The Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER TWENTY ONEThe Book of the Most Holy CHAPTER TWENTY ONE Division 625-650
THE MOST HOLY 626. O people of the Bayá n, I adjure you by your Lord, the God of mercy, to look with the eye of fairness upon this utterance which hath been sent down through the power of truth, and not to be of those who see the testimony of God and yet reject and deny it. 627. They, in truth, are of those who will assuredly perish. 628. The Point of the Bayá n hath explicitly made mention in this verse of the exaltation of My Cause before His own Cause; unto this will testify every just and understanding mind. 629. As ye can readily witness in this day, its exaltation is such as none can deny save those whose eyes are drunken in this mortal life and whom a humiliating chastisement awaiteth in the life to come.
630. Say: By the righteousness of God! I, verily, am His (The Bá b's) Best-Beloved; 631. and at this moment He listeneth to these verses descending from the Heaven of Revelation and bewaileth the wrongs ye have committed in these days. 632. Fear God, and join not with the aggressor.
633. Say: O people, should ye choose to disbelieve in Him (Bahá 'u'llá h), refrain at least from rising up against Him. 634. By God! Sufficient are the hosts of tyranny that are leagued against Him!
635. Verily, He (the Bá b) revealed certain laws so that, in this Dispensation, the Pen of the Most High might have no need to move in aught but the glorification of His own transcendent Station and His most effulgent Beauty. 636. Since, however, We have wished to evidence Our bounty unto you, We have, through the power of truth, set forth these laws with clarity and mitigated what We desire you to observe.
He, verily, is the Munificent, the Generous.
637. He [The Bá b] hath previously made known unto you that which would be uttered by this Dayspring of Divine wisdom. 638. He said, and He speaketh the truth: " He [Bahá 'u'llá h] is the One Who will under all conditions proclaim: 639. 'Verily, there is none other God besides Me, the [Lord], the Incomparable, the Omniscient, the All-Informed. '" 640. This is a station which God hath assigned exclusively to this sublime, this unique and wondrous Revelation. 641. This is a token of His bounteous favour, if ye be of them who comprehend, and a sign of His irresistible decree. 642. This is His Most Great Name, His Most Exalted Word, and the Dayspring of His Most Excellent Titles, if ye could understand. 643. Nay more, through Him every Fountainhead, every Dawning-place of Divine guidance is made manifest.
644. Reflect, O people, on that which hath been sent down in truth; ponder thereon, and be not of the transgressors. 645. Consort with all religions with amity and concord, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God. 646. Beware, lest amidst men, the flame of foolish ignorance overpower you. 647. All things proceed from God and unto Him they return. 648. He is the source of all things and in Him all things are ended.
649. Take heed that ye enter no house in the absence of its owner, except with his permission. 650. Comport yourselves with propriety under all conditions, and be not numbered with the wayward.