Field phase ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6 We observed that substrates in bags with greater proportions of masilla than bagasse (3: 1 and 1: 0 mixtures M: B) were contaminated with molds and flies, and there were no fruiting bodies of Pleurotus spp on these bags. The high sugar content of the masilla (Crampton and Harris 1969) and its pH (6. 0) are unsuitable for Pleurotus spp growth (Martí nez et al. 1985). Therefore, the masilla, like other wastes, requires some treatment before use in Pleurotus spp cultivation, (Maguey tequila bagasse is fermented for twenty days (Soto-Velazco et al. 1991a) and coffee pulp is fermented for five days (Martí nez et al. 1985). Primordia formation The fruiting primordia period was earlier in IBUG-8 than IBUG-4. The IBUG-4 primordia appeared after 22 days of spawning in the 1: 1 mixture, in 23 days in the 1: 3 mixture and in 25 days in the 0: 1 mixture. The IBUG-8 primordia appeared in 16 days in the 1: 3 mixture, and in 24 and 20 days in the 0: 1 and 1: 1 mixtures. These results support the findings of Salmones (1998) who observed the fruiting primordia of P. pulmonarius within 12 to 23 days and of P. ostreatus in 15 to 35 days using barley straw.
Mushroom production Mushroom production (four flushes) and total yield of fresh P. ostreatus y P. pulmonarius in the masilla: bagasse mixtures (M: B) are given in Table 2. The greatest yield for IBUG-4 was in the 0: 1 mixture (798. 6 g). With the 1: 3 mixture, 742. 1 g was obtained. The lowest yield occurred d in the 1: 1 mixture - 382. 7 g. For strain IBUG-8 the greatest yield (774. 9 g) was in the 0: 1 mixture. In the other mixtures, the yield was from 815. 2 g to 342. 8 g.
Table 2. Mushroom production per flush and total yield of fresh Pleurotus ostreatus and P. pulmonarius in masilla: bagasse mixtures (M: B).
Biological efficiency and production rate A linear yield effect for masilla and bagasse mixtures was observed for both species of Pleurotus. Higher biological efficiency was reached when the mixtures had higher proportions of bagasse to beer masilla, as expressed by the linear regression coefficients. This was true for both biological efficiency and production rate response variables (Figure 2).
The biological efficiency and production rate of the strains of P. pulmonarius (IBUG-4) and P. ostreatus (IBUG-8) in the masilla: bagasse mixtures are given in Table 3. The lowest biological efficiency was for the 1: 1 mixture (29 % for IBUG-4 and 26 % for IBUG-4). When the proportion of bagasse in the mixture was tripled, the biological efficiency increased to 51% (IBUG-4) and 57% (IBUG-8). The greatest biological efficiency was achieved using 100% bagasse (69% for IBUG-8 and 68% for IBUG-4). The biological efficiency of Pleurotus spp in masilla: bagasse is greater than the BE reported by Villaseñ or and Soto (1995) for bagasse: paper waste, and was similar to the 60% BE reported by Soto-Velazco et al. (1991b) for sugarcane bagasse: corn stover. Barley straw has been reported to result in a BE of 103% (Martí nez-Carrera et al. 1988).
The production rate with the1: 1 mixture was 0. 4 (IBUG-4) and 0. 49 (IBUG-8). When the bagasse proportion was tripled, the production rate was 0. 71 (IBUG-4) and 0. 68 (IBUG-8). The 0: 1 mixture was similar: 0. 72 (IBUG-4) and 0. 69 (IBUG-8). These production rates are similar to those reported for Lentinula edodes, 0. 297 to 0. 790 (Royse, 1985) and Pleurotus spp, from 1. 18 to 2. 21 (Hernandez-Ibarra et al. 1995).
Figure 2. Effect of beer masilla concentration on biological efficiency and production rate of Pleurotus ostreatus (IBUG-8) and P. pulmonarius (IBUG-4).
Table 3. Biological efficiency and production rate of Pleurotus ostreatus (IBUG-8) and P. pulmonarius (IBUG-4) in beer masilla: tequila maguey bagasse mixtures
* Same letters indicate no significant difference in value at a level a=0. 05, according to the Duncan test.
This work was supported by research grant from the University of Guadalajara. We thank Professor M. Harker and L. Hernandez for the critical English review.
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