final key points to consider (first level heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 1) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, ALL CAPS, Centered)final key points to consider (first level heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 1) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, ALL CAPS, Centered) Here are the main points you need to follow (the AIP author template package contains comprehensive guidance):
· Write and prepare your article using the AIP Conference Proceedings template. · Create a PDF file of your paper ( making sure to embed all fonts ). · Send the following items to your conference organizer: o PDF file of your paper o (If it applies) Copies of any permissions to re-use copyrighted materials in your article (e. g., figures from books/journals) Font Embedding (Second Level Heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 2) or (Use Times New Roman Font: 12 pt, Bold, Centered) As the author and creator of your article PDF, you have the most intimate knowledge of exactly what the PDF should display. We ask all authors to carefully check their article PDF prior to submission. Perform visual inspections to detect subtle font errors and ensure that all fonts are embedded. With the wide range of tools and software that authors use to create PDFs, and the number of devices and platforms that readers use to view/print them, font embedding by authors is not only “nice-to-have”; it is essential. Why Should I Care About Font Embedding? (Third Level Heading) (Use the Microsoft Word template style: Heading 3) or (Times New Roman Font: 10 pt, Italic, Centered) Embedding fonts into your PDF file is critically important for two reasons:
1. Commercial printing companies are unable to print PDFs without the correct fonts embedded. 2. To ensure that your online article PDF file displays and prints correctly for everyone who wants to read your work.
Readers of scientific articles use an ever-increasing range of devices and applications to access, view, and print PDFs – from smart phones and tablets to desktop computers running any one of a number of operating systems. To ensure that readers of your article can display and print it correctly, it is important for your article’s PDF file to be truly portable: Your PDF file needs to be fully “self-contained. ”