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The Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER TWENTY SIX

The Book of the Most Holy                                                                      CHAPTER TWENTY SIX

  Division 756-780





O concourse of divines!

Beware lest ye be the cause of strife in the land,

even as ye were the cause of the repudiation of the Faith in its early days.


Gather the people around this Word that hath made the pebbles to cry out:


" The Kingdom is God's,

the Dawning-place of all signs! "


Thus doth your Lord admonish you, as a bounty on His part;

He, of a truth, is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous.




Call ye to mind Karí m, and how, when We summoned him unto God, he waxed disdainful, prompted by his own desires; yet We had sent him that which was a solace to the eye of proof in the world of being and the fulfilment of God's testimony to all the denizens of earth and heaven.


As a token of the grace of Him Who is the All-Possessing, the Most High,

We bade him embrace the Truth.


But he turned away until, as an act of justice from God, angels of wrath laid hold upon him.


Unto this We truly were a witness.




Tear the veils asunder in such wise that the inmates of the Kingdom will hear them being rent.


This is the command of God, in days gone by and for those to come.


Blessed the man that observeth that whereunto he was bidden,

and woe betide the negligent.




We, of a certainty, have had no purpose in this earthly realm

save to make God manifest and to reveal His sovereignty;

sufficient unto Me is God for a witness.


We, of a certainty,

have had no intent in the celestial Kingdom but to exalt His Cause and glorify His praise;

sufficient unto Me is God for a protector.


We, of a certainty, have had no desire in the Dominion on high except to extol God and what hath been sent down by Him; sufficient unto Me is God for a helper.




Happy are ye, O ye the learned ones in Bahá.


By the Lord! Ye are the billows of the Most Mighty Ocean,

the stars of the firmament of Glory,

and the standards of triumph waving betwixt earth and heaven.


Ye are the manifestations of steadfastness amidst men

and the daysprings of Divine Utterance to all that dwell on earth.


Well is it with him that turneth unto you, and woe betide the froward.


This day, it behoveth whoso hath quaffed the Mystic Wine of everlasting life from the Hands of the loving-kindness of the Lord his God, the Merciful, to pulsate even as the throbbing artery in the body of mankind, that through him may be quickened the world and every crumbling bone.




O people of the world!

When the Mystic Dove will have winged its flight from its Sanctuary of Praise and sought its far-off goal, its hidden habitation,

refer ye whatsoever ye understand not in the Book to Him Who hath branched from this mighty Stock.




O Pen of the Most High!

Move Thou upon the Tablet at the bidding of Thy Lord, the Creator of the Heavens,

and tell of the time when He Who is the Dayspring of Divine Unity purposed

to direct His steps towards the School of Transcendent Oneness;


haply the pure in heart may gain thereby a glimpse, be it as small as a needle's eye,

of the mysteries of Thy Lord, the Almighty, the Omniscient,

that lie concealed behind the veils.





We, indeed, set foot within the School of inner meaning and explanation

when all created things were unaware.


We saw the words sent down by Him Who is the All-Merciful,

and We accepted the verses of God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsistent,


which He [The Bá b] presented unto Us,

and hearkened unto that which He had solemnly affirmed in the Tablet.


This we assuredly did behold.


And We assented to His wish through Our behest, for truly We are potent to command.




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