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[1353] Ibid
[1354] Kollmann, Nancy Shields. By Honor Bound: State and Society in Early Modern Russia, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York (1999), p. 26.
[1355] Дефурно, Марселей. Повседневная жизнь Испании золотого века. ‑ М.: МолодаяГвардия, 2004. ‑ С. 41‑ 46.
[1356] Громыко М. М. Мир русской деревни. ‑ М.: Молодая гвардия, 1991. ‑ С. 57.
[1357] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg, The Ohio State University (1998), p. 118.
[1358] The New book of knowledge. Grolier, Inc (1986), p. 286.
[1359] Moore, Simon. Table knives and forks, Shire Publications, Buckinghamshire (2006), p. 14.
[1360] Vincent, Susan. Dressingthe elite: clothes in early modern England, Berg, NY (2003), p. 169.
[1361] Moore, Simon. Table knives and forks, Shire Publications, Buckinghamshire (2006), p. 14.
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[1363] Caico, Louise. Sicilian ways and days, New York, Appleton (1910), p. 51.
[1364] Baronti, Giancarlo. Coltelli d'ltalia: Rituali di violenza e tradizioni produttive nel mondo popolare. Storia e catalogazione, Franco Muzzio Editore, Padova (1986), pp. 213‑ 227.
[1365] Ibid
[1366] Ibid
[1367] Vasilatos, Nikos. To Kretiko machairi " The Cretan Dagger", Klassikes Ekdoseis, Athens (1993).
[1368] Ibid
[1369] Alvarez, Antonio Machado y. Cantes flamencos, Ediciones Cultura Hispanica (1881).
[1370] Forton, Rafael Martinez Del Peral. Las Navajas. Un Estudio у una Coleccion. // Gladius, Vol XI (1973), p. 51
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[1372] Ford, Richard. A handbook for travellers in Spain, Third Edition, London, (1855), Vol. II, p. 803.
[1373] Hughes, Terence, McMahon. Revelations of Spain in 1845, Henry Colburn, London(1845), Vol I, p. 221.
[1374] Ibid., pp. 402‑ 403.
[1375] Ibid., p. 404.
[1376] Repido, Pedro de. Isabel II, Reina De Espana, Espasa Calpe, Madrid (1932), p. 206.
[1377] Loriega, James. Sevillian Steel. The Traditional Knife Fighting Arts of Spain, PaladinPress, Boulder (1999), p. 91‑ 96.
[1378] Forton, Rafael Martinez Del Peral. Las Navajas. Un Estudio у una Coleccion. // Gladius, Vol XI (1973), p. 19
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[1380] Figuerola, Justo D. D. Elogio del excelentisimo senor don Jose de San Martin у Mator‑ ras,: protector del Peru, generalisimo de las fuerzas de mar у tierra, institutor de la Orden del Sol, gran oficial de la legion de merito de Chile, у capitan general de sus exercitos, que en su publico recibimiento en la Universidad de San Marcos de Lima el dia 17 de enero del presente ano, Lima, Imprenta de don Manuel del Rio (1822), p. 25.
[1381] Piccato, Pablo. City of suspects? crime in Mexico City, 1900‑ 1931. Duke UniversityPress, Durham (2001), pp. 93‑ 94.
[1382] Ibid., pp. 92‑ 93.
[1383] The New York Times, 30 October 1876.
[1384] The New York Times, 2 May 1888.
[1385] Restall, Matthew. Beyond black and red: African‑ native relations in colonial LatinAmerica, University of New Mexico Press (2008), pp. 159‑ 160.
[1386] Ballou's dollar monthly magazine, Boston (1862), Vol. XVI, p. 597.
[1387] The New York Times, 15 January 1906.
[1388] Русское слово, 20 (07) апреля 1906 года.
[1389] Appleton's journal: a magazine of general literature, Issue 264, (1874), Vol. 11, pp. 469‑ 470.
[1390] Ibid
[1391] La Sperada. [ Электронный ресурс ]. Режим доступа: http: //www. circolosardegna. brianzaest. it/nuova_pagina_22. htm (дата обращения: 11. 07. 2010).
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[1393] Cherubini, Francesco. Vocabolario Milanese‑ Italiano, Milano, (1843), Vol. IV, p. 271.
[1394] D'Addosio, Carlo. II duello dei camorristi, Luigi Pierro Editore, Napoli (1893), p. 78.
[1395] Robba, Serena, Camorra. Uno stile de vita, Tesi de laurea, Universita' degli studi delPiemonte Orientale 'Amedeo Avogadro", facolta di giurisprudenza, anno academico2008/2009, pp. 21‑ 23.
[1396] Wolf‑ Ferrari, Ermanno. The jewels of the Madonna: opera in three acts on Neapolitan life, G. Schirmer (1912), p. 24.
[1397] Ciraolo, Giovanni. Delitti femminili a Napoli: studio di sociologia criminale, Milano, Max Kantorowicz (1896), p. 68.
[1398] Ibid
[1399] Новиков H. И. Смеющийся Демокрит. //Живописец. ‑ СПб., 1775. ‑ 3 изд. ‑ С. 149‑ 150.
[1400] Townsend, George Henry. The manual of dates: a dictionary of reference, London, Routledge, Warne & Routledge (1862), p. 296.
[1401] Steward, Dick. Duels and the roots of violence in Missouri, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri (2000), p. 205.
[1402] Bennet, Michael J. Union Jacks: Yankee sailors in the Civil War, The University of North Carolina Press (2004), p. 74.
[1403] Ibid
[1404] Ibid
[1405] Ibid
[1406] Ibid., pp. 74‑ 75.
[1407] Hawser Martingale (John Sherburne Sleeper). Jack in the forecastle, Boston, Estes & Lauriat (1880), p. 83.
[1408] Alibone, Samuel Ostin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors Living and Deceased: From the Earliest Accounts to the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century, London (1870), Vol. II, p. 2119.
[1409] Bennet, Michael J. Union Jacks: Yankee sailors in the Civil War, The University of North Carolina Press (2004), p. 75.
[1410] Puckett, Newbell Nice. Popular beliefs and superstitions, G. K. Hall (1981), Vol. II, p. 793.
[1411] Creighton, Margaret S. Iron men, wooden women: gender and seafaring in the Atlantic world, 1700‑ 1920, The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore (1996), p. 9.
[1412] Ibid
[1413] Ibid
[1414] Ibid
[1415] Ibid., pp. 9‑ 10.
[1416] Ibid., p. 9
[1417] Bennet, Michael J. Union Jacks: Yankee sailors in the Civil War, The University of North Carolina Press (2004), p. 23.
[1418] Perez‑ Mallaina, Pablo Emilio. Spain's men of the sea: daily life on the Indies fleets in the sixteenth century, The John Hopkins University Press, Maryland (1998), p. 74.
[1419] Malcolm, Corey. Navajas of the Galleons. / The Navigator: Newsletter of the Mel FisherMaritime Heritage Society (2005), Vol. 21, № 4, Fig. 1.
[1420] Weibust, Knut. Deep sea sailors: a study in maritime ethnology, Nordiska museet; 2nd edition (1976), p. 508.
[1421] Thames Star, Volume XX, Issue 5913, 17 January 1888.
[1422] Smith, Aaron. The atrocities of the pirates: Being a faithful narrative of the unparalleled sufferings endured by the author during his captivity among the pirates, London (1824), pp. 57‑ 62
[1423] Wiener, Martin J. Men of blood: violence, manliness and criminal justice in Victorian England, Cambridge University Press (2006), p. 58.
[1424] Gilje, Paul A. Rioting in America, Indiana University Press, Bloomington (1999), p. 65
[1425] Macilwee, Michael, The Liverpool Underworld: Crime in the City, 1750‑ 1900, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (2011), pp. 123‑ 124.
[1426] Weibust, Knut. Deep sea sailors: a study in maritime ethnology, Nordiska museet; 2nd edition (1976), p. 200.
[1427] A report of the trial, Before the United States Circuit Court, on an indictment charging them with the commission of an act of Piracy, on board the brig Mexican of Salem, Boston(1834), pp. 9‑ 13.
[1428] Escriche, Joaquin. Diccionario razonado de legislacion у jurisprudencia, Tomo primero, Madrid (1847), p. 264.
[1429] Merriam‑ Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, Merriam‑ Webster, Inc, USA (2003), p. 556.
[1430] Burns, Robert, Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect: By Robert Burns, In two volumes, Edinburgh (1793), Vol I, p. 222.
[1431] Fergusson, Robert. The poetical works of Robert Fergusson, with biographical introduction, notes and glossary etc., by Robert Ford, London (1773), p. 63.
[1432] Partridge, Eric. The Routledge dictionary of historical slang, 6 edition, Routledge (1973), p. 177.
[1433] Ibid., p. 176.
[1434] Ibid., p. 640.
[1435] Nares Robert. A Glossary; Or Collection of Words, Phrases, Names and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs etc., A new edition, London (1859), Vol. I, p. 159.
[1436] Scully, Terence. The Viandier of Taillevent, University of Ottawa Press, Canada, (1988), p. 79.
[1437] Benedict, Erastus Cornelius. The American admiralty, its jurisdiction and practice, New York, Banks & Brothers (1870), p. 30.
[1438] A Collection of voyages and travels: some now first printed from original manuscripts, In Four Volumes, London (1704), Volume III, p. 368.
[1439] Escriche, Joaquin. Diccionario razonado de legislacion у jurisprudencia, Tomo primero, Madrid (1847), p. 264.
[1440] Parsons. Theophilius. A treatise on the law of shipping and the law and practice of admiralty, In two volumes, Boston (1869), Vol. II, p. 33.
[1441] Weibust, Knut. Deep sea sailors: a study in maritime ethnology, Nordiska museet; 2nd edition (1976), p. 201.
[1442] Harlow, Frederick Pease. The making of a sailor, or, Sea life aboard a Yankee square‑ rigger, Dover Publications, NY (1988), Reprint. Orig. published: Salem (1928), pp. 90‑ 92.
[1443] Svensson, Sam. Handbook of Seaman's ropework, Dodd, Mead (1972), p. 44.