To be phrases.. I. to be + preposition.. II. to be + prep. + noun (adj.). III. to be + adj. IV. to be + Part.II.. V. to be + noun. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 To be phrases. I. to be + preposition.
in out away (from) to be off (somewhere) up up to smth.
II. to be + prep. + noun (adj. )
in low (high) spirits at a loss to be on friendly terms with in love with in time for on time to
III. to be + adj..
free ill (well), sick, dizzy late hungry to be sleepy asleep right wrong single alone lonely
to be + adj + prep + …
ready for… proud of mad about crazy about enviouse about smth
- to be - keen on famous for
cross -//-
short of time (money) afraid of ill at ease
2 ) literature
to (work) IV. to be + Part. II.
married to smb. upset (about) smth. interested (in) smth. surprised/ astonished (by)/ (at) smb. / smth. disappointed (by)/ (in) shocked (by) worried (about) frightened (by) puzzled (by)/ (at) concerned about pleased (with) smb. / smth. / displeased with mistaken (about) smth. offended (by)/ (at) to be excited (by)/ (at) bored by thrilled at ashamed (of) delighted (by)/ (at) amused (by)/ (at)
confused (by)/ embarrassed (by) annoyed (by)/ (at) irritated (by)/ (at) tired convinced
V. to be + noun.
to be a success in