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The Book of the Most Holy  CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE

The Book of the Most Holy                                                                    CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE

  Division 731-755





O concourse of divines! [nobles]

When My verses were sent down, and My clear tokens were revealed,

We found you behind the veils.


This, verily, is a strange thing.


Ye glory in My Name,

yet ye recognized Me not at the time your Lord, the All-Merciful,

appeared amongst you with proof and testimony.


We have rent the veils asunder.


Beware lest ye shut out the people by yet another veil.


Pluck asunder the chains of vain imaginings, in the name of the Lord of all men,

and be not of the deceitful.


Should ye turn unto God and embrace His Cause,

spread not disorder within it, and measure not the Book of God with your selfish desires.


This, verily, is the counsel of God aforetime and hereafter,

and to this God's witnesses and chosen ones,

yea, each and every one of Us, do solemnly attest.




Call ye to mind the sheik whose name was Muhammad-Hasan,

who ranked among the most learned divines of his day.


When the True One was made manifest, this shaykh, along with others of his calling, rejected Him, while a sifter of wheat and barley accepted Him and turned unto the Lord.


Though he was occupied both night and day in setting down what he conceived to be the laws and ordinances of God, yet when He Who is the Unconstrained appeared, not one letter thereof availed him, or he would not have turned away from a visage that hath illumined the faces of the well-favoured of the Lord.


Had ye believed in God when He revealed Himself,

the people would not have turned aside from Him,

nor would the things ye witness today have befallen Us.


Fear God, and be not of the heedless.




Beware lest any name debar you from Him Who is the Possessor of all names,

or any word shut you out from this Remembrance of God, this Source of Wisdom amongst you.


Turn unto God and seek His protection, O concourse of divines,

and make not of yourselves a veil between Me and My creatures.


Thus doth your Lord admonish you, and command you to be just,

lest your works should come to naught and ye yourselves be oblivious of your plight.


Shall he who denieth this Cause be able to vindicate the truth of any cause throughout creation?


Nay, by Him Who is the Fashioner of the universe!


Yet the people are wrapped in a palpable veil. [perceptible]





Through this Cause the day-star of testimony hath dawned,

and the luminary of proof hath shed its radiance upon all that dwell on earth.


Fear God, O men of insight,

and be not of those who disbelieve in Me.


Take heed lest the word " Prophet" withhold you from this Most Great Announcement,

or any reference to " Vicegerency" debar you from the sovereignty of Him Who is the Vicegerent of God, which overshadoweth all the worlds.


Every name hath been created by His Word,

and every cause is dependent on His irresistible, His mighty and wondrous Cause.





This is the Day of God, the Day on which naught shall be mentioned save His own Self,

the omnipotent Protector of all worlds.


This is the Cause that hath made all your superstitions and idols to tremble.




We, verily, see amongst you him who taketh hold of the Book of God

and citeth from it proofs and arguments wherewith to repudiate his Lord,

even as the followers of every other Faith sought reasons in their Holy Books

for refuting Him Who is the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsistent.





God, the True [Lord], is My witness that neither the Scriptures of the world,

nor all the books and writings in existence, shall, in this Day,

avail you aught without this, the Living Book, Who proclaimeth in the midmost heart of creation:


" Verily, there is none other God but Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. "




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