Extra Idea #1. Extra Idea #2. SpeakingExtra Idea #1 Check if your students know which of the words in Exercise 3 can be verbs (Answer: aim, limit, point, reason). Ask them to write pairs of sentences to prove that these words can be both verbs and nouns. Extra Idea #2 Ask students to talk about their goals and objectives for the coming year in pairs. Let some students share their ideas with the class if they want to. 4. Ask students to work individually for this task. Set a clear time limit of two minutes. Encourage stronger students to write complete expressions (e. g. decorate the Christmas tree) rather than single words. Do not check the answers at this stage. Answers: Students' own answers Speaking 5. Put students into pairs. If possible, ask students to work with a partner that they normally don't work with. Students compare the lists of words they produced in Exercise 4. Tell them to circle the words that their partner doesn't have and to copy the words that they didn't come up with. Finally, ask the students to check how many of the words they have could be used to describe the photos below. Collect their ideas on the board to revise as many words as possible. Answers: Students' own answers 6. This is a typical exam task as students have to describe the photo and answer three questions. Ask students to work in their pairs. Give them a few minutes to prepare and practise their descriptions in pairs first. When they have finished, encourage a few students to do the task for the class. Then, focus the class on the second part of the task. Again, give students a few minutes to prepare and practise their answers in pairs before asking some students to do the task for the class. Answers: Students' own answers Extra Idea #1 Ask students A and B to swap roles and do Exercise 6 again. Challenge them to try to make their description better than their partner's description was! Extra Idea #2 Find out which students like decorating the Christmas tree. Ask them to tell you what they usually put on their Christmas trees. Encourage them to share any interesting stories at the end of the lesson. Help them with vocabulary as needed.