ПОСЛЕСЛОВИЕ 5 страница
[602] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 19‑ 20.
[603] The Terrific Register: Or, Record of Crimes, Judgments, Providences, and calamities, London, 1825, Vol II, p. 245.
[604] Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Facundo: 6, Civilization i barbarie en las pampas arjen‑ tinas, Cuarta edicion, Nueva York (1868), p. 67.
[605] Hudson, William Henry. Far Away and Long Ago: a history of my early life., E. P. Dutton& Company, New York (1918), pp. 251‑ 255.
[606] Ibid., pp. 252‑ 253.
[607] Slatta, Richard W. Gauchos and the vanishing frontier, The University of Nebraska Press(1992), p. 118.
[608] Rock, David. State building and political movements in Argentina, 1860‑ 1916, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA (2002), p. 80.
[609] Злой гаучо // Вестник Императорского русского географического общества. ‑ Кн. I, Том 10. ‑ СПб., 1854. ‑ С.. 25‑ 26.
[610] Sofia, Julio. Juan Moreira, Lobos, 10 de Abril de 2003. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http: //www. infolobos. com. ar/Nota. asp? IdNota=27 (дата обращения: 9. 08. 2010).
[611] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 57‑ 58.
[612] Castro, Donald S. The Argentine tango as social history, 1880‑ 1955: the soul of the people, E. Mellen Press (1991), p. 44.
[613] Slatta, Richard W. Bandidos: the varieties of Latin American banditry, Greenwood Press (1987), p. 58.
[614] Sofia, Julio. Juan Moreira, Lobos, 10 de Abril de 2003. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http: //www. infolobos. com. ar/Nota. asp? IdNota=27 (дата обращения: 9. 08. 2010).
[615] Aeberhard, Danny, Andrew Benson, Lucy Phillips. The rough guide to Argentina, Rough Guides (2000), p. 200.
[616] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 52.
[617] Ibid., p. 54.
[618] Ibid
[619] Ibid., p. 54.
[620] Ibid., p. 58.
[621] Ibid., p. 55.
[622] Caldcleugh, Alexander. Travels in South America, during the years, 1819‑ 20‑ 21, In two volumes, London (1825), Vol. I, p. 180.
[623] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 56.
[624] Ibid., pp. 52‑ 53.
[625] Ibid., pp. 62‑ 63.
[626] Ibid., рр. 63‑ 64.
[627] Ibid
[628] Cunninghame Graham, R. В., El Rio de la Plata, Londres (1914), p. 52
[629] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 79.
[630] Ibid., pp. 85‑ 87.
[631] Ibid
[632] Hudson, William Henry. Far Away and Long Ago: a history of my early life, E. P. Dutton & Company, New York (1918), p. 254‑ 255.
[633] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 51.
[634] Льоса, Марио Варгас. Поединок. / Рассказы магов. ‑ СПб.: Азбука‑ классика, 2002.
[635] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 43‑ 45.
[636] Slatta, Richard W. Gauchos and the vanishing frontier, The University of Nebraska Press(1992), p. 74.
[637] Ibid,
[638] Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Obras de D. F. Sarmiento, Conflicto у armomas de las razas en America, Belin hermanos (1900), Tomo 36‑ 37, p. 166.
[639] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, BuenosAires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 24‑ 29.
[640] Ibid., p. 30.
[641] Борхес, Хорхе Луи. Проза разных лет: сборник. / Составл. и предисл. И Тертерян; Коммент. Б. Дубина. ‑ М.: Радуга, 1984. ‑ С. 250‑ 254.
[642] Henderson, James. A history of the Brasil, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London (1821), p. 77.
[643] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, BuenosAires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 30‑ 31.
[644] Ibid., p. 31.
[645] Slatta, Richard W. Gauchos and the vanishing frontier, The University of NebraskaPress (1992), pp. 40‑ 41.
[646] Castle, Egerton. Schools and masters offence, from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, London, George Bell and Sons (1885), p. 229.
[647] Gautier, Theophile, Tra los montes, Bruzelles et Leipzig (1843), Tome II, p. 36.
[648] Darwin, Charles. Charles Darwin's Beagle diary, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2001), p. 158.
[649] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), pp. 41‑ 42
[650] Slatta, Richard W. Gauchos and the vanishing frontier, The University of Nebraska Press (1992), p. 74.
[651] Ibid., p. 118.
[652] Ibid., р. 119.
[653] Knowles, Mark. The wicked waltz and other Scandalous dances, McFarland, (2009), p. 108.
[654] Ibid
[655] Ibid
[656] Guibert, Rita. Seven voices: Seven Latin American writers talk to Rita Guibert, (Перевод E. Лысенко), Alfred A. Knopf, Inc (1973), p. 94.
[657] Knowles, Mark. The wicked waltz and other Scandalous dances, McFarland (2009), p. 108.
[658] Baily, Samuel. L, Immigrants in the Lands of Promise: Italians in Buenos Aires and New York City. 1870 to 1914, Cornell University Press, New York (2004), p. 54
[659] Кофман, А. Ф. Аргентинское танго и русский мещанский романс. / Литература в контексте культуры. ‑ М.: Наука, 1986. ‑ С. 227‑ 228.
[660] Борхес, Хорхе Луис. Собрание сочинений в 4 томах. Том 2. / Произведения 19421969 гг. Составитель Борис Дубинин. ‑ М.: Амфора, 2000.
[661] Knowles, Mark. The wicked waltz and other Scandalous dances, McFarland, (2009), p. 110.
[662] Борхес, Хорхе Луис. Собрание сочинений в 4 томах. Том 2. / Произведения 19421969 гг, составитель Борис Дубинин. ‑ М.: Амфора, 2000.
[663] Окампо, Виктория. Беседа с Борхесом. // Иностранная литература. Перевод с исп. Е. Лысенко. ‑ 1991. ‑ № 9.
[664] Vasquez, Maria Esther. Borges Sus Dias Y Su Tiempo, Buenos Aires, Javier Vergara (1984), p. 64.
[665] Cammarota, Frederico. Vocabulario familiar у del lunfardo, Buenos Aires, A. Pena Lillo (1970), p. 23.
[666] Ibid., p. 146.
[667] Castro, Donald S. The Argentine tango as social history, 1880‑ 1955, E. Mellen Press (1991), p. 43.
[668] Delgado, Celeste Frazer, Jose Esteban Munos. Everynight life: culture and dance in Latino America, Duke University Press (1997) p. 158.
[669] Кофман, А. Ф., Аргентинское танго и русский мещанский романс. / Литература в контексте культуры. ‑ М.: Наука, 1986. ‑ С. 220‑ 221.
[670] Там же.
[671] Окампо, Виктория. Беседа с Борхесом. // Иностранная литература. Перевод с исп. Е. Лысенко. ‑ 1991. ‑ № 9.
[672] Кофман, А. Ф, Аргентинское танго и русский мещанский романс. / Литература в контексте культуры. ‑ М.: Наука, 1986. ‑ С. 220‑ 221.
[673] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 143.
[674] Johson, Lyman L. Workshop of Revolution: Plebeian Buenos Aires and the Atlantic World, 1776‑ 1810, Duke University Press (2011), p. 274.
[675] Barreneche, Osvaldo. Crime and the administration of justice in Buenos Aires, 1785‑ 1853, University of Nebraska (2006), p. 62.
[676] Дарвин, Чарльз. Путешествие натуралиста вокруг света на корабле «Бигль». /Пер. с англ. С. Л. Соболя; Под редакцией Е. Е Сыроечковского и С. Л. Соболя. ‑ 4‑ е изд. ‑ М.: Мысль, 1983. ‑ С. 91‑ 92
[677] Там же. ‑ С. 151‑ 152.
[678] Love, George Thomas. A five years' residence in Buenos Ayres: during the years 1820 to 1825, London (1825), pp. 122‑ 123.
[679] Registro oficial (de la provincia de Buenos Aires), Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Alvarez(1821), pp. 128‑ 129.
[680] Barreneche, Osvaldo. Crime and the administration of justice in Buenos Aires, 1785‑ 1853, University of Nebraska (2006), p. 62.
[681] Борхес, Хорхе Луис. Собрание сочинений в 4 томах. Том 2. / Произведения 1942‑ 1969 гг, составитель Борис Дубинин. ‑ М.: Амфора, 2000.
[682] Burri, Rene. Gauchos, Takarajima books, New York, NY (1994).
[683] Lanuza, Jose Luis. The gaucho today. / Burri, Rene. Gauchos, Takarajima books, New York, NY (1994).
[684] Валишевский, Казимир. Пётр Великий. ‑ М: Астрель, 2002. ‑ С. 63
[685] Полное собрание законов Российской Империи с 1649 года, Том IV. 1700‑ 1712, Печатано в Типографии II Отделения Собственной Его Императорского Величества Канцелярии, 1830. ‑ С. 12.
[686] Там же. ‑ С. 184.
[687] Хоптон, Ричард. Дуэль: всемирная история. ‑ М.: Эксмо, 2010. ‑ С. 370.
[688] Там же. ‑ С. 430.
[689] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg, The Ohio State University (1998).
[690] Rowlands, Samuel. The knave of Clubbs, Printed at London by E. A. dwelling nere Chrift‑ Church (1611), p. 33.
[691] Marvell, Andrew. The poetical works of Andrew Marvell, Boston (1857), p. 175.
[692] Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn: in four volumes, London: M. Poulson sold by A. Bettesworth (1724), Vol. I, p. 235.
[693] Boyer, Abel. The royal dictionary. French and English, English and French, London, (1729).
[694] Streatfeild, George Sidney. Lincolnshire and the Danes, London (1881), p. 362.
[695] Грамматин, H. Ф., Паренаго, M. А. Новый английско‑ российский словарь, в 4 томах. Том III. ‑ М., 1816. ‑ С. 202.
[696] John Watts De Peyster, Robert (of Gloucester). The history of Carausius: the Dutch Augustus, and emperor of Britain, Zeeland, Dutch Flanders, Armorica and the Seas; Poughkeepsie: Platt & Schram (1858), not. IV for p. 112.
[697] Gilbert, William Schwenck. The Mikado, Dover Publications Inc., Dover Thrift Edition(1992), pp. 43‑ 44.
[698] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 119.
[699] Shakespeare's Europe; unpublished chapters of Fynes Moryson's Itinerary, being a survey of the condition of Europe at the end of the 16th century; with an introd. and an account of Fynes Moryson's career by Charles Hughes, Sherratt & Hughes, London, (1903), p. 370.
[700] The humour of Holland. London: W. Scott (1893), p. 292.
[701] Marci, Jacobus. Deliciae Batavicae. Variae elegantesque picturae omnes Belgii antiqui‑ tates, & quicquid praeterea in eo visitur. Amsterdam: Jean Jansson (1618).
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[703] Konstam, Angus. Piracy: The complete history, Osprey Publishing (2008), pp. 95‑ 98.
[704] Wiseman, Richard. Eight chirurgical treatises, on these following heads, Sixth Edition, London (1734), Vol. II, pp. 79‑ 80.
[705] Deursen, Arie Theodorus van. Plain lives in a golden age: popular culture, religion, and society in seventeenth‑ century Holland, University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, (1991), p. 25.
[706] Moodie, Donald. The Record: Or, a Series of Official Papers Relative to the Condition and Treatment of the Native Tribes of South Africa, Cambridge University press, New York(2011), p. 252.
[707] Ibid
[708] Ibid., p. 315.
[709] Ibid., p. 382.
[710] Ibid
[711] Устав воинский о должности генералов‑ фелдмаршалов и всего генералитета, и прочих чинов, которые при войске надлежат быть, и оных воинских делах и поведениях, что каждому чинить должно. ‑ Седьмым тиснением. ‑ СПб.: Императорская Академия Наук, 1789. ‑ С. 42.
[712] Deursen, Arie Theodorus van. Plain lives in a golden age: popular culture, religion, and society in seventeenth‑ century Holland, University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, (1991), p. 25.
[713] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 81.
[714] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998) p. 117.
[715] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 90.
[716] Ibid., p. 91.
[717] Bakvis, Herman. Catholic power in the Netherlands, McGill‑ Qeens's University Press, (1981).
[718] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 103.
[719] Ibid., p. 107.
[720] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 82.
[721] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University, (1998), p. 113.
[722] Ibid., p. 104.
[723] Ibid., p. 109.
[724] Ibid., p. 111.
[725] Ibid., p. 115, p. 123.
[726] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 87.
[727] Ibid., p. 84. ^
[728] Rory Lynn Van Tuyl, Jan N. A. Groenendijk. A Van Tuyl chronicle: 650 years in the history of a Dutch‑ American family, First edition, Anundsen Publishing, Decorah, IA, (1996), pp. 80‑ 81.
[729] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 84.
[730] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), pp. 111‑ 112.
[731] Ibid., p. 112.
[732] Spierenburg, Pieter, Roodenburg, Herman. Social control in Europe: 1500‑ 1800, 1st Edition, Ohio State University Press (2004), pp. 230‑ 231.
[733] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 105.
[734] Ibid
[735] Ibid., p. 114.
[736] Ibid.. P. 116.
[737] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 88.
[738] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 115.
[739] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), pp. 87‑ 88.
[740] Ibid., p. 88.
[741] Walsh, Robert. // The American quarterly review, Philadelphia, Carey, Lea & Carey (1828), Vol. 3 (March‑ June), p. 135.
[742] Deursen, Arie Theodorus van. Plain lives in a golden age: popular culture, religion, and society in seventeenth‑ century Holland, University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, (1991), pp. 110‑ 111.
[743] Ibid
[744] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 87.
[745] Ibid., p. 82.
[746] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 113.
[747] Ibid., p. 115.
[748] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 89.
[749] Ibid
[750] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 115.
[751] Ibid
[752] Ibid
[753] Ibid., p. 273.
[754] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 97.
[755] Gould, George M, Pyle, Walter L. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, Philadelphia(1900), p. 672.
[756] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 97.
[757] Ibid., p. 98.
[758] Gravett, Christopher. German medieval armies 1300‑ 1500, Osprey Publishing, UK(1985), p. 46.
[759] Towle, George Makepiece. Vasco da Gama, his voyages and adventures, Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard со (1878), p. 210.
[760] Sundstrom, Lars. The exchange economy of pre‑ colonial tropical Africa, C. Hurst & Company, London (1974), p. 193.
[761] Ibid., p. 194.
[762] Coleccion de cedulas, cartas‑ patentes, provisiones, reales ordenes у otros documentos, Madrid, En la imprenta Real (1829), Tomo II, p. 216.
[763] Hunt Janin, Ursula Carlson. Trails of Historic New Mexico: Routes Used by Indian, Spanish and American Travelers through 1886, McFarland & Company, Jefferson, N. Carolina (2009), p. 41.
[764] Brinckerhoff, Sidney B. Chamberlain, Pierce A. Spanish Military Weapons in Colonial America, 1700‑ 1821, Stackpole Books (1972), p. 110.
[765] Simmons, Marc, Turley, Frank. Southwestern Colonial Ironwork: The Spanish Black‑ smithing Tradition, Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, USA (2008), p. 131.
[766] Bancroft, Hubert Howe. California, In XIX Volumes, 1801‑ 1824, San Francisco (1885), Vol. II, p. 202.
[767] Loriega, James. Sevillian Steel, The Traditional Knife Fighting Arts of Spain, Paladin Press, Boulder (1999), p. 58.
[768] Suarez Avila, Luis. Flamenco: motivacion metommica у evolucion cultural del nombre de los gitanos у de su cante. // Culturas Populares. Revista Electronica 7, julio‑ diciembre 2008. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http: //www. culturaspopulares. org/tex‑ tos7/articulos/suarez. htm (дата обращения: 3. 08. 2010).
[769] Machado у Alvarez, Antonio. El folklore andaluz: revista de cultura tradicional, Sevilla, Andaluria, Fundacio'n Machado (1882), p. 38.
[770] Escriche, Joaquin. Diccionario razonado de legislacion у jurisprudencia. Tomo primero, Madrid (1847), p. 264.
[771] Howell, Thomas Jones. A Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for HighTreason and other crimes and misdemeanors, Vol. XXX, London (1822), p. 617.
[772] Anson George, Walter Richard. A voyage round the world, in the years 1740‑ 44, Edinburgh (1781), Vol. I, p. 31.
[773] Perez у Lopez, Antonio Javier. Taatro de la legislacion universal de Espana e Indias, Madrid (1792), Vol. IV, p. 183.
[774] Suarez Avila, Luis. Flamenco: motivacion metommica у evolucion cultural del nombre de los gitanos у de su cante. // Culturas Populares. Revista Electronica 7, julio‑ diciembre 200? P. 18. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http: //www. culturaspopulares. org/textos7/articulos/suarez. htm (дата обращения: 3. 08. 2010).
[775] Ibid., p. 21.
[776] Ibid., p. 13.
[777] Hildebrand, Arthur Sturges. Magellan, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York (1924), p. 138.
[778] Moreno, Frederico B. Philippine law dictionary, Third Edition, Rex Printing Company, INC (1982), pp. 234‑ 380.
[779] Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Vol. 46, MBRAS (1973), pp. 168‑ 169.
[780] Lach, Donald F., Asia in the Making of Europe, Vol. I, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1994), p. 601.
[781] Yangwen, Zheng. China on the Sea: How the Maritime World Shaped Modern China, Koninklijke Brill NV (Leiden), p. 233.
[782] Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Conflicto у armonias de Las rasas en America, Tomo primero, S. Ostwald etc, Buenos Aires (1883), p. 184.
[783] McNamee, Laurence, Biffle, Kent. A few words, Taylor Pub (1988), p. 137.
[784] Petter, Nicolaes. Klare Onderrichtinge der Voortreffelijke Worstel‑ Konst, JohannesJanssonius, Amsterdam (1674).
[785] Hanso, James Austin. Fur trade cutlery sketchbook, The Fur Press; 2nd edition, (1994), p. 6.
[786] Haydn, Joseph, Vincent, Benjamin. Haydn's dictionary of dates relating to all ages and nations: for universal reference, Ninth edition, Edward Moxon and Co, Dover Street, (1860), p. 375.
[787] Smiles, Samuel. Industrial biography: Iron‑ workers and tool‑ makers, Boston (1864), p. 133.
[788] Farmer, John Stephen. Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present, Printed for subscribers only (1896), p. 65.
[789] Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect, In two volumes, Edinburgh (1794), Vol. II, p. 222.
[790] Shackleford, Steve. Blade's Guide to Knives & Their Values, Krause Publications, Iola (2009), p. 165.
[791] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), p. 88.
[792] Petter, Nicolaes. Klare Onderrichtinge der Voortreffelijke Worstel‑ Konst, Johannes Janssonius, Amsterdam (1674), Chapitre 11, 55‑ 64.
[793] Marci, Jacobus. Deliciae Batavicae. Variae elegantesque picturae omnes Belgii antiqui‑ tates, & quicquid praeterea in eo visitur. Amsterdam: Jean Jansson (1618), atlas 40.
[794] A new description of Holland, and the rest of the United Provinces in General. Printed for H. Rhodes, London (1701), p. 104.
[795] Ibid
[796] Диксон, Олард. Мистерии мухомора. / Применение галлюциногенного гриба в шаманской практике. ‑ М.: Велигор, 2005. ‑ С. 42‑ 43.
[797] Ibid
[798] Ibid
[799] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, 8K (2008), p. 89.
[800] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), pp. 123‑ 124.
[801] Ibid., p. 124.
[802] Ibid
[803] Rory Lynn Van Tuyl, Jan N. A. Groenendijk. A Van Tuyl chronicle: 650 years in the history of a Dutch‑ American family, Anundsen Publishing Company, Decorah (1996), p. 82.
[804] Arie Theodorus van Deursen. Plain lives in a golden age: popular culture, religion, and society in seventeenth‑ century Holland, University of Cambridge Press, Cambridge, (1991), pp. 110‑ 111.
[805] Rory Lynn Van Tuyl, Jan N. A. Groenendijk. A Van Tuyl chronicle: 650 years in the history of a Dutch‑ American family, Anundsen Publishing Company, Decorah (1996), p. 197.
[806] Ruff, Julius Ralph. Violence in early modern Europe, 1500‑ 1800, Canbridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2001), p. 50.
[807] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), pp. 109‑ 110.
[808] Ibid., p. 110.
[809] Ibid
[810] Spierenburg, Pieter Cornelius. A history of murder: personal violence in Europe from the Middle Ages to the present., Polity Press, Cambridge, UK (2008), pp. 65‑ 66.
[811] Men and violence. Gender, Honor, and Rituals in Modern Europe and America, Edited by Pieter Spierenburg. The Ohio State University (1998), p. 110.
[812] Ibid., p. 111.
[813] Ibid., p. 122.
[814] Ibid
[815] Ibid
[816] Ibid., p. 123.
[817] Ibid
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[819] Ibid
[820] Wild, Albert. Die Niederlande: ihre Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, Wigant (1862), p. 259‑ 260.
[821] Bardsley, S. A. On the Use and» Abuse of Popular Sports and Exercises, resembling those of the Greeks and Romans, as a national Object. // Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Second series, London (1805), Vol I, p. 206.
[822] Dutch custom of knife slivering. // The terrific register: or, Record of crimes, judgments, providences and calamities, London (1825), Vol III, p. 613.
[823] Отечественные записки. ‑ Том 30, Год пятый. ‑ СПб, 1843 год. ‑ С. 77‑ 78.
[824] Singleton, Esther. Dutch New York, New York, Dodd, Mead (1909), p. 275.
[825] Truman, Benjamin Cumming. The Field of Honor: Being a Complete and Comprehensive History of Duelling, New York: Fords, Howard, & Hulbert (1884), p. 80.
[826] Pedro, Jose Montero de (marques de Casa Mena. ). The Spanish in New Orleans and Louisiana, Pelican Publishing Company Inc, Gretna (2000), pp. 16‑ 17.
[827] Dimitri, John Bull Smith. Lessons in the history of Louisiana: from its earliest settlement to the close of the civil war, to which are appended lessons in its geography and products, A. S. Barnes & Company (1877), pp. 28‑ 29.
[828] Savas, Theodore R, Dameron, J. David. A Guide to the Battles of the American Revolution, Savas Beatie LLC, New York, NY (2010), pp. 66‑ 67.
[829] Rodrigues, Junius P. The Louisiana Purchase: A Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, ABC‑ CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA (2002). p. 206.
[830] Din, Gilbert C. The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge (1999), preface XI.