The Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER TWENTY THREEThe Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER TWENTY THREE Division 676-705
THE MOST HOLY 676. Teach your children the verses revealed from the heaven of majesty and power, so that, in most melodious tones, they may recite the Tablets of the All-Merciful in the alcoves within the Mashriqu'l-Adhká rs. 677. Whoever hath been transported by the rapture born of adoration for My Name, the Most Compassionate, will recite the verses of God in such wise as to captivate the hearts of those yet wrapped in slumber. 678. Well is it with him who hath quaffed the Mystic Wine of everlasting life from the utterance of his merciful Lord in My Name -- a Name through which every lofty and majestic mountain hath been reduced to dust.
679. Ye have been enjoined to renew the furnishings of your homes after the passing of each 19 years; thus hath it been ordained by One Who is Omniscient and All-Perceiving. 680. He, verily, is desirous of refinement, both for you yourselves and for all that ye possess; lay not aside the fear of God and be not of the negligent. 681. Whoso findeth that his means are insufficient to this purpose hath been excused by God, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bounteous.
682. Wash your feet once every day in summer, and once every three days during winter.
683. Should anyone wax angry with you, respond to him with gentleness;
and should anyone upbraid you, forbear to upbraid him in return, but leave him to himself and put your trust in God, the omnipotent Avenger, the Lord of might and justice.
684. Ye have been prohibited from making use of pulpits. [possibly due to many false doctrines] 685. Whoso wisheth to recite unto you the verses of his Lord, let him sit on a chair placed upon a dais, that he may make mention of God, his Lord, and the Lord of all mankind. 686. It is pleasing to God that ye should seat yourselves on chairs and benches as a mark of honour for the love ye bear for Him and for the Manifestation of His glorious and resplendent Cause.
687. Gambling and the use of opium have been forbidden unto you. 688. Eschew them both, O people, and be not of those who transgress. 689. Beware of using any substance that induceth sluggishness and torpor in the human temple and inflicteth harm upon the body. 690. We, verily, desire for you naught save what shall profit you, and to this bear witness all created things, if only ye had ears to hear.
691. Whensoever ye be invited to a banquet or festive occasion, respond with joy and gladness, and whoever fulfilleth his promise will be safe from reproof. 692. This is a Day on which each of God's wise decrees hath been expounded.
693. Behold, the " mystery of the Great Reversal in the Sign of the Sovereign" hath now been made manifest. 694. Well is it with him whom God hath aided to recognize the " Six" raised up by virtue of this " Upright Alif"; he, verily, is of those whose faith is true. 695. How many the outwardly pious who have turned away, and how many the wayward who have drawn nigh, exclaiming:
" All praise be to Thee, O Thou the Desire of the worlds! "
696. In truth, it is in the hand of God to give what He willeth to whomsoever He willeth, and to withhold what He pleaseth from whomsoever He may wish. 697. He knoweth the inner secrets of the hearts and the meaning hidden in a mocker's wink. 698. How many an embodiment of heedlessness who came unto Us with purity of heart have We established upon the seat of Our acceptance;
and how many an [heartless] exponent of wisdom have We in all justice consigned to the fire. 699. We are, in truth, the [person] to judge. 700. He it is Who is the manifestation of " God doeth whatsoever He pleaseth", and abideth upon the throne of " He ordaineth whatsoever He chooseth".
701. Blessed is the one who discovereth the fragrance of inner meanings from the traces of this Pen through whose movement the breezes of God are wafted over the entire creation, and through whose stillness the very essence of tranquillity appeareth in the realm of being. 702. Glorified be the All-Merciful, the Revealer of so inestimable a bounty.
703. Say: Because He bore injustice, justice hath appeared on earth, and because He accepted abasement, the majesty of God hath shone forth amidst mankind.
704. It hath been forbidden you to carry arms unless essential, and permitted you to attire yourselves in silk. 705. The Lord hath relieved you, as a bounty on His part, of the restrictions that formerly applied to clothing and to the trim of the beard.
He, verily, is the Ordainer, the Omniscient.