The list of employees, conducting medical activities in the framework of student practical training
Contract № __________ about the arrangement of practical training for students, between FSBEI HE Kirov SMU MOH Russia and medical or forensic expert institution or other organization, conducting activities in the healthcare field
Kirov «25» March 2021 FSBEI HE Kirov SMU MOH Russia, conducting educational activities under license dated " 26" December, 2016 № 2511, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, in the person of vice rector for scientific and innovative work and affairs with practical healthcare institutions M. P. Razin, acting under power of attorney dated 01. 01. 2021 № 2/2021 (hereinafter referred to as University), on the one hand, and FULL OFFICIAL NAME OF HOSPITAL, conducting medical (pharmaceutical) activities under license № NUMBER dated DATE issued by ORGANIZATION GRANTING LICENSE, in the person of FULL NAME OF HOSPITAL HEAD/DIRECTOR, JOB POSITION, acting under the Charter (hereinafter referred to as Organization) on the other hand, collectively referred to as the Parties, in accordance with the article of the Federal law dated 29. 12. 2012 № 273-ФЗ «On Education in the Russian Federation» have entered into the Contract as follows: I. Subject of the Contract 1. In accordance with the conditions of this Contract undertake mutual obligations concerning: organization and implementation of practical training of persons, obtaining higher medical education, and also professional education (hereinafter referred to as Students); implementation of practical training of medical students by the educators and scientists of the University, who have a specialist certificate or the accreditation certificate (hereinafter referred to as employees). 2. Practical training of students is conducted by the Parties on a royalty-free basis. II. Conditions of organization and implementation of practical training of students 3. Practical training of students is implemented in the following fields: primary healthcare. 4. The period of practical training of students is based on the curriculum. 5. The quantity of students, the name of profession/specialty/training program/additional professional program are listed in the supplementary agreement for the contract. 6. The list of employees, conducting medical activities in the framework of student practical training, is negotiated between the Parties and is an integral part of this Contract. (Attachment 1) 7. Employees conduct medical activities in the framework of student practical training according to the order and standards of medical care. Conditions, on which medical care is given by every employee, including the type of entrusted work, forms and quantity of medical interventions, work hours are determined by the Parties in the supplementary agreement for this contract. The employee is informed about these conditions by the University under signed receipt. 8. Practical student training is conducted on the premises of the Organization, conducting healthcare activities. The list of the premises is negotiated by the Parties and is an integral part of this Contract (Attachment 2). 9. The list of medical equipment, used by the Parties in cooperation, is negotiated by the Parties and is an integral part of this Contract (Attachment 3).
10. The premises and medical equipment listed in attachments 2 and 3 of this Contract, medications, expendable materials and other stock of materials (hereinafter referred to as Property) are used by the employees of the Parties and students, according to the conditions of this Contract. The Organization covers the expenses for property’s maintenance.
III. Interaction of Parties 11. The university agrees that it will: 11. 1. Appoint the head of practical student training, who will: organize students’ participation in certain types of work, connected with future professional activities; provide methodological guidance in case of students doing certain types of work, connected with future professional activities; control and carry personal responsibility for the quality of students’ work, connected with future professional activities; together with a responsible employee of the Organization carry responsibility for conducting practical training and abidance by fire safety regulations, labour protection rights, safety rules and sanitary and epidemiological rules and hygienic regulations. 11. 2. Inform the Organization about the head of practical student training, including position, last name, first name, second or patronymic name no less than 15 days from the date of signing this Contract. 11. 3. In case of changing the head of practical student training or information about them, it is necessary to inform the Organization about this within the 15-day period. 11. 4. Admit to practical student training only those students, who successfully completed theoretical preparation, who have practical skills in providing medical care, including the skills obtained through models (simulators) of professional activity, and (or) in pharmaceutical activity and those, who passed medical examinations, according to the healthcare legislation. 11. 5. Provide the Organization with the certified copies of documents, confirming the right to conduct medical or pharmaceutical activities (specialist or accreditation certificate), within 15 days from signing this Contract or from changes made in abovementioned documents. 11. 6. Check if the employees, conducting medical activities during practical student training, have valid specialist or accreditation certificate. 11. 7. Enforce students and employees to follow: - maintenance conditions of property, used by the Parties together; - corporate labour policy in the Organization; - fire safety regulations, labour protection rights, safety rules and sanitary and epidemiological rules and hygienic regulations. 11. 8. Ensure non-disclosure of the medical private data and personal data acquired during student practical training. 11. 9. Review the information, given by the head of Organization, on the quality of medical assistance provided by the employees, including the case of student participation, obtained as a result of quality and safety control, and act accordingly. 11. 10. Provide the Organization with methodological and scientific consultations in organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, other events, aimed at advanced training of medical specialists, and also development and implementation of modern methods of prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment. 12. The Organization commits to: 12. 1. Appointing the person, responsible for organization and implementation of practical student training and informing the University no less than 15 days from the date of signing this Contract about the aforementioned person, including their position, last name, name, second name/patronymic. 12. 2. In case of changing the person, responsible for organization and implementation of practical student training, or changing of their personal information, it is necessary to inform the University in writing during the 15-day period. 12. 3. Creating the conditions for practical student training, which provide obtaining practical skills, allowing students to do certain type of work, connected with the future professional activity. 12. 4. Supervising the conformity of the students to the requirements, listed in clause 11. 4 of this Contract. 12. 5. According to the conditions of this Contract, allowing employees to carry out medical activities if they have a specialist certificate or accreditation certificate. 12. 6. Providing the University with the right to use the property, necessary for organizing practical student training, according to the conditions, listed in clause 11. 7 of this Contract. 12. 7. Repairing and servicing the property, which is used together with the University, in due course and with scrupulosity. 12. 8. Providing safe conditions for practical student training and labour of University employees. 12. 9. Providing participation of University employees and students in giving medical care to the people. 12. 10. Allowing the students to participate in giving medical care with the agreement of the patient or their legal representative. 12. 11. Informing the Rector of the University about the quality of medical care, given by University employees, including the participation of students and the results of control and supervising in the field of healthcare. 12. 12. Conducting a special assessment of labour conditions, concerning workplaces, used during practical student training and informing the Rector of the University about the work conditions and requirements of the protection of labour in the workplace. 13. The University has the right to: 13. 1. Request the information about practical student training, including the quality and quantity of medical care, provided by University employees (or) with participation of students. 13. 2. Allow the Organization employees to conduct pedagogical activities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation dated 10. 09. 2013 № 637н “On approval of the Procedure of allowing to conduct pedagogical activities in higher medical education programs or higher pharmaceutical education programs or vocational medical education programs or vocational pharmaceutical education programs, and also additional professional programs for persons, who have higher education or vocational professional education”. 13. 3. Recommend the employees from among the faculty members to conduct work (medical) activity in medical organization. 14. The Organization has the right to: 14. 1. Request the documents of education from the University employees and also the information about preliminary and periodical medical examinations of students and employees of the University. 14. 2. Not to allow the medical activities of the University employees, who do not have the accreditation certificate or specialist certificate. 14. 3. Not to allow the work with medical equipment for the persons, who do not have special training. 14. 4. Petition the Rector of the University to dismiss the University employee and (or) student from conducting and (or) participating in medical activity. 14. 5. Participate in scientific and practical conferences, other events of the University, and also development and implementation into practice the modern prophylaxis ways, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation. 14. 6. Recommend the employees of the Organization to conduct work (pedagogical) activity at the University. IV. Validity of contract 15. This contract is valid during 1 (one) calendar year and is prolonged for the next calendar year in case neither of the Parties does not declare its termination 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expiration of the contract. V. Responsibilities of the Parties 16. The Parties carry responsibility for failure to perform the responsibilities or improper execution of the responsibilities imposed by this Contract, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. VI. Special conditions 17. All the arguments, arising between the Parties in the order, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 18. All the changes and additions to this Contract are valid if they are presented in the written form and signed by both Parties. 19. This Contract is made in two copies, each of them having equal legal force.
VII. Address and requisites of the Parties.
Attachment 1
practical training for students, concluded by the University and the Organization
The list of employees, conducting medical activities in the framework of student practical training
Attachment 2
practical training for students, concluded by the University and the Organization