Test 1. What distance should be between pathoanatomical branch and the medical block? А. Not less than 30 m B. Not less than 40 m C. Not less than 50 м D. Not less than 15 м Е. Not less than 20 м
Test 2. What distance between beds in the ward should be? А. 0,6 m B. 0,8 m C. 1,2 m D. 0,5 m Е. 1 m
Test 3. The width of wards corridor should be not less: А. 2,0 m B. 1,7 m C. 2,4 m D. 1,8 m Е. 2,6 m
Test 4. The artificial local illumination in ward should be not less: A. 100 lux B. 150 lux C. 50 lux D. 200 lux Е. 300 lux
Test 5. Optimum quantity of patients in ward is: A. One person B. Two persons C. Three - four persons D. Four - six persons E. From 3 up to 10 persons, depending on the area of ward
Test 6. What norm of the area of the hospital site it is necessary on one bed if the hospital is constructed on 150 places (beds)? А. 60 – 80 m2 В. 80 – 100 m2 С. 100 – 140 m2 D. 140 – 200 m2 Е. 200 – 300 m2
Test 7. The level of standing of subsoil waters on the ground area of hospital should be: A. Not less than of 1,5 meters B. No more than of 2 meter C. No more than of 1,5 meter D. No more than of 1 meter E. No more than of 2,5 meters
Test 8. The height of ward should be (meters): А. 2,75 – 3,0 m B. 3,0 – 3,2 m C. 3,3 – 3,8 m D. 3,5 – 4,5 m Е. 3,0 – 4,0 m
Test 9. What is allowable density (percent) of construction of sites of hospital? A. No more than 20 % B. No more than 40 % C. No more than 35 % D. No more than 25 % E. No more than 15 %
Test 10. In the project of hospital on 120 beds the light factor in wards are 1/8. Whether it answers hygienic norms? A. Answers, except for children's department B. Answers C. Answers at the centralized construction of hospital D. Does not answer, except for children's department E. Does not answers
Test 11. What minimal distance should be between beds and external wall in the ward? А. 0,3 m В. 0 m С. 0,5 m D. 0,7 m Е. 0,9 m
Test 12. What area of ward with one bed in therapeutic department should be? А. 12 m2 В. 14 m2 С. 9 m2 D. 7 m2 Е. 24 m2
Test 13. Where are make washing and disinfection of utensils of the infectious patients who are treated in the isolation wards? А. In a dining room of infectious department B. In a buffet С. In the isolation wards D. In a bathroom of infectious department E. A nurse is decides it Test 14. For construction cardiological center on 1000 beds it is allocated 90000 sq. m the grounds. Whether it corresponds to hygienic norms? A. Does not corresponds B. Corresponds for all hospitals C. Corresponds only for the centralized construction D. Corresponds for decentralized constructions E. Corresponds for pavilions type of hospitals
Test 15. What advantages of one-sided system of building of a corridor in comparison with two-sided? A. The ventilation is better; the fresh air is more B. Length of a corridor is less C. Width of a corridor is more D. The post of the nurse is disposed better E. To carry a stretchers, carriages (perambulator) is easier