VARIANT 6VARIANT 6 Test 1. What normal height of ward is provided of sanitary norms of projection? A. Depending on a category of hospitals B. Not less 2,7 m C. Not less 3,0 m D. Depending on a type of construction of hospitals E. Not less of 3,5 m
Test 2. What should be the area of complete isolation ward (intended for treatment of one patient)? А. Not less than 9 m2 B. 22 m2 C. 17 m2 D. 32 m2 Е. Not less than 12 m2 Test 3. What should be sanitary distance (gap) between facades of medical blocks? A. Not less than of 5 m B. 2,5 heights of the highest nearby building, but not less than 15 m С. 2,5 heights of the highest nearby building, but not less than 25 m D. 2,5 heights of the highest nearby building, but not less than 30 m Е. Not less than of 25 m Test 4. At what kind of hospital construction it is difficult to struggle with noise? А. Centralized system B. Decentralized system C. Block system D. Pavilion system E. Pavilion-blocks system Test 5. At what level of standing of subsoil waters from a surface of the ground it is possible to not be afraid of occurrence of dampness in buildings of hospital (not less)? А. 1,5 m В. 2,5 m С. 2 m D. 0,5 m Е. 1 m
Test 6. The noise level (in decibels (dB)) should be in the ward in afternoon no more: А. 40 В. 20 С. 45 D. 35 Е. 25
Test 7. What norm of the area of the hospital site it is necessary on one bed if the hospital is constructed on 300 places (Decentralized system )? А. 60 – 80 m2 В. 80 – 100 m2 С. 100 – 140 m2 D. 140 – 200 m2 Е. 200 – 300 m2
Test 8. Where it is impossible to build the specialized hospitals? A. Outside cities В. In a suburb C. On outskirts of city D. There is no meaning where to build Е. In city centre
Test 9. What is normal height of ward and medical-diagnostic offices? A. Not less than 3,3 m B. Depending on a category of hospitals C. Not less than 2,7 m D. Not less than 2,5 m E. Anyone Test 10. Whether it is possible locating of one receptions department for therapeutic and surgical patients? A. It is not supposed in cities B. It is not supposed at the centralized construction C. It is supposed D. It is not supposed E. It is not supposed at the decentralized construction
Test 11. On what quantity of beds in surgical department one operating table is provided? А. 10–15 В. 30–40 С. 20–25 D. 50–60 Е. 40–50
Test 12. The area of double wards in tubercular department is 14 m2. Whether corresponds it to sanitary norms of projection of hospitals? A. Does not corresponds; it is necessary in addition 7 m2 B. It is necessary of 22 m2 C. Corresponds D. It is necessary in addition 3 m2 E. Does not corresponds, it is necessary in addition 1,5 m2
Test 13. Where it is necessary to have premises for discharge of infectious patients from various departments of an infectious diseases hospital? A. Premises should be separate for different departments of hospital B. One premises should be no more than for two departments of an infectious diseases hospital C. Premises is one for all departments, but make a discharge at different o'clock D. Premises can be one for infectious and therapeutic departments and locate in the common receptions department of hospital E. Premises should be the common for all departments
Test 14. In wards section for therapeutic patients should be such correlation of wards:
A. Four and three-seater wards – 60%, double wards – 20%, single wards – 20%. B. Four and three-seater wards – 80%, double wards - 10 %, single wards - 10 %. C. Four and three-seater wards – 70%, double wards - 20 %, single wards - 10 %. D. Four and three-seater wards – 60%, double wards - 30 %, single wards - 10 %. E. Four and three-seater wards – 70%, double wards - 15 %, single wards - 15 %.
Test 15. In ward artificial illumination by filament lamps should be:
А. Common illumination – 30 - 50 lux, local illumination by bed with common in the sum should give 150 lux В. Common illumination – 50 lux, local illumination by bed with common in the sum should give 100 lux С. Common illumination 50 - 100 lux, local illumination by bed with common in the sum should give 100 lux D. Common illumination – 150 lux, local illumination by bed with common in the sum should give 300 lux Е. Common illumination – 50 lux, local illumination by bed with common in the sum should give 300 lux