Warm-up. Use of English. Extra Idea #1. Extra Idea #2. Vocabulary
Christmas and the Holiday Season Warm-up 1. Use these photos to introduce the topic of this lesson (Christmas and the holiday season). Encourage stronger students to explain what the pictures show. Help them talk about the photo even if they don't know the name of the plant or are not absolutely sure what the other photo shows. Suggested answers: Photo A shows a poinsettia, a plant that people often buy to decorate their houses for Christmas. Photo B shows a list of goals. At the beginning of each year, people often make resolutions and promise to do some things differently in the future. Both pictures are typical for the holiday season. Use of English 2. This is an exam-style task as students have to complete the gaps with one of the three options given (A–C). Read out the title of the text (Christmas Star) and make sure that students understand it's a popular name of the plant in photo A. Let them scan the text to find its other name (poinsettia). Ask students to try to do this task individually first. When most students are ready, ask them to compare their answers in pairs. Check the answers as a class. Encourage stronger students to say why two of the options are always wrong. Answers: 1C 2A 3C 4C 5A 6B 7B 8A 9C 10A Extra Idea #1 Ask students to write headings that would summarize the meaning of each paragraph. They could write questions instead of headings, e. g.: How big are poinsettias? Extra Idea #2 Encourage students to visit this website to learn more about the history of the poinsettia. Vocabulary 3. Make sure students know what a synonym is before they start thinking about these words. Give them monolingual dictionaries if possible. If your school allows it, let students use their smartphones to check the meaning and uses of these words in an online dictionary. Check the answers. Explain that limit and reason are not synonyms of goal. Answers: aim, intention, objective