1. She was making an Indian meal for her friend. T/F ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 1. She was making an Indian meal for her friend. T/F 2. Her husband loves Chinese food. T/F 3. She went to the cooker. T/F 4. She had no spring onions. T/F 5. She fell out with her husband. T/F 6. She went to her neighbour’s garden. T/F 7. She wanted an egg. T/F 8. Her neighbour chased her away. T/F 9. Her neighbour sold her an egg. T/F C) Answer the questions in full sentences: a. What kind of meal was she making? _____________________________________________ b. What does her husband love? __________________________________________________ c. Which cooking oil did she use? _________________________________________________ d. Why did she look in the fridge? ________________________________________________ e. Who keeps chickens? ________________________________________________________ f. Where did she go? __________________________________________________________ g. Did the neighbour sell her an egg? ______________________________________________ h. Did the story have a happy ending? Explain. ____________________________________ KEYS
Pictures and verbs: 1. chop 2. stir 3. fry 4. add 5. strain 6. grate 7. boil 8. crush T/F 1f, 2t, 3f, 4f, 5f, 6t, 7t, 8f, 9f.
a. She was making a Chinese meal. b. He loves Chinese food. c. She used sesame oil. d. She needed an egg. e. Her neighbour keeps chickens. f. She went into her neighbour’s garden. g. No, she gave her an egg. h. Yes, because they hugged. /They became friends again. Note: neighbour is the British spelling. Neighbor is American, but maybe it should be naybor 😉