ПОСЛЕСЛОВИЕ 4 страница
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[577] Woodbine, Parish. Buenos‑ Ayres and the provinces of the Rio de la Plata, London, (1852], pp. 46‑ 47.
[578] Manual del baratero о arte manejar de navaja, el cuchillo у la tijera de los gitanos, Madrid, Imprenta de D. Alberto Goya (1849), p. 39.
[579] Hernandez, Jose. El Gaucho Martin Fierro, Buenos Aires, Imprenta de La Pampa, (1872), p. 46.
[580] Эрнандес, Хосе. Мартин Фьерро. / Пер. с исп. Мих. Донского. ‑ М.: Художественная литература, 1972.
[581] Granada, Daniel. Vocabulario rioplatense razonado, II Edicion, Imprenta Rural, Montevideo (1890), p. 219.
[582] Osornio, Lopez Mario A. Esgrima criolla: Cuchillo, rebenque, poncho у chuza, Buenos Aires, Henisferio Sur (2005), p. 145.
[583] Ibid
[584] Ibid., p. 71.
[585] Ibid., p. 72.
[586] Ibid., p. 76.
[587] Ibid., pp. 77‑ 78.
[588] Cochrane, Charles Stuart, journal of a residence and travels in Colombia during the years 1823 ‑ 1824, Henry Colburn, London (1825), Vol I, pp. 162‑ 163.
[589] Chasteen, John Charles. Heroes on horseback: a life and times of the last gaucho caudillos, University of New Mexico Press (1995), p. 94.
[590] Борхес, Хорхе Луи. Проза разных лет: сборник. / Составл. и предисл. и Тертерян; Коммент. Б. Дубина. ‑ М.: Радуга, 1984. ‑ С. 261‑ 263.
[591] Там же.
[592] Там же.
[593] Chasteen, John Charles. Heroes on horseback: a life and times of the last gaucho caudillos, University of New Mexico Press (1995), p. 94.
[594] Salvatore, Ricardo Donato. Wandering paysanos: state order and subaltern experience in Buenos Aires during the Rosas era, Duke University Press (2003), p. 232.
[595] Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino. Life in the Argentine republic in the days of the tyrants: or, Civilization, New York (1868), p. 170.
[596] Chasteen, John Charles. Heroes on horseback: a life and times of the last gaucho caudillos, University of New Mexico Press (1995), pp. 94‑ 95.
[597] Slatta, Richard W. Gauchos and the vanishing frontier, The University of Nebraska Press (1992), p. 61.
[598] Depetris, Jose Carlos. Mitologia de punales. [ Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http: //pampapalabra. freeservers. com/aaduelo. htm (дата обращения: 18. 01. 2010).
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[600] Guido, Carla Rey de, Walter Guido. Cancionero rioplatense, 1880‑ 1925, Biblioteca Aya‑ cucho, Caracas (1989), p. 385.
[601] Hudson, William Henry. Far Away and Long Ago: a history of my early life., E. P. Dutton & Company, New York (1918), p. 256.