Jeyne asked as his body was wracked with shivers, " is – is there a winter storm happenin? " No. It wasn't a storm. At least, not the kind the men were thinking of. She didn't know how she knew, but she knew. This cold wasn't the cold of winter. It was being caused by Lord Nox somehow! Though it was strange, while the men were all shivering and looking around nervously while clutching their daggers, Sansa didn't feel overly cold. Or afraid. It was as if the cold was giving her strength. A strength she never knew she had. Slowly, her fear eroded away into anger. An anger unlike any she had ever felt before. 'How dare they! ' She seethed, gritting her teeth as she watched Jeyne curl into a ball and Lady Nox clutch at her bloodied stomach while the men stood above them. 'How dare they do this! This – this isn't right! This is against the gods! They – they will pay! ' " Ignore it, " Ser Corbray snapped, moving back over to her and reaching out for her once more, " do what you want quickly and then move on. I'm heading back to the hall to see if they've fin-" Letting her anger and rage run through her, empowered by the cold sensation she knew had been sent by Lord Nox, Sansa opened her mouth and screamed. " AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! " The moment she'd opened her mouth, she felt something rush through her body and out her mouth. She could see the very air before her ripple in response to her scream. Ripples that passed over all the standing men but left Lady Nox and Jeyne alone. And as the ripples in the air passed over them, the men all began letting out pained cries as they dropped whatever they were holding and began clutching at their ears as if they were trying to shield them. 'No! ' Sansa thought, or willed, trying to put more into her scream, and succeeding as she felt something more rush from her in response to her desire. 'You will not get off that easily! ' Quickly scrambling to her feet, Sansa took in a deep breath before screaming once more, the air rippling once again in response to her voice. She had no idea what was going or why the knights were acting like they were in pain at hearing her scream, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were getting away from Jeyne and Lady Nox. And that was all she cared about. She didn't even care as she noticed blood start to seep from underneath the men's hands. 'It's what they deserve! ' She thought with anger, pushing more and more into her scream as the men began dropping to their knees. One man even tried to run, only to stumble and run headfirst into a wall before crumpling to the floor in a heap. Some men even started losing the contents of their stomachs as they staggered around as if in a daze. 'They deserve this! They deserve this! ' She didn't know just how long she kept screaming for, nor did she care. All she cared about was getting these men away from Jeyne and Lady Nox. And she would keep screaming until they were all gone! One by one, the men started dropping limply to the floor until only Ser Corbray was the last one standing. Taking another breath, Sansa let loose one more scream, this time focusing all her thoughts on the false knight of the Vale. Ser Corbray managed to look at her one last time, his eyes bloodshot and full of hate and anger. He managed but a single step towards her, blood flowing freely from underneath his hands that were covering his ears, before he too succumbed to whatever she was doing and fell face first to the ground. Stopping her scream, Sansa felt whatever rage she'd had within her melt away as she collapsed to her hands and knees, a hand moving to her throat. 'Gods! Wha – what was – what was that? What have I done? ' She thought desperately. The men of the Vale were all laying unmoving on the ground, some in piles of their own blood and vomit. As quick as the disgust came at what she'd done it left as she spotted Jeyne weakly trying to rise to her hands and knees and Lady Nox, still lying motionless on the floor. Whatever she done; these men deserved it. Grasping the edge of the table tightly, Nox fought a steadily losing battle to maintain any type of sight of what was going on around him while at the same time trying desperately to purge the poison from his system. Mercifully, Nyra had managed to escape from the hall almost as soon as the fighting started while Jon and Robb had immediately rush to his and Ned's defense, well, more his than Ned's as his very poor sight could see that the Warden of the North was holding his own with his son's, despite the fact that all three were unarmed and their assailants were all brandishing daggers or other crude weapons that they'd somehow snuck into the feast. This was his fault. He'd been far too lax in his defenses, far too complacent. He knew as soon as he started introducing new processes and inventions to the North that he would be rocking the boat of the political landscape. And he knew all too well the eventual consequences that could bring. But he'd been sure of his position here in the North. Content that nothing could challenge him here. And in his hubris, he allowed this to come to pass. By the dark side, he had even left his lightsaber in his tower! And he knew that Jon had left his in a secured location as well! How did he allow himself to get so sloppy? Pushing himself away from the table, Nox stumbled a step back as a would-be assassin tried to skewer him. Grabbing the assassin's outstretched arm, Nox twisted it, breaking the bones in the arm then brought the edge of his hand hard into the man's throat, crushing his larynx while he was still screaming in pain from the break. " Master, " Jon yelled over the fighting, " we need to get you out of here! " " No, " Nox growled, his legs aching as he forced himself to remain upright while the poison wreaked havoc on his insides. Grabbing the crossbow bolt in his shoulder, he yanked the offending piece of wood out of his shoulder before repeating the process with the bolt that'd pierced his arm when he'd shielded Nyra. He'd never run away from the fight. If he was here, the assassins would focus in on him. Which would give Nyra and his unborn child a better chance to getting back to the Sorcerer's Tower. And once she was there, the defenses he'd installed in the tower to fend off uninvited guests would keep her safe. He just had to hold out a bit longer. " We can…fend them off, " Nox coughed, spitting up a glob of blood as he did so, " I just need…some more time…to fight off…the poison an-" A pain in his gut doubled him over, making him gasp desperately for air. It wasn't the poison, but the Force that was the culprit. The bond that'd he'd just recently solidified by a few hours ago telling him with no uncertainty that something was very, very wrong. " Nyra…" Rage. That was the only word that could describe what he was feeling. A feeling that he had experienced only twice before in his entire life. The first when his mother was taken in front of him before his eyes were stolen from him. And the second when his first love, Ashara, was coldly ripped away from him. And now, now he felt that same rage again as he felt through his recently formed Force Bond as pain and anguish came from Nyra. " NNNNNOOOOO! " His cry rattled the very rafters of the great hall as he let his rage and fury run rampant. For the briefest of moment, not a soul moved within the great hall as everyone was knocked back a step. Then he felt a foolish boy rushing towards him, dagger extended and thoughts of glory and honor in his head. Sidestepping, Nox grabbed the young lad, who was perhaps only a few years older than Jon and Robb, by the throat and picked him up off the ground and slammed him onto the table. Keeping the boy pinned to the table with his right hand tight around his throat, Nox threw his left hand out behind him, just in time to grab a second assailant by the throat as well. " Suffer! " Both the boy and the second man screamed in agony as Nox used a Force drain on the both of them. The energy he took from them was immediately dispersed through his body and used to purge his system of the poison still in him as well as heal the holes in his shoulder and arm. Unfortunately, neither had any meaningful Force sensitivity to them. Which meant that the strength he was drawing from both was miniscule at best. Gritting his teeth, he pulled more and more from his two attackers, draining them of everything they had to cure himself. By the time the poison was gone, both the boy and the man were little more than withered husks of flesh and bones. Staggering back from the table, Nox refocused his Force sight. Despite having just drained two individuals to death, his sight was still only a mere fraction of what it usually was. And he still barely had enough strength to stand on his own two feet. But the poison was now gone from his system. And now he could fight properly. " Bastard! " Turning his head, Nox coldly regard guardsman from some House rushing towards him with a dagger at the ready. Not willing to even entertain the man, Nox lifted his hand and sent a wave of Force lightning into the fool, throwing him clear across the hall and into the far wall where he landed with enough force to break every bone in his body. " Master! " 'Damn it! ' He cursed, staggering and having to catch himself on the table again. 'Just how much poison did they use? I can hardly fucking move! And that attack, it took far more out of me than it should've! ' " Master –" " Nyra, " Nox growled, trying to take a step only for his knee to collapse and almost send him to the floor had Jon not been there to catch him. He hated this feeling. He could feel Nyra alive, but suffering. And he was powerless to go to her. " Jon…Nyra. Towards the…family wing. Go. Now! " " I – I won't leave you and father! " Gripping his shoulder, Nox dug his fingers into his Apprentice's shoulder and physically moved him out of the path of a crossbow bolt. " I can barely fucking stand as it is, " Nox growled, the admission leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Weakness was a disease to the Sith. And the only reason he was even admitting to his weakness in this one moment, to his Apprentice no less, was because his wife - his light - was dying. And her safety meant far more to him than not showing a weakness. " You need to go to her, get her to safety and get to your family! They're after all of us, not just me! Now go! " Jon hesitated only a moment long before letting go of him and running out of the hall in the direction Nyra had escaped too with Robb quick on his heels. Clutching at his aching shoulder, Nox let his rage boil over as he turned his attention back to the carnage taking place in the great hall of Winterfell. " Now, " he growled, Force lightning dancing across his fingers, " who's next? " Coughs wracking her body, Sansa tried to call out to Lady Nox and Jeyne, but her throat ached so fiercely that she it hurt to breathe! Fighting through her coughing, she scrambled over to Lady Nox and Jeyne on her hands and knees. Lady Nox was still where she'd been before Sansa had let out her scream. Laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Sansa started praying to both the Seven and the Old Gods for this to just be a bad dream. But it wasn't a dream. The floor, and now her hands and dress, were covered in Lady Nox's blood that had spilled out onto the floor. 'Gods! What, what do I do? ' Sansa thought desperately as she arrived at Lady Nox's side.