Summary: Points to Consider when Preparing Your Paper⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 23 из 23
1- Articles should use 8. 5 x 11 single column template. 2- Use Times New Roman font, the point size will vary by section. 3- DO NOT alter the margins of our templates. They are carefully designed for AIP’s production process: Altering them can cause significant delays. Paper size should be 8 ½ x 11 with margins set at: Top – 1 inch, Left – 1 inch, Bottom – 1. 18 inch, Right – 1 inch. 4- DO NOT display the title in ALL CAPS (initial cap only) 5- DO NOT include any headers, footers, or page numbers in your document. They will be added to your article PDF by AIP Publishing, so please do not amend this template to add them to your paper. 6- Line spacing should be 1. 0 throughout the entire article, no double spacing. 7- Make sure all author affiliation associations are correct. This means author vs. affiliation and author vs. email address. If there is only one affiliation for all authors, association is not needed. Author names should be listed in First name Surname format. 8- Use clear, legible graphics and diagrams. Readers of your paper will be grateful. If they cannot read it, they are unlikely to cite it. 9- DO NOT use copyrighted material without permission. Papers using copyrighted material without appropriate permission and acknowledgment will be excluded from the proceedings. 10- No 1-page papers please. 1-page, abstract-only contributions are not acceptable and will be excluded from the proceedings. 11- Prepare and format references with care. References should be numbered using Arabic numerals followed by a period (. ). 12- Embed all fonts into your article PDF. The importance of font embedding is discussed in the section Font Embedding (above). PDFs supplied without embedded fonts are often completely unusable for printing or publication purposes. In such cases, we must return those PDFs to the proceedings editors for font embedding. Failure to embed fonts can cause unnecessary inconvenience to your proceedings editor(s) and publication delays for other authors. Failure to provide a replacement paper in a timely fashion may result in an article being removed from the proceedings. 13- Check your article PDF file! It is not uncommon for errors to appear in PDFs generated from Microsoft Word – corrupted math, figures reflowing, etc. It is essential to very carefully check your article PDF file before sending it to the proceedings editor(s). 14- Avoid large PDF files (10 MB maximum, ideally). For the benefit of your readers, we recommend keeping your article PDF file below 10 MB. This is a recommendation, not a requirement.