mathematics (first level heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 1) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, ALL CAPS, Centered)mathematics (first level heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 1) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, ALL CAPS, Centered) Here we provide some basic advice for formatting your mathematics, but we do not attempt to define detailed styles or specifications for mathematical typesetting. You should use the standard styles, symbols, and conventions for the field/discipline you are writing about. A Note on Microsoft Word’s Equation Editors (Second Level Heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 2) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, Centered) From Word 2007 onwards, Microsoft Word provides two “Equation Editors, ” which, for ease of reference, we’ll call “Old Style Equations” and “New Style Equations. ”
· “New Style Equations” (Word 2007 onwards): With Word 2007 Microsoft introduced a powerful new built-in Equation Editor that enables input of sophisticated mathematics typeset (usually) in the Cambria Math font. You access it from the Insert menu. · “Old Style Equations” (Word 97–Word 2003): For versions of Microsoft Word between Word 97 and Word 2003, mathematical input was created by an add-in: Inserting and editing a “Microsoft Equation 3. 0 object, ” typically by Insert ð Object and selecting “Microsoft Equation 3. 0. ”
Newer versions of Microsoft Word (Word 2007 and onwards) still support the original “Old Style Equations” method of creating mathematics by inserting an equation via Insert ð Object and selecting “Microsoft Equation 3. 0. ” Whatever method is used, please make sure the equation is clear and readable. Which Microsoft Word Equation Editor Should I Use? (Second Level Heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 2) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, Centered) Due to technical requirements of OpenType font technology, Microsoft Word’s “New Style” Equation Editor works only with fonts specially designed for mathematical typesetting. Unless you have obtained and configured new OpenType math fonts, it is highly likely that your installation of Word will use the Cambria Math font for all mathematics created with the “New Style” editor. Using the Cambria Math font for mathematics and Times Roman for your text will cause a mismatch in the visual appearance of your article, so, for consistency, we prefer authors to use the “Old Style” Equation Editor because it is straightforward to amend the size/style of the fonts it uses.