Reading. Extra Idea. Speaking. Extra Idea ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Reading 6. Ask students to work individually. Make sure they understand they should read the text and choose the reason why Jack's mother sent this message. Answer: A Extra Idea Encourage students to imagine they're Jack and to send a text message to their mum. Challenge them by saying that their text message can't be longer than 160 characters. Speaking 7. Encourage students to practise as many words from the lesson as they can in this exercise. Set a clear time limit for students to work in pair before you ask a few students to describe the photo for the class. Answers: Students'own answers Extra Idea Ask students to talk about their Christmas trees. Ask: Do you usually have a Christmas tree? How big is it? When do you decorate it? Where is it? etc.