ПОСЛЕСЛОВИЕ 6 страница
[831] Downey, Fairex. Our Lusty Forefathers. New York (1947), p. 263.
[832] Ibid
[833] Ibid
[834] Examiner, 14 November 1888
[835] Sullivan, Edward Robert. Rambles and scrambles in North and South America, London (1852), p. 185.
[836] Cunningham, Eugene. Triggernometry: A Gallery of Gunfighters, University of Oklahoma Press (1996), p. 67.
[837] Maselli Joseph, Candeloro Dominic. Italians in New Orlean, Arcadia Publishing, Chicago, IL (2004), p. 7.
[838] Hearn, Lafcadio. Inventing New Orleans, edited by Frederick Starr, University Press of Mississippi (2001), p. 53.
[839] Ibid., pp. 53‑ 54.
[840] Ibid., p. 54.
[841] Kirchner, Paul. The Deadliest Men: The World's Deadliest Combatants Throughout the Ages, Paladin Press (2001), pp. 193‑ 199.
[842] Brock, Eric J. New Orleans cemeteries, Arcadia Publishing (1999), p. 120.
[843] Gumbo Ya‑ ya. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1945), pp. 329‑ 330.
[844] Lafcadio Hearn's America: Ethnographic Sketches and Editorials, edited by Simon J. Bronner, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (2002), p. 75.
[845] Thorp, Raymond W. Bowie knife, University of Mexico Press (1948), p. 36.
[846] Vardis Fisher, Opal Laurel Holmes. Gold rushes and mining camps of the early American West Caldwell, Caxton Press; Fourth Printing edition (1978), pp. 407‑ 408.
[847] The New York Times, 9 October 1870.
[848] Edmondson, J. R. Jim Bowie: Frontier Legend, Alamo Hero, Rosen Publishing, First Edition, New York, NY (2003), p. 8.
[849] Ibid., pp. 14‑ 15.
[850] Ibid., p. 6.
[851] Baldick, Robert. The duel: a history of dueling, London (1965), pp. 129‑ 130.
[852] Ibid
[853] Nile's Register, 17 November 1827.
[854] Baldick, Robert. The duel: a history of dueling, London (1965), pp. 129‑ 130.
[855] Cramer, Clayton E. Concealed weapon laws of the early republic, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (1999), pp. 87.
[856] Edmondson, J. R. Jim Bowie: Frontier Legend, Alamo Hero, Rosen Publishing, First Edition, New York, NY (2003), p. 52.
[857] Cramer, Clayton E. Concealed weapon laws of the early republic, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (1999), p. 87.
[858] Ibid., p. 88.
[859] Ibid
[860] Vardis Fisher, Opal Laurel Holmes. Gold rushes and mining camps of the early American West Caldwell, Caxton Press, Fourth Printing edition (1978), p. 407.
[861] Cramer, Clayton Е. Concealed weapon laws of the early republic, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (1999], p. 88.
[862] McComb, David G. Texas, a modern history, University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, (1989], p. 41.
[863] Cramer, Clayton E. Concealed weapon laws of the early republic, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (1999], p. 90.
[864] The American Whig Review, New series, Vol V, New York, (1850], pp. 418‑ 422.
[865] New York Times. 21 November 1895.
[866] Vincent's semi‑ annual United States register, Edited by Francis Vincent, Philadelphia, 1st Jan‑ lst Jul. (I860], p. 818.
[867] Kautz, Pete. The Original Cassius Clay. // Close quarter combat Magazine, Issue 15, November 30, (2002], pp. 6‑ 9.
[868] Ibid
[869] Ibid
[870] McQeen, Keven. Cassius. M. Clay, Turner Publishing Company, Paducah, KY, (2001], pp. 17‑ 18.
[871] Kautz, Pete. The Original Cassius Clay. // Close quarter combat Magazine, (2002], Issue 15, November 30, pp. 6‑ 9.
[872] Коршунов, Э. Л. Генерал‑ адмиралы Российского императорского флота. ‑ СПб.: Издательский дом «Нева», 2003. ‑ С. 110‑ 112.
[873] McQeen, Keven. Cassius. М. Clay, Turner Publishing Company, Paducah, KY, (2001], p. 148.
[874] Kautz, Pete. The Original Cassius Clay. // Close quarter combat Magazine (2002], Issue15, November 30, pp. 6‑ 9.
[875] Ibid
[876] Ibid
[877] Ibid
[878] The New York Times, 8 December 1861.
[879] The American Whig Review, New series, Vol. V ‑ whole Vol. XI, New York, (1850], pp. 420‑ 423.
[880] Huston, Matilda Charlotte. Hesperos: or, Travels in the West, In two volumes, London (1850], Vol. II, pp. 48‑ 50.
[881] The New York Times, 26 December 1897.
[882] The New York Times, 11 October 1885.
[883] The New York Times, 12 September 1888.
[884] The New York Times, 3 July 1877.
[885] Sonnichsen, Charles Leland. Tucson: The Life and Times of an American City, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (1987], p. 133.
[886] The New York Times, 16 September 1880.
[887] Meed, Douglas V. Comanche. 1800‑ 74, Osprey Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK (2003], p. 13‑ 14.
[888] Hough, Emerson. The story of outlaw: a study of the western desperado, New York: Grosset & Dunlap (1907), p. 177.
[889] Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on duels and dueling, Boston (1855), p. 223.
[890] The New York Times, 18 March 1866.
[891] Rolle, Andrew F. The Lost Cause: The Confederate Exodus to Mexico, University of Oklahoma Press, USA (1992), p. 58.
[892] Steward, Dick. Duels and the roots of violence in Missouri, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri (2000), p. 197.
[893] Green, A. C. Sketches from the five states of Texas, Texas A & M University Press, 1st edition (1998), p. 126.
[894] Ibid
[895] Ibid
[896] The Family Saga: A Collection of Texas Family Legends. Edited by Francis Edward Ab‑ ernethy, Jerry Bryan Lincecum, Frances Brannen Vick, University of North Texas Press(2003), pp. 175‑ 178.
[897] Sonnichsen, Charles Leland. Ten Texas feuds, University of New Mexico Press, (1971), p. 32.
[898] Douglas, Claude Leroy. Famous Texas feuds, State House Press (1988), p. 25.
[899] Johnson, Frank White. A history of Texas and Texans, In IV Volumes, American Historical Society, Chicago (1914), Vol III, pp. 1413‑ 1414.
[900] Hogan, William Ransom. The Texas republic, University of Oklahoma press (1946), p. 240.
[901] Johnson, Frank White. A history of Texas and Texans, In IV Volumes, American Historical Society, Chicago (1914), Vol III, pp. 1413‑ 1414.
[902] The New York Times, 2 March 1855.
[903] The New York Times, 18 September 188^
[904] The London literary gazette and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, etc., James Moyes, London (1828). p. 184.
[905] Piccato, Pablo. City of suspects: crime in Mexico City, 1900‑ 1931, Duke University Press, US (2001), p. 91.
[906] Ibid
[907] Ibid
[908] Ibid., p. 89.
[909] The New York Times, 3 January 1892.
[910] The New York Times, 8 May 1893.
[911] Truman, Benjamin Cumming. The Field of Honor: Being a Complete and Comprehensive History of Duelling, New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert (1884), p. 91‑ 92.
[912] Vardis Fisher, Opal Laurel Holmes. Gold rushes and mining camps of the early American West Caldwell, Caxton Press; Fourth Printing edition (1978), p. 407.
[913] Piccato, Pablo. City of suspects: crime in Mexico City, 1900‑ 1931, Duke UniversityPress, US (2001), p. 90.
[914] Ibid
[915] Ibid
[916] The New York Times, 19 August 1898.
[917] Taylor, William B. Drinking, homicide & rebellion in colonial Mexican villages, Stanford University Press (1979), pp. 82‑ 83.
[918] Wise, Henry Augustus. Los gringos: or, An inside view of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Chili, Peru and Polynesia, New York (1849), p. 239.
[919] Wilson, Robert Lawrence. Steel canvas: The art of American arms, Chartwell Books, Inc, New Jersey (1995), pp. 108‑ 109.
[920] Edmondson, J. R. The Alamo story: from early history to current conflicts, Republic ofTexas Press (2000), p. 123.
[921] Edmonson, James M. American surgical instruments: the history of their manufacture and a directory of instrument makers to 1900, Norman Publishing (1997), p. 17.
[922] Dougherty, Kevin. Weapons of Mississippi, The University Press of Mississippi, USA(2010), p. 48.
[923] Ibid
[924] Adams, Bill. The antique Bowie knife book, 1st Edition, Museum Pub. Co (1990), p. 116.
[925] Williamson, William R. " Bowie knife", Handbook of Texas online, Published by the Texas State Historical Association. [ Электронный ресурс ]. Режим доступа: http: //www. tshaonline. org/handbook/online/articles/BB/lnbl. html (дата обращения: 22. 04. 2010).
[926] Harpers weekly, " Camp life in the confederate army‑ mississippians practicing with the Bowie knife", August 31, 1861.
[927] Williamson, William R. " Bowie knife", Handbook of Texas online, Published by the Texas State Historical Association. [ Электронный ресурс ]. Режим доступа: http: //www. tshaonline. org/handbook/online/articles/BB/lnbl. html (дата обращения: 22. 04. 2010).
[928] Ibid
[929] Ibid
[930] Ibid
[931] Revoil, Benedict Henry. In Shooting and Fishing in the Rivers, Prairies, and Backwoods of North America, In two volumes, London (1865), Volume II, p. 276.
[932] Allen, Michael. Western Rivermen, 1763‑ 1861: Ohio and Mississippi Boatmen and theMyth of the Alligator Horse, Luisiana State University Press, USA (1994), p. 8.
[933] Bancroft, Hubert How. California, Volume XIX, 1801‑ 1824, San Francisco (1885), Vol. II, p. 202.
[934] Cramer, Clayton E. Concealed weapon laws of the early republic, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT (1999), p. 143.
[935] Ibid., p. 145.
[936] Ibid., pp. 145‑ 150.
[937] Хоптон, Ричард. Дуэль. Всемирная история. ‑ М.: Эксмо, 2010. ‑ С. 323.
[938] Sabine, Lorenzo. Notes on duels and dueling, Third Edition, Boston (1859], pp. 335‑ 336.
[939] Ibid
[940] Ibid
[941] The New York Times, 2 February 1855.
[942] The New York Times, 17 February 1885. /
[943] Boyer, Paul S. The Oxford Companion to United States History, Oxford UniversityPress, New York, NY (2001), p. 132.
[944] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, masculinity and Ritual knife fighting in Nineteenth‑ Century Greece. //American Historical Review. Vol 105. No. 2. April 2000, p. 374.
[945] Игнатьев, А. А. 50 лет в строю. В двух томах. ‑ Т. 1. ‑ М.: Гос. изд‑ во худож. лит‑ ры, 1950. ‑ С. 451.
[946] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 1790‑ 1825(Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 1790‑ 1825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla [1998], p. 15.
[947] Ibid
[948] Ibid., p. 231.
[949] Ibid
[950] Ibid
[951] Ibid., p. 132.
[952] Ibid., pp. 132‑ 133.
[953] Ibid., p. 134.
[954] Helsingin Sanomat, 17. 2. 1996.
[955] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 1790‑ 1825 (Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 1790‑ 1825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla (1998), p. 179
[956] Ibid., p. 182.
[957] Ibid., pp. 104‑ 105.
[958] Ibid
[959] Ibid., pp. 105‑ 106.
[960] Ibid., p. 100.
[961] Ylikangas, Heikki, Karonen, Petri, Lehti, Martti. Five centuries of violence in Finland and the Baltic Area, Ohio State University (2001), p. 94.
[962] Wheelwright, Horace William. Ten years in Sweden: being a description of the landscape, climate, domestic life, forests, mines, agriculture, field sports and fauna of Scandinavia, London, Groombridge and sons (1865], p. 118.
[963] Ibid., р. 117.
[964] Malte‑ Blun, Conrad. Universal Geography, or description of all the parts of the world, on a new plan, Boston: Lilly and Wait (late Wells and Lilly (1831), Vol. VIII, p. 522.
[965] Chesshyre, Henry T. Newton. Recollections of a five years' residence in Norway, London (1861), p. 131.
[966] Ibid
[967] Prime, Samuel Irenaeus. The Alhambra and the Kremlin: The South and the North of Europe, New York (1870), p. 450.
[968] Ампер, Жан‑ Жак. Очерки Севера. ‑ СПб.: В типографии Н. Греча, 1835. ‑ С. ‑ 52‑ 53.
[969] Evangelical Christendom, Vol IX, London (1855), p. 374.
[970] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 17901825 (Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 17901825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla (1998), p. 108.
[971] Ibid., p. 101.
[972] Ibid., p. 102.
[973] Ibid., p. 103.
[974] Ibid
[975] Ibid., p. 106.
[976] Ibid., p. 74.
[977] Mugge, Theodor. Afraja, a Norwegian and Lapland tale: or, Life and love in Norway, Third Edition, Philadelphia (1854), p. 201.
[978] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 1790‑ 1825 (Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 17901825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla (1998), p. 74.
[979] Ibid., p. 108.
[980] Ibid., p. 31.
[981] Ibid., p. 32.
[982] Ibid., p. 33.
[983] Ibid., p. 111.
[984] The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Vol. 5, London (1836), p. 358.
[985] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 1790‑ 1825 (Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 17901825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla (1998), p. 112
[986] Ibid., p. 113.
[987] Ibid., p. 109.
[988] Ibid., p. 103.
[989] Ibid., p. 244.
[990] Ibid., p. 104.
[991] Ibid., pp. 109‑ 110.
[992] Ibid., р. 110.
[993] Ibid., р. 179.
[994] Ibid., р. 180.
[995] Ibid., р. 182.
[996] Ibid., рр. 184‑ 185.
[997] Ibid., р.. 185
[998] Ibid
[999] Ibid
[1000] Ibid., р. 241.
[1001] Ibid., р. 242.
[1002] Вальтер, Николай. Изнанка финляндской культуры (финляндская печать о финнах). / Материалы для очерка финляндских нравов. ‑ СПб.: Типограф1я Бр. В. И Линник, 1913. ‑ С. 23‑ 40.
[1003] Там же
[1004] Там же
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[1006] Hoglund, Arthur William. Finnish immigrants in America, 1880‑ 1920, Ayer company Inc, New Hampshire, USA (1979), pp. 88‑ 89.
[1007] Ylikangas, Heikki. The knife fighters: Violent crime in Southern Ostrobothnia, 1790‑ 1825 (Puukkojunkkareitten esiinmarssi. Vakivaltarikollisuus Etela‑ Pohjanmaalla 1790‑ 1825, Academia Scientarum Fennica, Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, Jyvaskyla (1998), p. 244.
[1008] Куприн, А. И. Мы, русские беженцы в Финляндии: Публицистика (1919‑ 1921). / Составление, вступительная статья и комментарии Б. Хеллмана при участии Р. Дэвиса. ‑ СПб.: Журнал " Нева". ‑ С. 339.
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[1010] «Знамя». ‑ М.: Гослитиздат, 1940. № 11‑ 12. ‑ С. 93.
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[1012] Многоликая Финляндия. Образ Финляндии и финнов в России: Сб. статей /Под науч. ред. А. Н. Цамутали, О. П. Илюха, Г. М. Коваленко: НовГУ имени ЯрославаМудрого. ‑ Великий Новгород, 2004. ‑ 404 с., ил. (Серия «Научные доклады»; Вып. 1. ). ‑ С. ЗОЗ.
[1013] Там же. ‑ С. 303‑ 304.
[1014] Полное собрание законов Российской Империи с 1649 года. Том VII: 1723‑ 1727. ‑ СПб., 1830. ‑ № 4939. ‑ С. 682.
[1015] Лебедев, В. К истории кулачных боёв на Руси. // Русская старина. ‑ СПб, июль1913. ‑ Т. 155. ‑ С. 108.
[1016] Энциклопедический словарь Ф. А. Брокгауза и И. А. Ефрона. ‑ СПб.: Брокгауз‑ Ефрон, 1890‑ 1907.
[1017] Пискарев П. А.; Урлаб Л. Л. Милый старый Петербург: воспоминания о быте старого Петербурга начала XX века. ‑ СПб: Гиперион, 2007. ‑ С. 267‑ 268.
[1018] Русское слово, 06 ноября (24 октября) 1907.
[1019] Коонен, А. Страницы жизни. ‑ М.: Изд‑ во “Кукушка", 2003. ‑ С. 25.
[1020] Frank Stephen Р. Crime, cultural conflict, and justice in rural Russia 1856‑ 1914, University of California Press, First edition, London (1999), pp. 282‑ 285.
[1021] Ibid., pp. 285‑ 286.
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[1023] Крюков, Ф. Без огня. // Русское богатство. ‑ № 12. ‑ СПб., 1912.
[1024] Советская деревня глазами ВЧК‑ ОГПУ‑ НКВД. / Под редакцией А. Береловича, В. Данилова. В III томах. ‑ Том И: 1923‑ 1929. ‑ М.: Российская политическая энциклопедия" (РОССПЭН), 2000. ‑ С. 448‑ 450.
[1025] Там же.
[1026] Там же.
[1027] Печать и революция, 1925г., № 10, выпуски 7‑ 8. ‑ С. 128.
[1028] Kendrick, Tertius Т. С. The Ionian islands: Manners and customs, James Haldane, London (1822), p. 171.
[1029] Блок, А. А. Собрание сочинений в четырёх томах. Том 2. ‑ М.: Правда, 1981. ‑ С. 307.
[1030] Сулиоты. // Вестник Европы. ‑ М., 1825. ‑ Ч. 142, № 10. ‑ С. 143‑ 146.
[1031] Kendrick, Tertius Т. С. The Ionian islands: Manners and customs, James Haldane, London(1822), pp. 47‑ 48.
[1032] De Jongh, Brian. Companion guide to Greece, Companion guides, Woodridge (2000), p. 470.
[1033] Souliotes. [ Электронный ресурс ]. Режим доступа: http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Souliotes (дата обращения: 07. 02. 2010).
[1034] Малый энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона. В современной орфографии. ‑ СПб.: Издательское общество “Ф. А. Брокгауз ‑ И. А. Ефрон", 1907‑ 1909.
[1035] Pappas, Nicholas С. J, Stradioti: Balkan Mercenaries in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Italy. [ Электронный ресурс ]. Режим доступа: http: //www. shsu. edu/~his_ncp/Stra‑ dioti. html (дата обращения: 09. 02. 2010).
[1036] Orkney, George William Hamilton Fitzmaurice. Four Years in the Ionian Islands: theirPolitical and Social condition, in two volumes, London (1864), Vol. I, p. 2.
[1037] Ibid., p. 45.
[1038] Милютин, Д. А. История войны 1799 года между Россией и Францией в царствование императора Павла I. / Издание второе. ‑ Том I, части I‑ IV. ‑ СПб., 1857. ‑ С. 480.
[1039] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105. No. 2, April(2000), p. 377.
[1040] Ibid., p. 361.
[1041] Ibid., p. 362.
[1042] Gallant, Thomas W. Experiencing dominion: culture, identity and power in the BritishMediterranean, University of Notre Dame Press (2002) p. 133.
[1043] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2, April (2000), p. 359.
[1044] Ibid., p. 364.
[1045] Ibid
[1046] Gallant, Thomas W. Experiencing dominion: culture, identity and power in the British Mediterranean, University of Notre Dame Press (2002) p. 126.
[1047] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2, April (2000), p. 364.
[1048] Ibid., p. 365.
[1049] Ibid
[1050] Ibid., p. 366.
[1051] Gallant, Thomas W. Experiencing dominion: culture, identity and power in the British Mediterranean, University of Notre Dame Press (2002), p. 126.
[1052] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105, No. 2, April 2000, p. 366.
[1053] Ibid
[1054] Ibid., p. 367.
[1055] Herzfeld, Michael. The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village, Prineston University Press, Prineston, NJ (2005), pp. 143‑ 144.
[1056] Ibid
[1057] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105. No. 2, April 2000, p. 375.
[1058] Ibid., p. 376.
[1059] Ibid., p. 367.
[1060] Gallant, Thomas W. Experiencing dominion: culture, identity and power in the British Mediterranean, University of Notre Dame Press (2002), p. 130.
[1061] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting inNineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105. No. 2, April (2000), p. 368.
[1062] Gallant, Thomas W. Experiencing dominion: culture, identity and power in the British Mediterranean, University of Notre Dame Press (2002), p. 133.
[1063] Gallant, Thomas W. Honor, Masculinity, and Ritual Knife Fighting in Nineteenth‑ Century Greece. // The American Historical Review, Vol. 105. No. 2, April (2000), p. 369
[1064] Ibid., p. 369.
[1065] Ibid., p. 376.
[1066] Ibid., p. 378.
[1067] Ibid, pp. 378‑ 379.
[1068] Ibid., pp. 379‑ 380.
[1069] Ibid., p. 380.
[1070] Ibid., p. 381.
[1071] Ibid., p. 382.
[1072] Хоптон, Ричард. Дуэль. Всемирная история. ‑ М.: Эксмо, 2010. ‑ С. 121.
[1073] Там же. ‑ С. 124.
[1074] Кастл Эгертон. Школы и мастера фехтования. Благородное искусство владения клинком. ‑ М.: Центрполиграф, 2007. ‑ С.. 82
[1075] Хоптон, Ричард. Дуэль. Всемирная история. ‑ М.: Эксмо, 2010. ‑ С. 121.
[1076] Caroll, Stuart. Blood and violence in early modern France, Oxford University Press, (2006), p. 163.
[1077] Ibid
[1078] Ibid., p. 137.
[1079] Записки для чтения. ‑ СПб.: Изд. К. Трубников, июль 1867. ‑ С. 473.
[1080] Hutton, Alfred. The Sword Through the Centuries, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, N. Y(2002), pp. 119‑ 120.
[1081] Ibid., pp. 117‑ 119.
[1082] Turner, Sharon. The Modern History of England. The history of the reigns of Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth, Part the second, London (1835), Vol. IV, p. 361.
[1083] Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, duke of Sully, prime minister to Henry the Great. In six volumes, The Fourth Edition, London (1763), Vol V, pp. 285‑ 286.
[1084] Goldsmid, Edmund. The Trial of Francis Ravaillac for the Murder of King Henry theGreat, Edinburgh (1885), p. 15.
[1085] Armstrong, Alastair. France, 1500‑ 1715, Oxford, UK (2003), p. 90.
[1086] Ruff, Julius Ralph. Violence in early modern Europe, 1500‑ 1800, Canbridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, UK (2001), p. 50.
[1087] Recueil des Edits, declarations, arrests et regiemens, Douai (1730), pp. 27‑ 28.
[1088] Hutton, Alfred. The Sword Through the Centuries, Dover Publications, Inc, Mineola, N. Y (2002), pp. 116‑ 117.
[1089] Хоптон, Ричард. Дуэль. Всемирная история. ‑ М.: Эксмо, 2010. ‑ С. 152‑ 157.
[1090] Truman, Benjamin Cummings. The Field of Honor: Being a Complete and Comprehensive History of Duelling, New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert (1884), p. 236.
[1091] Gilje, Paul A. Rioting in America, Indiana University Press, Bloomington (1999), p. 65.
[1092] Dubois, Claude. La Bastoche: bal‑ musette, plaisir et crime, 1750‑ 1939: " Paris entre chiens et loups", Editions du Felin (1997), pp. 82‑ 85.
[1093] Knowles, Mark. The Wicked Waltz and Other Scandalous Dances, McFarland, Jefferson, NC (2009), p. 207.
[1094] Ibid
[1095] Le Petite Journal illustre, 23 Janvier 1910, p. 26.
[1096] Parry, Albert. Tattoo: secrets of a strange art as practised among the natives of the United States, Simon and Schuster (1933), p. 108.
[1097] Collier's, Vol. 110, Part II, Crowell‑ Collier Publishing Company (1942), p. 26.
[1098] Hogg, Ian V, Weeks, John, Walter John. Pistols of the World, Krause Publications, Iola, WI (2004), p. 102.
[1099] Ознобишин, H. H. Искусство рукопашного боя, ‑ M.: Фаир‑ Пресс, 2005. ‑ С. 374.
[1100] Там же. ‑ С. 365‑ 366.
[1101] National Police Gazette, 21 October 1905, p. 3.
[1102] Ibid
[1103] Le Petit Journal, 20 octobre 1907.
[1104] Knowles, Mark. The wicked waltz and other scandalous dances, McFarland, Jefferson, NC (2009), p. 207.
[1105] «Раннее утро», 15 октября (2 октября) 1908 года.